End of the road...

for all the 'I quit' threads....
worry not - if you come back, you are not punished :)
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End of the road...

Well it's been fun couple of months for me but it is time to move on. I would like to thank all the good ones for all the support i received during my stay here, you know who you are. My gratitude also goes for all the bad mofos for their attitude as the game reflected RL situation and not once got me fooled to believe that harmony is possible and all are resonable. Just maybe I'll rise up again and get all the scores settled in the future :wink: . But for now I can only say goodbye.

I would like to salute all of the TCW members for excepting me in their ranks, you all are good people. I am sorry if I let any of you down as it was not my intention to do so. God speed and take care.

As for my former account, manage it with pride. I left a bit of my soule there due to many hours spent building it. It was not easy to give it over, regardless... :shock: ....Good luck.

To all of SGW community best wishes.

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yey the noob finaly quit, but o well we are glad to get him out of TCW.....he was always bringing us trouble

only jkin mate gl in real life :-D
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We didnt know each other too well but you seemed like a cool person. Shame to see you leave and goodluck to you in the future
GunZ wrote:In Omega , we affectionatelly call STI by the nickname drippy.

Not really sure why . :shock:
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