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the beaming tech

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:36 pm
by tomj_302
now that they cant beam nucs inside wraith war ships

instead of beaming in or firing at the distance they are at why dont they beam them on top of the ships, it wouldnt take a rocket scientist to work that out

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:27 am
by Spacey
Are you talking about a specific episode?

I would imagine that the beaming outside the ship would have little effect, or a much reduced affect from the shields. If they can beam through the shields then why not in the belly of the beast rather than on the outside surface?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:42 pm
by Kit-Fox
They can only beam weapons such as the nukes with the help of the asgard thats onboard, although the asgard isnt always onboard. I thiink most likely is there is one asgard and it shaers time between each earth ship. hence it may not be in the atlantis galaxy all teh time to help them override the asgard safety protocols designed to prevent such an abuse of the technology.

Secondly the wraith ships have shields so any explosion outside of these shields will have little to no effect whatsoever & as mentioned by spacey why not right into the heart of the ship if you can get round the shields??

Thirdly the wraith can and have in episodes prevent earth ships beaming in nukes by emitting something akin to a dampening field. With this in operation its gonna be awfully difficult to beam anything onto their ships not just nukes (like the poison/retrovirus)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:42 pm
by tomj_302
in the ep allies after one of the nucs got past it put a massive dint in there sheilds

and the oddessy doesnt have an asgard on board and they could still beam nucs like on the pegaus project

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:47 am
by Kit-Fox
tomj_302 wrote:in the ep allies after one of the nucs got past it put a massive dint in there sheilds

and the oddessy doesnt have an asgard on board and they could still beam nucs like on the pegaus project

we dont know if teh oddessy has an asgard onboard or not yet, but the asgard gave us the beaming technology on the understanding that it wouldnt be used as a weapon, to ensure compliance with that they built several safeguards into the beaming systems to prevent us using the technology to beam something like a nuke into a ship. the safe guards are only bypassable by an asgard, hence if the oddessy can do it, then it is reasonable to assume there is an asgard onboard we havent yet seen. Remember there is at least two distictive asgards that have appeared onboard earth ships, one was hiemdall and the other is hermiod. I'm guessing due to the asgard having their own problems that these two asgard rotate aroudn the earth ships as needed. We dont always see them probably due to buget concerns especially as the Sci-Fi channel run down the series.

Hermiod discovers the jamming codes have not been broken after all -- so he cannot beam over a nuke.

The above quote is from gateworld from the ep synopsis of allies. a single nuclear explosion isnt large enough to destroy a wraith cruiser, cipple yes destroy no. to do that the nuclear device has to be beamed inside the ship so as it blows outwards it takes the ship with it. Neither are our Nuclear warheads strong enough to penetrate the wraith shields as seen in the eps where we first encounter the cruisers with the daedalus

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:22 am
by J.S.
They don't need an asgard to use beaming technology, they only needed one at the beginning..

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:54 am
by Kit-Fox
J.S. wrote:They don't need an asgard to use beaming technology, they only needed one at the beginning..

That is quite correct unless they want to use the technology to beam weapons, which is what i'm saying :P

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:46 am
by Man of God
Kit-Fox wrote:
tomj_302 wrote:in the ep allies after one of the nucs got past it put a massive dint in there sheilds

and the oddessy doesnt have an asgard on board and they could still beam nucs like on the pegaus project

we dont know if teh oddessy has an asgard onboard or not yet, but the asgard gave us the beaming technology on the understanding that it wouldnt be used as a weapon, to ensure compliance with that they built several safeguards into the beaming systems to prevent us using the technology to beam something like a nuke into a ship. the safe guards are only bypassable by an asgard, hence if the oddessy can do it, then it is reasonable to assume there is an asgard onboard we havent yet seen. Remember there is at least two distictive asgards that have appeared onboard earth ships, one was hiemdall and the other is hermiod. I'm guessing due to the asgard having their own problems that these two asgard rotate aroudn the earth ships as needed. We dont always see them probably due to buget concerns especially as the Sci-Fi channel run down the series.

Hermiod discovers the jamming codes have not been broken after all -- so he cannot beam over a nuke.

The above quote is from gateworld from the ep synopsis of allies. a single nuclear explosion isnt large enough to destroy a wraith cruiser, cipple yes destroy no. to do that the nuclear device has to be beamed inside the ship so as it blows outwards it takes the ship with it. Neither are our Nuclear warheads strong enough to penetrate the wraith shields as seen in the eps where we first encounter the cruisers with the daedalus


1. wraith ships do not have shields duh. have you ever seen the daedalus's fire hitting shields on a wraith hive? NO. they dont have shields because, theyre either to stupid to make em, or they just rely on their ships healing itself...which is pretty stupid as well.
2. they have jamming codes in place to prevent beaming of nukes on board.
3. the wraith do not have anything that decreases the power of a nuclear explosion.
4. one nuke, is plenty to take out an entire hive ship.
5. the wraith created the jamming codes in the episode, The Siege Part 3 when the daedalus arrives in the pegasus galaxy.
6. we dont know if the odyssey has an asgard on board. i dont think there is because in the episode, The Company of Thieves, the asgard isnt seen ffixing systems with everyone else.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:17 am
by tomj_302
oh ye they dont

Fighters Wraith Darts
Armaments Pulsed energy weapons
Defences Organic armored hull
Asgard beaming jammer
Propulsion Sub-light engines

you'd proberly expect them to atleast use the ancient database to start making some weapons with help from the asgard

or maybe even put more asgards on atlantis

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:39 am
by Kit-Fox
You know I'm sure we have seen wraith ships with shields on. As in at least one ep where we go toe-to-toe with them non of our nukes make it through to the ships (been fired of course not beamed) cant remember why that is tho, but shields is one such reason

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:31 am
by tomj_302
wraith darts normally intercept them

oh ye and no one happens to have seen a gif file of the asuran satilitte

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:53 am
by Kit-Fox
Man of God > Unless the Asgard have removed the safeguards (not known) then for the beaming of weapons tech only (like nukes) we need an asgard to circumvent the safeguards to prevent their tech being used as a weapon platform.

And 1 nuclear device isnt enough to destroy a wraith ship if its not detonated inside the ship due to the sheer size and make up of the ships. We have seen detonations of nuclear devices very clsoe to the surface of wraith ships and they have survived (i'm sure we have in one ep)

mind to be honest i may be wrong as i dont really like sg-a so dont keep that into it.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:54 pm
by Man of God
i think i remember you kit-fox. i believe, that waaaaaayyyyy back in the day you used to be an officer of mine. not sure but when u were with me, (if it is you lol) my name was gateking2.

in the season 3 opener, we saw the daedalus, and the orion go to stop the wraith ships from reaching the milky way. now, as soon as the daedalus dropped out of hyperspace, they launched every nuke they had. one made it through. and tho it may not have destroyed the ship, it did quite a bit of damage to it. now, one nuke beamed into the center, or flown into a hive, is plenty to destroy it. as we saw in The Siege Part 3 where sheppard flew the jumper with the nuke into the hives fighter bay just before the daedalus beamed him out. so, one nuke is enough if its inside the ship.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:23 pm
by tomj_302
i say just make a really cool weapon

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:33 pm
by Kit-Fox
Man of God wrote:i think i remember you kit-fox. i believe, that waaaaaayyyyy back in the day you used to be an officer of mine. not sure but when u were with me, (if it is you lol) my name was gateking2.

in the season 3 opener, we saw the daedalus, and the orion go to stop the wraith ships from reaching the milky way. now, as soon as the daedalus dropped out of hyperspace, they launched every nuke they had. one made it through. and tho it may not have destroyed the ship, it did quite a bit of damage to it. now, one nuke beamed into the center, or flown into a hive, is plenty to destroy it. as we saw in The Siege Part 3 where sheppard flew the jumper with the nuke into the hives fighter bay just before the daedalus beamed him out. so, one nuke is enough if its inside the ship.

Indeed it is enough if inside the ship, i was saying that too. meh i'm not great at the written word, but anyways yeah i was saying if outside its not enough but inside it is.

btw yeah I am KitFox that was your officer :twisted: Good to see your still around.