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Stargate Atlantis Race suggestions

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:03 pm
by Monsterus
We should add Wraith and Anceants to the Race list and add it to the other races

Re: Stargate Atlantis Race suggestions

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:06 pm
by Monsterus
Monsterus wrote:We should add Wraith and Anceants to the Race list and add it to the other races
oops sorry i loged in this is my suggestion

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:09 pm
by Apocalypse.
I do aggree that adding in more races sounds liek a lot of fun however i don't think that adding acniets would be practical frist becuase in the timeline we play they are all accended and second becuase even if we disreadgred the fact that they no longer liveo n the same plane of exestence they would be farrrrr to powerfull for any of the races to evenly match up agisnt .
Howeever i think they coudl add in :
The Nok(pacifists by nature they could be spys or something )
The tollan (they didn't say all the tollan were dead on the attack on tollana so it's possible)
the aschen (yes the galaxy needs more eveil races )
the wraith

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:34 am
by Silicis
What about the present atlanteans? They could have all of the personal of the Tauri, just with some ancient tech. Like puddle jumpers. Also, the Wraith arn't as advanced as the Ancients, they're just 100 times more numerous. They might even be as advanced as the Goa'uld! Doubt it though. The aschen would be good, the Nox are probably as powerful as the ancients though. The Tollan are dead. If they wern't they would have contacted Earth.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:45 am
by Futhark
Go read other suggestions along these lines before adding your own! Wraith stuck in pegasus! Nox are pacifists, no weapons, cant attack people, boring. Ancient too powerful! Tollans crushed!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:54 am
by Wali
Aschen or whatever were fairly boring too.. they just meet someone, then made them all unable to reproduce (hrm, maybe they would have something to work on reppys.. :P )

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:01 am
by Sobek
maybe admin could put the Re`to in (is that how you spell it).

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:22 pm
by Jack Oneill
I don't think we should add another race to the game. It would throw off the ballance of the game at the moment.

New race ? I see another solution !

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:11 pm
by Theofaustus
You could also give these in ranks 1 to 10 a status of an acient or these who have very high defence action lets say about 500 k or so !!!

Re: New race ? I see another solution !

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:42 pm
by Guest
Theofaustus wrote:You could also give these in ranks 1 to 10 a status of an acient or these who have very high defence action lets say about 500 k or so !!!

erm....what would that achieve?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:42 pm
by Tain
The Wraith one of the few races that could really be added from a playability standpoint. They have known ships, weapons, motivations, etc.

As for them being stuck in pegasus, remember this is a game and the wraith have hyperspace capable hiveships, they are more than capable of comming on over for the party. (hiveship could be their starting fortification also)

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:26 am
by Apocalypse.
The aschen are pretty pwoerfull wali man , they prefer to go around making people sterile cuz they are chicken :lol: but they have weopons in the eopide they were encoutered they tried to send a bomb through the gate taht looked pretty nasty , also in the furture the gate defense weopons they had around the earth gate looked pretty powerfull the aschen would be the perfect place for the game creators to exersie thier imagination .
The warith i know nothing about since atlantis isn't showing here yet .
THe nox are pacifists and probably as powerfull as the anicenits but also so are the tolans rembe they built a stargate all by themselves .
The retou hmmmmmmmm maybe
Also there are sevreal other races advanced enough to play on the same foothold as the asguard gould and tauri exmpales inculde the foothold aliens , hebradians , unas(using goudl weopns with diffrent upgrades), talthuns(the people with the consiousness carrying ship ) , reole( the invisable dudes one of them pretened to be and sg-1 member called taylor ) , pangarens (invented tretonin ) , langarans(jonas's home world ), the aliens with the link liek things , martin's race (whipped out by the gould ) ,...................
Yes guilty i can see how it would get realy rediclous to include all those races in i just posted the names to make the point that if what we were reallylooking for is a game with all the races on SG-1 it would take a really longgggggggg time and hell of a lot of server space .