"Def Con Rate Changed." Inspiration

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"Def Con Rate Changed." Inspiration

OK, this idea just popped into my head (quite literally) after I read the "Def Con Rate Changed." mesage. My first thought was "Isn't Def Con angled towards defense, not espinage?" Then I remembered the suggestion to have "Fortification" levels like we have Realm Alert levels.

Then, it hit me.

What if we had a "point" (likely to be the untrained) system where we had a certain number of points to dictate focus: Naq production, Espionage Defense, and Attack Defense.

The idea just popped into my head, so there's probably some flaws in it.

Have at it!
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wow not a bad idea, i think i remember bits and pieces of these ideas from other threads i guesse ur idea combines them all.

Lets here ur entire idea if u have it
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I think that was his whole idea. Really I think it is good as well. I have a working plan here based on the original idea or at least I think.(If I butcher your original intent let me know I apologize).

From what it seems he is saying that instead of having just the realm alert level, we would have three settings. These settings would be a shared % of your untrained units, in other words 33% 33% 34%. These percentages would be able to be changed by the individual based on what they are trying to accomplish. The Options would be as follows:

Naq Production: Obviously the Percentage of your untrained focused on Naq production

Physical Defense: The percentage of your untrained assisting in the physical defense of your world(defense against attacks)

Counter-Intelligence: The percentage of your untrained assisting in the efforts of your covert operatives in defense of your world.

Obviously we are not talking HUGE increases in physical and covert defense but like any job a trained individual can tell use untrained individuals to help them. If it was real life it would be thought of as giving someone a gun and telling them where to stand. Effective alone? No. But if you have 1000 of them your making a difference.

All in all I think it is a really great idea it would add just another level of customization to your forces without risking any sort of unbalancing as everyone everyrace would have the same options with the same effects.
Great idea man.
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Akadios wrote:I think that was his whole idea.
Yep, it was, minus the finer points, but you seem to have gotten the idea.

Some specifics to discuss:
  • Should you be required to have a minimum number of points (probably set to one) on each catagory at all times?
    • Assuming no, this might allow us to introduce the concept of a miner: Naq production dispite no "Untrained Allocation Points" being allocated. (The concept of a miner, though, carries its own problems.)
  • Should Untrained Mercs be included in this?
  • How many points should each person have?

Interestingly, this also gives rise to another Covert power: False Orders. I should be able to leave that to your imaginations. :twisted:
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NoDot wrote:Interestingly, this also gives rise to another Covert power: False Orders. I should be able to leave that to your imaginations. :twisted:

You could be like go attack Esker but in reality everyone is invited to a pool party!
CRÅYSHACK_Toe wrote:*comparse his post count to the unspeakable one's*

[sarcasm]Yay I realy don't matter.[/sarcasm]
Some people are just so silly!
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BombedDeer wrote:You could be like go attack Esker but in reality everyone is invited to a pool party!

lol... :lol:

I think this idea is interesting... Not much to say about it at the moment.

- Esker

EDIT: To clarify, "this idea" being the topic's idea, not the one I was laughing at...
Last edited by Esker on Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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NoDot wrote:Interestingly, this also gives rise to another Covert power: False Orders. I should be able to leave that to your imaginations. :twisted:
And it deserves its own thread, away from here.

Back to the topic, please!
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I wana just bump* this cause I think its one of the better ideas of late.
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Akadios wrote:I wana just bump* this cause I think its one of the better ideas of late.
Thank you. I was considering doing it once to see if debate would spark up.
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No problem :-D . Really this is a great idea...

A lot of ideas come through here but this is one that has real potential. Especially because it is pretty much a working concept. Because the entire game would be changing for all races the same way there is no balance issues to worry about like with new tech and motherships ect. It just gives EVERYONE more control over customizing their empire. :-D

Note: its probably that it is so good that there is no debate. Hey guys if you think this would be a nice addition just post saying that NoDot is the man or something of the sort so Forum can see what the large group opinion on this is.
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Akadios wrote:just post saying that NoDot is the man
Please don't: my ego is far too big as it is. :)

Back to the topic!
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Jean Gregoire Gabriel
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Interesting idea - there's a similar system in Mediwar, last I checked, (except you can only change whether your army favours defense or attacking). The only problem I have with it is whether it would upset the attack/defense dynamic as you're only proposing a potential increase to defense and not attack.

Also the bonuses for extra weighting in each component (defence/covert defence etc.) would need lots of thought. Would it be exactly the same as it works now, ie. 70% off income, 70% more covert defence (although with more variables e.g. 70/35/35). I don't think that the income should be lowered to less than 30% of max (the current setting).

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Jean Gregoire Gabriel wrote:Interesting idea - there's a similar system in Mediwar, last I checked, (except you can only change whether your army favours defense or attacking). The only problem I have with it is whether it would upset the attack/defense dynamic as you're only proposing a potential increase to defense and not attack.
Well, you could add an attack catagory. I see no problem with it, other than the effects would need to be delayed, as you could just move the people to attack, attack someone, and move them back to defense. Bad idea to allow that.

I don't think that the income should be lowered to less than 30% of max (the current setting).
Why is that? Worried your farms will disappear? :twisted:

The majority of my Naquadah comes from my income, so I don't care about that.
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Jean Gregoire Gabriel
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Yeah a lot of people aren't concerned with attacking anymore (me included, I have 4590 attack turns lying around) but the problem is that if you discourage attacking anymore the game will just become a matter of the internal running of your forces with no external influence from other realms, thereby removing any aspect of war.

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Are we going to get these unanswered questions answered, or will this thread go the way of "Make this game a 3D MMORPG/RTS."?
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