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Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:47 pm
by ™Fûr¥
White & Nerdy ' "Ridin' Dirty"

They see me mowin'

My front lawn

I know they're all thinkin

I'm so White N' nerdy

Think I'm just to white n' nerdy

Think I'm just to white n' nerdy

Can't you see I'm white n' nerdy

Look at me I'm white n' nerdy!

I wanna roll with-

The gangsters

But so far they all think

I'm white n' nerdy

Think I'm just to white n' nerdy

I'm just too white n' nerdy

We reall white n' nerdy

First time in class at MRT

Got skills I'm a

Champion of DND

I'm Ceatre that's

my favourite NMC

Keep your 40 at trust

had a girl that's over 18

My rims never spin to the contrary

You'll find a dare quite stationary

All of my action figures

and cherries

I got Steven Hawkings in my library

My space is totally pimped out

I got people begging for my top 8 spaces

Yo i got pie out of thousand places

I don't got grills but I still wear braces

I order all my sandwiches with mayonaise

I'm a wizz at minesweeper I can play for dayz

Once you see my sweet moves your gonna think im moving so fast
it's a place with blaze

Yes I got a killer rap I havn't run

A past gal well I'm number 1

I play with calcules just for fun

I ain't got a get but I gotta sawterring gun

Happy days is my

favourite theme song

I can sure kick your butt in a game of pingpong

I can ace any kind of quiz you bring on

They see me roll on, my sagway!

I know in my heart they think I'm

white n' nerdy!

Think I'm Just too white n' nerdy

Can't you see im white n' nerdy

Look at me I'm white n' nerdy

I'd like to roll with-

The gansters

Although it's apperant I'm too

White n' Nerdy

Think I'm just to white n' nerdy

I'm just too white n' nerdy

How'd I get so white n' nerdy?

I've been growsin and spectin'

X-men comics you know I collect

There's a pen in my pocket

I've got to protect

all my eroginomic keyboard

Shoppin online for deals on

smartable media

I edit with the Pedia

I memorized the holy grail

Really well

I can resite it right now have you


I got a buisness doing websites

A kovo do they call

I do HTML do for them all

Even make a homepage for my dog!

Got myself a fanny pack

they were havin sales at the GAP

It was nice with a roll up

bubble wrap

I hope no one sees my-

Gettin' freaky!

I gettin nerdy and extremely whiter than sour cream

I was in AIV club and Glee club and even the chess team!

The only question that

was very hard

do I like her hard

or do I like McCard?

I spend every weekend

at the renissance fair

I got my name on my under wear!

They see me strollin'

They laughin'

And rollin' their rice cuz

I'm so white n' nerdy

Just because I'm white n' Nerdy

Just because I'm white n' Nerdy

All because I'm white n' Nerdy

Holy cow I'm white n' Nerdy

I wanna bowl with-

the gangsters

but oh well it's obvious I'm

white n' Nerdy

Think I'm just to white n' nerdy

Think I'm just to white n' nerdy

I'm just too white n' Nerdy

Look at me I'm white n' Nerdy!

Confessions Part III Lyrics

Watch this

These are my confessions

Just when I thought I said all I could say I came up up with
more secrets to tell you today

These are my confessions

Slip my mind the last two times

Silly me, so now I gotta give you part three of my confessions

First I told you about the skank that I was cheating with,then I
mentioned she's having my kid

That's not all, now I recall more you see, so I'll give you part
three of my confessions

Now this is gonna be the hardest thing I ever had to do,

Gonna tell you everything I left out of parts one and two

Like remember when I told you I knew Paulie Shore (Paulie Shore)

That's a lie, I don't know what I said that for

I borrowed your chapstick (from you)

I tried out your nose hair trimmer (too)

And by the way your diamond ring is cubic circonium,

I killed your goldfish accidently, just replaced it with another

These are my confessions

Just when I thought I said all I could say I needed to get some
things off my chest right away

These are my confessions

Slipped my mind the last two times, silly me, I guess I gotta
give you part three of my confessions

I threw up on your dog last time I had too much to drink

There have been times when I've peed in your sink

Don't know why, but you and I should agree that belongs in part
three of my confessions

Baby forgive me I'm still trying to figure out why I used your
toothbrush to clean off the bathroom grought

Oh and sometimes in private, I really like to dress up as
Shirley Temple and spank myself with a hockey stick (hockey

My boss thinks I'm a jerk, I didn't get that raise.

I haven't changed my underwear in twenty-seven days!

And when I'm kissing you I fantasize you as a midget

I'm so sorry Debbi! I mean Bridget!

These are my confessions

Just when I thought I said all I could say I got a few more
secrets I'd like to convey

These are my confessions

Slipped my mind the last two times, silly me, I guess I gotta
give you part three of my confessions

Gave you buttered toast I dropped and then picked up off the

FYI it was not a cold sore

Ooops my bad, but you'll be madder at me when I finish part
three of my confessions

You don't know how hard it is for me to tell you this, but
remember that shirt that you got me for my birthday?

Well, I returned it for store credit. That thing was hideous,
what were you thinking?

O and by the way, I wasn't really sick last week,

I just didn't wanna go to your stupid office picnic

Oh and when I told you at breakfast we were all out of rice

What I meant was that there was only enough left for me. Sorry.

These are my confessions

Just when I thought I said all I could say, I thought of some
more things that should scare you away

These are my confessions

Slipped my mind the last two times, silly me, I guess I gotta
give you part three of my confessions

Once I blew my nose and wiped it on your cat

And I lied, yes that dress makes you look fat

Anyway, I shouldn't say anymore 'til I give you part four of my

Do I Creep You Out

I know that you

Don't know me very well

We've barely met

But I can surely tell

No one will ever

Love you like I do

I like to feel

The warm spot on your chair

Sometimes I drool

And usually I stare

My precious one

I saved that gum

That you threw in the garbage

You're the one I dream about

But the only question with me now

Is "Do I creep you out?"

Everytime I shake your hand now

Wanna stick your fingers in my mouth

Do I creep you out?

Call you every night and hang up

Gonna carve your name in my leg

In my leg, oh-oh!

Somethin' I should ask about

Can I sniff the pit-stains on your blouse?

And do I creep you,

Do I creep you out?

(Your restraining order's out)

(Still the only question with me now)

Oh the only question

(Is "Do I creep you out?")

Is "Do I creep you out?"

Know exactly where you live now

Follow you from work right to your house

Well, do I creep you out?

Do I creep you out?

Trapped In The Drive-Thru

Seven O'Clock in the evening

Watchin somethin' stupid on TV

I'm zoned out on the sofa

When my wife comes in the room and sees me

She says "Is this 'Behind the Music'

With Lynard Skynard?"

And I say "I don't know.

Say, it's gettin' late...watcha wanna do for dinner?

She says "I kinda had a big lunch.

So I'm not super hungry."

I said "Well you know, baby, I'm not starvin' either

But I could eat."

She said "So whadya have in mind?"

I said "I don't know what about you?"

She said "I don't care, if you're hungry, let's eat."

I said "That's what we're gonna do!"

"But first you gotta tell me

What it is you're hungry for!"

And she says "Let me think...

...What's left in our refridgerator?"

I said "Well, there's tuna, I know."

She said "That went bad a week ago!"

I said "Is the chili OK?"

She said "You finished that yesterday!"

I hopped up and I said

"I don't know, do you want to get something delivered?"

She's like "Why would I want to eat liver?

I don't even like liver!"

I'm like "No, I said 'delivered'."

She's like "I heard you say liver!"

I'm like "I should know what I said..."

She's like "Whatever, I just don't want any liver!"

Well I was gonna say something

But my cell phone started to ring

Now who could be callin' me?

Well I checked my caller ID

It was just cousin Larry

Callin' for the third time today...

My wife said "Let it go to voicemail."

I said, "OK."

"Where were we? Oh, Dinner, Right

So what d'ya want to do?"

She said "Why don't you whip up somethin in the kitchen?"

"Yeah," I said, "Why don't you?"

And then she said "Baby, can't we just go out to dinner,

I says "No"

She says "Yes"

I says "No"

She says "Yes"

I says "No"

She says "Yes...

...Oh, here's your keys"

I step a little bit closer

Say "OK, where ya want to go?"

She says "How about The Ivy?"

I said "Yeah, well I don't know..."

I don't feel like gettin all dressed up

And eatin' expensive food

She's says "Olive Garden?"

I say "Nah, I'm not in the mood...

...And Burrito King would make me gassy

There's no doubt"

She says "Just forget about it"

I said "No, I swear I'm gonna take you out!"

Then I get an idea

I says "I know what we'll do!"

She says "What?"

I say "Guess"

She says "What?"

I say "We're goin' to the drive-thru!"

So we head out the front door

Open the garage door

Then I open the car doors

And we get in those car doors

Put my key in the ignition

And then I turn it sideways

Then we fasten our seat belts

As we pull out the driveway

Then we drive to the drive-thru

Heading off to the drive-thru

We're approaching the drive-thru

Getting close to the drive-thru!

Almost there at the drive-thru

Now we're here at the drive thru

Here in line at the drive-thru

Did I mention the drive-thru?

Well here we are

In the drive-thru line, me and her.

Cars in front of us, cars in back of us.

All just waiting to order

There's some idiot in a Volvo

With his brights on behind me

I lean out the window and scream

"Hey, Whatcha tryin to do, blind me?"

My wife says "Maybe we should park...

...We could just go eat inside."

I said "I'm wearin' bunny slippers

So I ain't leavin' this ride..."

Now a woman on a speaker box

Is sayin' "Can I take your order, please?"

I said "Yes indeed, you certainly can

We'd like two hamburgers with onions and cheese."

Then my wife says

"Baby, hold on, I've changed my mind!

I think I'm gonna have a chicken sandwich

Instead, this time"

I said "You always get a cheeseburger!"

She says "That's not what I'm hungry for."

I put my head in my hands and screamed,

"I don't know who you are anymore!"

The voice on the speaker says

"I don't have all day!"

I said "Then, take our order,

And we'll be on our way!

I wanna get a chicken sandwich

And I want a cheeseburger, too

She's like "You want onions on that?"

I'm like "Yeah, I already said that I do...

...Plus we need curly fries

And don't you dare forget it!

And two medium root beers

No, just one, we'll split it."

Then I said "I'm guessin' that

You're probably not too bright...

So read me back my order

Let's make sure you got it right."

She says "One, you want a chicken sandwich.

Two, you want a cheeseburger

Three, curly fries, and a large root beer"

"Stop, don't go no further!"

"I never ordered a large rootbeer

I said medium, not large!"

Then she says "We're havin' a special,

I supersized you at no charge."

"Oh." And that's all

I could say, was "Oh."

And she says "Now there is somethin' else

That I really think you should know.

You can have unlimited refills

For just a quarter more..."

I say "Great, except we're in the drive thru...

So what would I want that for?"

Then she says "Wait a minute

Your voice sounds so familiar...hey, is this Paul?

And my wife is all like "No, that ain't Paul,

Now tell me, who's this Paul?

She says "Oh, he's just some guy

Who goes to school with me.

I sat behind him last year

And I copied off him in Geometry.

I said "I know a guy named Paul.

He used to be my plumber

He was prematurely bald

And he moved to Pittsburgh last summer.

He also had bladder problems

And a really bad infection on his toe."

And she said "Mister, please, you can stop right there,

That's way more than I needed to know!"

And then we both were quiet

And things got real intense

Then she says "Next window please,

That'll be five dollars and eighty two cents."

So we inched ahead in line

Movin' painfully slow

I got a little bored

So I turned on the radio...

[Song plays]

[Click] Turned it off

Because my wife was getting a headache

So we both just sat there quietly

For her sake.

Then I looked at her

And she looked back at me

And I said "Um,

I think you have somethin' in your teeth."

She turned away from me

And then turned back and said "Did I get it?"

I said "Yeah. Well, I mean, most of it...

But hey, ya know, don't sweat it."

Then she said "How about now?"

I said "Yeah, almost.

There's still a little bit there

But don't worry, it's probably just a piece of toast."

Now we're at the pay window

Or whatever you call it

Put my hand in my pocket

I can't believe there's no wallet!

And the lady at the window's like,

"Well, well that'll be five eighty two."

I turn around to my wife, and say

"How much have you got on you?"

She just rolls her eyes and says

"I'll pay for this, I guess."

So she reaches into her purse

And pulls out the American Express

I hand it to the lady

And she says "Oh, dear.

It's gotta be cash only

We don't take credit cards here."

I took back the card and said

"Gee, really? Well that sucks."

And that's when I found out

My wife was only carryin' three bucks.

I said "I thought you were

Going to hit the ATM today"

She says "I never got around to it

So where's your wallet anyway?

And I said "Nevermind,

Just help me to find some change..."

Now the lady at the window

Is lookin at me kinda strange...

And she says "Mister, please,

We gotta move this line along"

I said "Now hold your stinkin' horses lady,

We won't be long."

We looked around inside the glove-box

And check the mat beneath my feet

I found a nickel in the ashtray

And a couple pennies and a dime in the space betweent he seats

Before long I had a little pile

Of coins of every sort

The lady counts it up and says

"You're still about a dollar short"

And now my woman's got this weird look

Frozen on her face

She screams, "you know

I wasn't even really hungry in the first place"

And so I turned around

To the cashier again

I shrugged and said "OK

Forget the chicken sandwich then"

So I pick up my change

Pick up my reciept

And I drive to the pickup window

Man, I just can't wait to eat

And now we see this acne ridden

Kid about sixteen

Wearin' a dorky nametag that says

"Hello, my name is Eugene."

And he hands me a paper bag

I look him in the eyes

And I say to him "Hey, Eugene,

Can I get some ketchup for my fries?"

Well he looks at me

And I look at him

And he looks at me

And I look at him

And he looks at me

And I look at him

And he says "I'm sorry

What did you want again?"

I say "Ketchup!"

And he says "Oh yeah, that's right...

...I just spaced out there for a second

I'm really kind of burnt tonight."

And then he hands me the ketchup

And now we're finally drivin' away

And the food is drivin' me mad

With its intoxicating bouquet

I'm starvin' to death

By the time we pull up at the traffic light

I say "Baby, gimme that burger,

I just gotta have a bite!"

So she reaches in the bag

And pulls out the burger

And she hands me the burger

And I pick up the burger

And then I unwrap the paper

I bite into those buns

And I just can't believe it

They forgot the onions!

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:12 pm
by Angelos.
LOL...i like the first one..:D

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:15 pm
by surfey*chik
the first one is pretty old but yet my fav song,without looking at the lyrics i know all the word :oops: :roll:

girls just wanna have lunch

Some girls like to buy new shoes
And others like drivin' trucks and wearing tattoos
There's only one thing that they all like a bunch
Oh, girls, they wanna have lunch
Oh, girls just wannahave lunch

I know how to keep a woman satisfied
When I whip out my Diner's Card their eyes get so wide
They're always in the mood for something to munch
Oh, girls, they wanna have lunch
Oh, girls just wanna have lunch

That's all they really want
Some lunch
Don't ask 'em to dinner or breakfast or brunch
'Cause girls, they wanna have lunch
Oh, girls just wanna have lunch

Girls, they wanna
Wanna to have lunch
Girls wanna have

She eats like she got a hole in her neck
And I'm the one that always gets stuck with the check
Can't figure out how come they don't weigh a ton
Oh, girls, they wanna have lunch
Oh, girls just wanna have lunch

That's all they really want
Is some lunch
Don't know for certain but I've got a hunch
Those girls, they wanna have lunch
Oh, girls just wanna have lunch

Girls, they wanna
Wanna have lunch
Girls wanna have

They just wanna
They just wanna

They just wanna
They just wanna
Girls just wanna have lunch
Girls just wanna have lunch

They just wanna
They just wanna
They just wanna
They just wanna
They just wanna
They just wanna have lunch!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:41 am
by Adnihilo

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:12 am
by Stubert
try constipated, wierd al too.


and no, i aint looking for the lyrics or typing em

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:42 pm
by Londo Mollari
I'm Ceatre that's

my favourite NMC

actualy its:

my favourite MC

lol sorry but i AM that nerd :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:07 pm
by ™Fûr¥
lol :shock:

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:19 pm
by GAT-X207
rice rice baby
will the real slim shady please shut up
eye of the tiger
canadian idiot

those are good ones too

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:51 pm
by Spacey
Canadian what? :evil:

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:52 pm
by ??????????
@ Spacey:Here. :-D

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:05 pm
by Spacey

To that video I say:

It was a sad day/season when hockey left:

but then:


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:04 am
by GAT-X207
Spacey wrote:Canadian what? :evil:

ya, ya ya i know, its a funny song

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:27 pm
by Jack Sparrow
weird al yankovich is like the best singer ever,has anyone heard amish paradise? :-D

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:08 am
by ocean
great :D

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:41 am
by Vendetta
GAT-X207 wrote:rice rice baby

Ice Ice Reevzy

yes, a guy i knew at school dropped out when we were in year 11, to become a rapper, he failed. badly. :lol: :lol: :lol:
