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Real Life takes precedent

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:24 pm
by iKon
I have, in a few words, had enough. I work from home, and I realised recently that I've become more and more involved in gate wars, and more and more intently working on my workload at night when I should be doing it during the day, you know like normal people do. I sit in meetings and I struggle to pay attention to client needs, and you know what? Considering I've only just started up my business, this is not that way it should be. But I wanted to say one or two things before I left gatewars and looked for something to keep me entertained that didn't involve the politics surrounding this game. I want to tell you why I'm actually leaving.

Recently I made the decision to join EPA. This is well documented, but what isn't known, is that I joined the EPA as a result of wanting to be loyal to my CoP (but more directly, DDE) allies and give them a little feedback of what EPAc was up to. This was all well and good, until recently when Replijake started massing me because of my involvement with Bex, and, in no small part my smart mouth.

But the plot thickens.

Last night I was once again massed, originally I was told by the people who massed me (Rahl and Su) That Jake ordered it. This fits with the profile, so I accepted that. What I didn't expect, was to find out that Rahl had been OKed to mass me by TAD.

THAT makes it entirely personal. BUT the plot thickens further. In addition to this, I'm further informed that my actions weren't reported by REK to the CoP leaders as he first stated to me that he did. This is the root reason why Omega persisted in hostile action towards me even when there was no real reason, and that leads me to the reason I'm leaving.

Rahl, and doubtless others have decided to make me a scape goat for all their Alliances ills, but I'll tell you now...I'm not the problem with the alliance or this game, I never was. I never will be.

The problem is that for the exception of a few of you, none of you play this game for the sake of it being a game. You play it so that your account will be worth money someday. When you get there, you play the game to sell your resources for money, and I actually find it quite disturbing to learn that some of you regard your accounts as your sole source of income. That isn't what a game should be about. It shouldn't be about the constant sniping at eachother and making some actually feel humiliated publicly...My god, if this game were moderated in the way that some of the games I play were, your behaviours would have gotten you banned ages ago. And to boot, the people who I thought I'd thought I'd built friendships with here over the past few weeks, I've been completely let down by.

So to those few people I still regard as friends and ave the ability to talk about something other than SGW, I'll be in contact with my new MSN account. To the others...I can honestly say I'm ashamed to have ever known you. Or of you. So go ahead, make me a scapegoat for whatever little plans you have to make you feel important...It doesn't matter to me anymore.

Good luck to all of you in your real life endeavours; if you feel you'd like to get to know the person in the character, I invite you to contact me at, where I'll be happy to add you and chat with you.

In closing, I offer the advice to those who are considering the following: Don't trust Omega. Or Alpha, and especially not EPA. They're a bunch of vipers that'll betray you as soon as look at you.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:35 pm
by Tethula
It's sad to see you go.

I will definately be talking to you in the future as you have kept me from losing my mind many times about my real life issues.

To those of you use this soley for money making, you should be ashamed and that is all I'm going to say.

Again sorry to see you go, and I will definately be talking to you later on.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:36 pm
by [SGC_ReplicÅtors]
well are u going to sell ur account and be a few exceptions who play this game for income?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:36 pm
by deathcomestoall789
I'm real sorry to you go mate, you were always a character that brought much entertainment in all those MSN convos we had. I hope to catch you on MSN in the future

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:39 pm
by iKon
[SGC_ReplicÅtors] wrote:well are u going to sell ur account and be a few exceptions who play this game for income?

Nope. deleted. I gave my UU and naq to a friend.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:40 pm
by [SGC_ReplicÅtors]
well done, well done

well at least u are the few exceptions in this game that can see what this game really looks like....

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:41 pm
by iKon
[SGC_ReplicÅtors] wrote:well done, well done

well at least u are the few exceptions in this game that can see what this game really looks like....

Absolutely. It's a disgrace that this game starts consuming people so much that they give their lives and jobs up to make money from it. It's meant to be frelling fun yo.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:43 pm
by Maleki
This should be in the Quitting section.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:44 pm
by iKon
Maleki wrote:This should be in the Quitting section.

keep spamming maleki

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:46 pm
by Maleki
It's not spamming, it's pointing out the obvious.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:47 pm
by iKon
Maleki wrote:It's not spamming, it's pointing out the obvious.

well..point out the obvious elsewhere. kapeesh?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:47 pm
by [SGC_ReplicÅtors]
o maleki let the guy post jesus cant u see hes actually posting something good

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:48 pm
by Maleki
iKon wrote:
Maleki wrote:It's not spamming, it's pointing out the obvious.

well..point out the obvious elsewhere. kapeesh?

Or you'll do what exactly Mr. I just quit and deleted my account?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:52 pm
by iKon
Maleki wrote:
iKon wrote:
Maleki wrote:It's not spamming, it's pointing out the obvious.

well..point out the obvious elsewhere. kapeesh?

Or you'll do what exactly Mr. I just quit and deleted my account?

I'll type really hard. Allow me to make my point and HOPE for game reform, and I'll be on my way. How about commenting on my points?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:54 pm
by Maleki
iKon wrote:
Maleki wrote:
iKon wrote:
Maleki wrote:It's not spamming, it's pointing out the obvious.

well..point out the obvious elsewhere. kapeesh?

Or you'll do what exactly Mr. I just quit and deleted my account?

I'll type really hard. Allow me to make my point and HOPE for game reform, and I'll be on my way. How about commenting on my points?

You can still get comments on your post, you'll just be getting them from the Quitting section.