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the beginning

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:29 pm
by Osi
A large Red Star rotates in the fetted space of a dieing system. Beyond its reach a scorched world sits slowly flaking away with each renwed attack by its paternal star. The world itself is burning no water rests on its basins, and its atmosphere has all but burned away. A large central coninent can be identified on its surface and on it the burning ruins of massive cities stretch as far as the eye can see. However, beyond the twisted metal and stone a large temple stands in a valley as if untouched by time it carries the last remnants of life on It Stands on a large hill and is crowned with a mighty dome. Around it a shield protects this eden from the destructive solar winds beyond. Within the temple sit over a thirty statues. Some eygptian, some greek. They watch over a large sculpture of the world that revolves within the center of the temple.

There is a brilliant flash and the temple is seen in ruins the world around it lush and alive but all across the land thousands are fighting. the figures portrayed in the statues are at the center of this conflict . Raging across the planet they tear apart cities and shatter moutains until finnaly they meet at the valley. There is another flash and a beam of light strikes the planet. The View returns to the temple and the statues some standing some sitting around the globe. Beyond the shield a solar storm whips into the shield around the valley. Within a few moments the shield flickers and fails. Within the marble walls the winds tear apart mosaics and burns away scrolls and tapestry. The blobe at the center of the sanctum glows and shatters and around it the statues shudder.

Far Away on the Planet Coralis the sisters of the Covenant meet as the planets twin suns rise. Beams of light are cast across the pillars and domes of a Greco-Roman supercity. This massive urban center is the heart of a galactic empire. Humans have spread across the stars, converting stars and meeting new species. Within a few thousand years they have become the dominate race and established a mighty empire across hundreds of stars.

more later... power is gonna go out soon...damn wind storm i apoloize for the grammer and spelling i typed this up pretty fast and its just the concept.