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It has been an honor

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:27 pm
by Hensenshi
Ehh, looks like my staying in SGW just wasn't meant to be. It has been quite an honor serving with all of you every one of you, even my enemies. I'm selling my account because I have become in need of money. Lots of money. Anyway, here's the thread: ... 573#554573

It has been an honor to be a part of Omega. Goodbye my friends.

I'd like to say a few thank you's and such to those who really made my SGW life so much more enjoyable

Corkscrew- You drunk little bastard. :P You're one of the few Omegans whom I knew before I had joined Omega. You were the other guy that JUAN always talked about. It's been an honor knowing you man.

Teal´auc- Buy a defense. :P It's been a blast, and I hope to be able to keep in semi decent contact with you.

EnterTheLion- Thanks for standing up for me, for working with me, and for a second chance, there is nothing I can do to express the gratitude I have for you. The trust that you had in me, the willingness you had to work with me was something to be praised.

Acronon- Quit leaving you little slimeball. :P No seriously, over my stay with Omega, you have become one of the most influencial figures to me.

GenLucky- After a lot of work, I would say that you and I have solved our problems. It seems that all it took was a good war and for me to get drunk. :-D I wish I could stay around long enough to rekindle the friendship we had. You have by far, the most respect from me I have ever given someone online. Even still, I respect you just the same as the days when we planned for Dirty Dozen's success together.

Mojo Rising- We had our differences, and we still do, but you taught me the importance of UU , and I don't think I could live without that lesson. Thanks man. Forgive me for the Dirty Dozen thing would you?

Lord Core/SirDusk- You retaught me the value of UP, and I will never forget that. I hope you can find some compassion in your heart to forigve me for what I did to you and to Dirty Dozen.

Pianomutt2000- Land of the free because of the brave. Freedom doesn't come free. There's so many slogans I can say to you, but I believe the best for you is Semper Fi. :) Keep it up man. You're doing what even I wouldn't do.

Sarcasmvoice- Keep the mutt in line while I'm out would you?

Gungnir- I think the two of us have had the strangest converstations. My chaos alliance leader. We had a blast. :) So sadd we kind of stopped talking when I left DD.

Thewisesirivanthes- Read my story you little prick. :P You still haven't read it. It's been a great time talking with you, and I wish you the best.

Salinor- We slipped apart after I left DD and that was my fault. I should have IMed you more. I still concider you a great friend, and I wish you the best in life.

Ethaniel- It's been real man. I really value the friendship we had.
Goodbye my friends, and good luck.

Yazmataz- You and Jarid have to be the some of the best thinkers of SGW. It's been a blast.

Dianalyn- Many ages ago you were my commander, and I wish that we had talked more.

AI- Hehehe, it's been fun man. You're one of the few who kept in contact with me after I left DD.

Gizmo- Get your army back you little pest. :P One of the first who showed me how good raiding can be.

Wolfe- Keep up the good work in Chaos. I wish I had.

smooshable- The competition was great. I only wish that we hadn't parted the way we did.

Fredrabbit- Thanks for everything man. I can't list it all here, so I'm just going to say thanks.

I wish you all good luck in real life and in your SGW career. This is my retirement from the SGW career. Goodbye everyone. This time, for good.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:39 pm
by Lore
As a former officer I hate to see you go.. :?

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:40 pm
by wmd9999
good luck in the real world sad to see you go

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:49 pm
by Yearofthestinger
did not know but i knew your name...hate to c another big name leave...

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:46 pm
by pianomutt20000
damn it...I just got you back...This is BS hen........dang officers and their logic...


Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 1:43 am
by Spoon
Good luck man. Hope youve been enjoying the fun PMs ive sent you over the last couple of days.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 4:06 am
by The_Silencer
Good luck in real life dude! I guess my acount will be way too safe without you in omega, who can mass me now :(
I hope you have a great time where you are going, and one day, you will come back. :)

anyway. good luck and goodbye Naquitis :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 4:14 am
by ™LoT
Don't let the door hit you on the way out :P

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:21 am
by Mystake
™L®rd_©f_Terror wrote:Don't let the door hit you on the way out :P

First Prime Lord_of_Terror {Ostracized}

Quiet you.

Sorry to hear about your personal life's difficulties, hope everything gets better.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 4:50 pm
by 12agnar0k
good luck but comeone... wheres my mention :/

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:42 pm
by Hensenshi
12agnar0k wrote:good luck but comeone... wheres my mention :/

12ag the guy who.... I ummm.... He umm........... Oh yea, I massed that one person for you...... And you almost got me kicked out of DD just as I took office as Sec of State........ Yea........ Ummmm.....


Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:48 pm
by ™LoT
you wich to be {Ostracized} but i leave and sell my acount 3 weeks name is ™L®rd_©f_Terror in all game(server) and i was are not very wel informate.My old acount now have other name because this is one of my condition..i never been {Ostracized}.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:35 pm
by AI_
sad to see u go hen :(

just as u started playing again

please keep in touch dude

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:45 pm
by Hensenshi
And, my account is sold I am gone. It was truely an honor.

(Although I don't agree with the quitting forum, people are still uninformed of my quitting because no one checks this.)

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:00 pm
by ododd
Subtley mention it in every post from now on.

I wish you luck in RL.