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Next update?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:03 pm
by Zkioussis
We havnt had one on the ascension server since 2005 i know there is other servers but we deserve at least 1 update or bug fix sometime this year or we'll have gone 2 years without one...Only 41 more days till then

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:59 pm
by sgtpepper
Well to be honest we have received an update, the input boxes for transferring DMU to LF and vice versa

so technically it hasnt been a year since our last update :P

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:10 pm
by stefanos
also i just noticed that we can view our life force amount in the box where the time and turns and everything alse is :D

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:18 pm
by Kaska
but that is cosmetic update, it is usefull, but not really a decent update. btw, whan can you update on acsended server?

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:12 pm
by dredd2525
I've been dreaming of descension for a year now. That is what I would like to see. How long does it need to be in test?

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:51 pm
by Anarchy_
decention when it finally comes out will be great, my problem is that it will get abused by the bigger players just to pick on the newer players.

ut that is cosmetic update, it is usefull, but not really a decent update. btw, whan can you update on acsended server?

i agree, if the universe is infinite then everything there is is already there so what can you upgrade/update? itd already be there so you cant upgrade/update it to put it there meaning that the only things we will probably see in ascention are bug fixes and more conveinence upgrades like the multiple trades of DMU and LF. tho i would like to see multiple uprades on our command star, even if it doesnt affect our overall rank

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:18 am
by Chris M
SATAN_666 wrote:decention when it finally comes out will be great, my problem is that it will get abused by the bigger players just to pick on the newer players.

nope, they will just pick on enemies.
the cost involved in de-ascending someone will be huge, especially on attack turns so it wont be done on a whim for no reason. it will be a big investment

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:52 am
by Virgil
There is some updates that need to be made as well as a major income bug that has been emailed on more than one occasion.