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Commander's "Support" for his officers/Loans

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:50 pm
by Raconar
I think there is a growing controversy over the whole commander/officer relationship and benefit. I think that many posts have discussed some of this, but I have a completely new point that I would like to add.

I believe that because the commander role is trying to build up Stargate Wars as a whole...I think that there should be an option to support officers by transferring some naquadah to them. Although this option is given to those who support Stargate Wars...I think many of us who just play need the option to support our officers...this would also solve a portion of the controversy over whether they should continue to allow officers to pull up under a commander with or without his permission. The naquadah could even be given as a loan with interest. Oh and remember it would be optional

That brings us to my next point...I am sure many of you have found the naquadah gaining process long...there are many suggested plans to improve naquadah generation/gathering. So far no one has brought up the fact that some people might want to make their living by commerce instead of violence (although many would still rather fight)...I think that although fighting is cool and everything...commerce would give me not only another place to make my naquadah secure, but it would also give me a place where I can gain some extra naquadah over a period of time...and if they don't pay...well commerce has to backed with something... :) tell me what you guys think...if you think it is a stupid idea I can respect your opinion...but you might just want to think about the benefits with the above section it would be optional. :)

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:11 pm
by Fallstar
First of all what do you mean by commerce?
Like everyone opening a hot dog stand and amusement park right next to their stargate?
Care to elaborate more on your idea?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:39 pm
by NoDot
Fallstar wrote:Care to elaborate more on your idea?
I agree. If you define it better, more people might like it (because they can understand it).


Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:44 pm
by Raconar
1.By Commerce I mean offering loans to other people with interest...

2.By Commerce I mean allowing you to sell attack turns to other players...(If you do not understand I will try again to make it easier to understand when I have more time to make a longer speech; I know this point is controversial to some people so...)

(The main point of this "thread" is to see how many people want to be able to support their officers...However since I did mention the loan thing and commerce I will add more elaboration as i think of it...if you have any ideas to add. They would be much appreciated.)

3.Another part of my "commerce" (ever-developing through your help) plan is possibly and, as with all my ideas, this is open to comment and argument, allowing yourself to do a certain task for example:

(Billy Joe, Joey Bill, and Popcorn are made-up players only for this example)

Billy Joe is attacked by Popcorn.
Billy Joe attempts to hire Joey Bill to attack Popcorn and steal some naquadah

(This would require a new icon and link on the Command Center Screen for hiring other players to do tasks... There would be a drop-down list to of tasks to choose from...with options like:

"Attack (name of target) and take at least (minimum amount to take) naquadah. In exchange for the accomplishment of this task (person you are hiring) will receive (how every many attack turns you are willing to give up) attack turns"...or kill this on and so forth... in this example we will fill it in:

"Attack Popcorn and take at least 30,000 naquadah. In exchange for the accomplishment of this task Joey Bill will receive 15 attack turns"

Both attacking party and hiring party would have to agree and all of the transfering of attack turns and naquadah would be there would be no chance for scamming...

Joey Bill accepts the offer and attacks Popcorn and takes 29,000 naquadah. Although he attempted to complete the task he failed...He know does not get the attack turns and will have to wait for Popcorn to get enough money so he can attack again and get 30,000 naquadah or more.

Two days later Popcorn has 60,000 naquadah and Joey Bill attacks and takes 45,000 naquadah. Now, because he made the mark of 30,000 naquadah or more...he gets his bonus attack turns...automatically...(and remember that this post's main idea/subject is to look at the possibility of giving the commanders the right to support their officers with money...)

The plan is far from completed and I am sure that if we all contribute our ideas the plan will benefit the Stargate Wars Community for many years to come. I need your help and input to perfect this and all future plans...

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:26 pm
by ArcticDragon
i think the commerce idea would be great, but i think more needs to be added, like a player has a planet with resources

take for instance that Earth sold trinium to the Tollans in BETWEEN TWO FIRES episode

if we had natural resources to trade and barter with then we could set up trade routes and that sort

its big, and i wouldn't be surprised if people wouldn't want to do it, but i think it would be cool

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:30 pm
by Sleipnir
Selling turns is not gonna work. Lets say someone at rank 1000 is selling his turns to someone in the top ten. This person then uses those attack turns to gain way more naquadah then the other guy could, and is able to pay back with interest. This would effectively be able to give the top dogs almost unlimited turns. I think the only reason the lower ranks are not being completely milked dry is because even the big guys have limits on their amount of turns.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:32 pm
by Jack Oneill
yes, many games use commerece to a limited extent. Admitially commerece is a complicated thing to get into, boath in the terms of the rules required for it and other things. However it would make a great addition to the game.

Supporter Status

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:55 am
by Wolf359
Those players with Supporter Status already have the ability to give Naquadah, men and attack turns to anyone they choose. This is because they have contributed $20 towards the maintenance and development of the game.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:44 pm
by SGC_Replicators
this reminds me what the goauld do

they have lower goualds go to planets and take the naqada and leave

commerce ya right

he means that instead of thieveing and pillaging to get naqada why dont u just sit there and wait the 30 min to make a decent leaving.

man that is hard to do.......

Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "commerce"...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:13 pm
by Raconar
Maybe I shouldn't have used the word commerce...The idea is basicaly more like mercinary work know...

The whole "commerce" idea may not be the best idea...but I think if some of those bright minds out there help me...

Thank you for all of your input...the problem is I don't see or hear any suggestions coming in...

As I said on my previous reply:
Raconar wrote:The main point of this "thread" is to see how many people want to be able to support their officers...

I also said:
Raconar wrote: I know this point is controversial to some people so...

If you have any ideas to add. They would be much appreciated.

Any and all ideas are appreciated...even if you think it is a stupid idea...please send it in so that it can help me brainstorm...


I am but a simple man. What more can I do without the help of those who this could affect?


A new frontier for the ever-developing "Commerce Plan&q

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:57 pm
by Raconar
Enfant Terrible wrote:
To expand on this idea a bit. I think I agree that this makes sense: that the more land you control the more troops you would be able to maintain. Additionally I think the amount of land controlled should also determine the amount of naquada you produce per turn and perhaps even the number of attack turns you get per turn, since by controlling more planets you are controlling more gates. I would also say that if people don't want a cap on troops per say you could then charge a certain amount of naquada per turn for troops and weapons maintenance. More troops will cost more naquada as would bigger weapons. This would discourage people from just going out and trying to get 500 link clicks on their first day because they wouldn't have the means to pay for the maintenance of that many troops. (civilisations is sort of what i'm thinking of here, where as cities grow their abilities to support more troops increases).

Another player {ME} suggested adding commerce. If a certain amount of square mileage was to determine land possession players could then even start selling land to other players etc. And landmarks (no pun) eg 100, 000, 000 square miles represents another planet at which point you get a second gate and consequently a second attack turn per turn. And you could provode something like mining skill level to improve naquada production for your land.

I'm not sure a change like this could be fairly implemented until a new wave was started though.

I love you guys...even if you post the suggestions in other places...though I would rather that you post them here...this is the perfect addition to the commerce idea...though I do think that the number of troops should still contribute to the ammount of naquadah per turn just not quite as much...I full heartedly agree that this implementantation could not be implemented until the Second Wave starts either...Please as always: comment, comment, comment...I felt the need to add this to the topic as I felt it my duty to inform you of every little detail as the plan develops...If this topic continues to head toward my second idea (the "commerce idea") instead of my first plan (the "commander support" plan), I will add a new topic page to allow a new poll and a place seperate from my commander's support topic...the fact that replies continue to change topic is kind of confusing so...unless all the replies from now on are focused on commander know...

Here is an overview of the "Commander Support Plan":

Commanders should be given the ability to loan, or give their officers obviously if it is loaned...unless there is an seperate option for loan...the officer would have to be able to give naquadah to his commander...which would make sense...Please reply and title your subject
"Commander Support Plan" if it is about this plan.

An overview of the "Commerce Idea" will come when/if I create a new topic/post/thread...

Please correctly title your subject field for replies either "Commander Support Plan" or "Commerce Ideas"

Thank You,

Commander Support Plan

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:17 pm
by nasedo
Im just not ok with taking away something from the "supporters" and giving it to everyone.

I am a supporter so I do have biasis in this, I feel that giving this to everyone with out replacing it with something to those who have paid in support of Fordmin's work gype's them.

Commanders &Officers aiding in attacks/defense by giving high modifers would be a suggestion but it would have to be based on the attack/defense action of the officers.

Re: Commander Support Plan

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:28 pm
by Raconar
nasedo wrote:Im just not ok with taking away something from the "supporters" and giving it to everyone.

I am a supporter so I do have biasis in this, I feel that giving this to everyone with out replacing it with something to those who have paid in support of Fordmin's work gype's them.

I am sorry I forgot to address this in a previous post...If this plan is implemented (It would be only for commanders and officers for example:

Billy is Joe's commander. Joey is Bill's commander. Joey can give to Bill and vice versa, but neither Billy nor Joe can give to Bill or his commander.

In the same way Billy can give to Joe and vice versa, but neither Joey nor Bill can give to Joe or his commander.

I do see where you are coming from and have a suggestion that might solve part or all of the problem:

Add to the list of benefits for supporters:

1/3-1/5 of the original benefit fo naquadah is given each new wave...there might be better options so please by all means think about it and send in more suggestions

Re: Commander Support Plan

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:36 pm
by Psi Kiya Trist
Raconar wrote:
nasedo wrote:Im just not ok with taking away something from the "supporters" and giving it to everyone.

I am a supporter so I do have biasis in this, I feel that giving this to everyone with out replacing it with something to those who have paid in support of Fordmin's work gype's them.

I am sorry I forgot to address this in a previous post...If this plan is implemented (It would be only for commanders and officers for example:

Billy is Joe's commander. Joey is Bill's commander. Joey can give to Bill and vice versa, but neither Billy nor Joe can give to Bill or his commander.

In the same way Billy can give to Joe and vice versa, but neither Joey nor Bill can give to Joe or his commander.

I do see where you are coming from and have a suggestion that might solve part or all of the problem:

Add to the list of benefits for supporters:

1/3-1/5 of the original benefit fo naquadah is given each new wave...there might be better options so please by all means think about it and send in more suggestions

i think that this idea to give naq between players outside of supporters would encourage the multis who are able to slip past the safeguards to create more accounts and have them as naq gathering places to give to their main accounts...

this is why i've never supported this idea even though i think it would help me, and my officers

cause i don't know how the multi catching programming works...
so i don't know if this preconception of mine is even valid...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:44 pm
by nasedo
Fordmin has scripts that catch mutilusers but I also regulary check the ranks to catch out the obvious multi users like

Andrew - andrew the destryor - lord andrew
Daneil - daneil1

These ones I pass along to Fordmin and he takes care of them but I understand he has come up with a better script that is more accurate at catching multi accounts and it will be implemted very soon.

On the post about keeping it so only commanders can give Naq.
It is very easy in this current stage to set it so ;

Popcorn is the commander of joe the pimp and bill the bouncer is the commander of popcorn, But bill is also an officer of joe the pimp which means they all can share money by exhancing it along the ranks.