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Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:56 pm
by deleted
I'm quitting. I'm tired of the pettiness and backbiting. And the whole blow up on forum just ticks me off. So I'm leaving Forum behind. I'm quitting the game and the fact that Bill is being forced out just ticks me off more.

So good bye to all my buddies. You know who you are.

Consider this my formal resignation, and I hope that the things that are so terribly wrong on this forum are straightened out, for the good of all.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:59 pm
by AncientAnubis
Cmon, don't leave, just take a vacation from the forums for a while and let the bullsh** die down. The good people around here are worth sticking around for.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:05 pm
by deleted
No this is nothing against my friends or my enemies. But I thought about quitting weeks ago. And bill made a stink to get me to stay.

I should have left when the getting out was good.

I have drama in real life anyway, and i'm tired of coming on forum and getting more of it.

Now they are attacking my spouse. And I've had enough. I'm not sure if I will stick around for the game, but the Forum has seen the last of me. I'm just tired of it all.

I have seen this place go from fun, to boring, to backbiting, to backstabbing, and on. And as a MOD i'm limited in what I can do. I cannot post as a player and have it come off right, heaven knows I tried that. And I'm tired of keeping my mouth shut. So I'll just betake myself off and keep my mouth shut.

I had good times and bad ones. And for that I'm grateful. I've been accused and reccused. And I've had a decently good time thru it all. But the stress of RL is getting high and this latest fiasco is the last straw.

So you won't see me on forum. But I'm still around and all my friends know how to contact me. So It's not like they are losing me. Good luck and good bye.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:17 pm
by goodie
even if i didnt know you, i knew of you

all i can say is that today is a sad day.....


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:30 pm
by ~squishie~
you've always been my friend sarcasm since we first joined team back in the Old AK days with Jenny and Bill and all those... and i know i can truely say this is a sad day with you leaving... you were one of the nicest people in AK during my stay,... as was bill and im sorry to see you go so take care in RL and have fun friend

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:35 pm
by Teal'auc of the Void
Allison, please say you will reconsider. I am not willing to let you go. :cry: :cry:


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:06 pm
by deleted
No jenny, I'm not going to come back. I'm tired of this game. If I needed this I'd be truly pitiful indeed. But I have met some very good and great friends. And they will always know how to find me and talk to me. And I hope that my leaving this venue will not affect our good times together.

But some issues are make or break matters.

And those issues are now considered old news. And yet somehow they continue unhandled.

The list of why's is long. And quite frankly rehashing them has done nothing towards fixing them. As such, sometimes the squeaky wheel gets nothing more than the junk pile.

As such, I'm going to toss this over while I still have the guts to do it. And while I still have some good memories. But the line between love and hate is thin, and this last episode has forced me over the line.

But if you want to talk to me, let's do it in a more friendly environment.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:42 pm
by Midnight
I am sorry to hear that you are leaving, however I look forward to catching up with you sometime soon.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:17 pm
by Huxley

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:24 pm
by Warden
sad to see good people go

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:36 am
by deleted
Apollo has exerted her magical influence and after much begging and pleading...on my part...sigh....I have been forced to commute my permanent leaving to a semipermanent respite.

Blame apollo all ye who were in midst of rejoicing. To everyone can still blame apollo. Heaven knows I :roll:

Therefore it is with bemused expression and warped heart that I commute my leave taking into a leave of absence. From which, I have no doubt, apollo and Teal'auc will do their very best to drag me kicking and screaming back.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:51 am
by Warden
:shock: *goes to hug apollo

as much as i dont know you i know your a good person and people like you leaving because of a problem rarely solves the problem

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:49 am
by Apollo
*says nothing, just hammers more bars across the exit doors*


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:23 am
by Mulletman
this dman forum is ruining the game :cry:

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:49 am
by Teal'auc of the Void
Haha, Allison, I'll have you kicking and screaming back soon... :-D :-D :-D :-D

Glad to hear you are only LOA and not quitting. :)
