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'Of the Goa'uld, power and slaves' The Ramblings of a God...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:53 pm
by semper
Ahhh...i've just had a interesting read around our most sinister and ultimately notorious of forums..browsing through the multiple and yes, numerous topics ranging from the list of those who are said to be 'great' down to the abhorred arguments put forward by our very own Goa'uld/replicator hybrid Osiris!

and i will point out..the conversations have become interesting of late..lots of flaming..lots of witty points and remarks being made..oh and of course the verbal attacks on the SLA..and brief..and i stress the point of brief return of Esker. (the glacier induced mound.) So this is indeed becoming a rambling..

I point out that our majour asset on these forums is our character and ergo our reputations and the way we conduct ourselves. as such i say here that flaming and destroying each others posts is good.. :-D (destroy mine and expect a good argument.. :-D ) but our flaming should be mad ein good jest as at the end of the day this is but a communication arena for a game, a game that unless your very silly should have no massive effect on ones life, nut then again.their is an easy profit to be made in this game. As for goauld unity..give am indeed bored, as im sure many are of seeing those threads..

the other day i saw that israel were going to nuke irans plutonium producing facilities...interesting...just thought i would add this in here as the fact it was made front line news was...well rather shocking to me.

back to the forums of the gods.... :smt012 what was I rambling on. about..OH! yes i remember.. :) i also created this post for the other goauld to ramble gods do need their ramblings..otheriwse wed have to destroy a few cities..level a few worlds..u knwo the usual..this way we have the topic needed to murder..verbally assalut somone and make sure its done just to release that amout of i care if you care for what ive wanted a break from psychology took one!

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:30 am
by D_T occs
Well said as usual Shauny my boy, and since you opened the floor up for other goa'uld to ramble, allow me to be the first to step up.

I happen to agree with many things you said, especially that flaming and arguing between us as goa'ulds is in fact good. In my time here I have always found that the goa'uld are generally the best roleplayers with the overblown egos and god complex and such. And I have no doubts whatsoever that my posting here will result in flaming.

I also agree with your point that this is afterall just a forum for a game and as such I think alot of people need to stop taking it so seriously.

uuummm what else?? . . .. . are you still writing books Shauny? and the most important thing . . . . .JOIN THE D_T OCCS PROGRAM !!!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:39 am
by semper
[-o< oh thank you god.. my favourite verbal punch bag has come back..let me just think of how im going to celebrate this great moment..

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:40 am
by Cole
Semper wrote:[-o< oh thank you god..<hi> my favourite verbal punch bag has come back..let me just think of how im going to celebrate this great moment..

:lol: nice post!
I wonder who loves to ccs :o

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:42 am
by Tyber Zann
:shock: t-o-c-c-s

come on! bring back the old signature! the one with the poxs :-D

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:44 am
by D_T occs
Semper wrote:[-o< oh thank you god..<hi> my favourite verbal punch bag has come back..let me just think of how im going to celebrate this great moment..

Come back??? I never left, but i do seem to recall you said you were leaving most likely never to return.

Seems it was just meant to be dosen't it :lol:

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:46 am
by semper
ahhh..toc cs I see you mamaged to finally worm your way back into the sure youll be quickly aprehended and alot of roleplays..I dont think the hatred aimed at you was roleplaying though... :lol: to be honest i thought it was all genuine.. :-D

please dont call me shaun either..thats for my friends..and..your not one of rather stick a pike through my forehead then have you as one..

on the other hand..yes im still wrighting books..thinking of a sci fi one now..otherwise..i suppose this will be farewell for a while to Cs as you wil undoubtably be banned again..

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:49 am
by D_T occs
banned again !!?? I haven't broken any rules yet, and even so why would admins waste their time with a ban that immediatley becomes void?

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:56 am
by Tyber Zann
D_T occs wrote:banned again !!?? I haven't broken any rules yet, and even so why would admins waste their time with a ban that immediatley becomes void?

....because its fun?

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:58 am
by Cole
At least it seems to bring more activity here I think.
Any way (but not rude noobs like Elliot) of bringing activity here is cool! 8)

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:48 am
by The One
oh yes let the good time roll! but my god your weak i just searched you up!

i agree with sempers whole topic about flaming but im still opposed to not trying a hand at goa'uld unity!

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:19 am
by semper
lol..indeed..tocc_s i will once again soon be bidding farewell to these hallowed internet ways..or i might not be..we shall see... :-D did increase activity jim...but not for long..hahaha...to_ccs leached the intellect from everyone (i add to no gain of his own)..

the one..please give that silly unification up..:P..its never going to happen..

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:22 am
by The One
it will work you'l see the last time it failed cos of bad oranization this time its different + i have powerful players! :-D :-D

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:25 am
by semper
lol...u have powerful players aye? are we playing the good old **Filtered** game again...erm..I have 1.5bill army size.. :-D and can move sofas (i stress only sofas) with my mind.. :-D

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:27 am
by The One
i can mover wohle fleets of cubes decide a civilazation future through one thought!