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re: turns/turn ; superweapon bidding ; ascended attacks

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:10 am
by Forum
(also in game updates)
Game Updates
Mar 12, 2007

Turn Rate
After complaints of the turn rate increase, specifically how it helps the big guys and only hurts those trying to catch up, I have taken a bold bold step, that can in no possible way be intrepreted as serving the needs of the big players. In fact, I risk offense on that front in this attempt, but will trial it regardless.
The ascended cosmos have the ascended equivalent of a black hole in the very core of their fabric of existence. It is a black hole, actually, but a higher dimensional black hole swallowing entire universes of lower dimensions..It is also a huge source of power, so the more powerful ascended beings naturally gravitate to it...
Now - the downside to this is that it affects the flow of time. It slows time down. Thus...The closer to the anomoly (ie the higher the rank) the less action turns are generated each turn. The further away, the more action turns are generated per turn.
This -ontop of some of the other more recent changes - should keep the Ascended realm more least that is the goal...

Ascended SuperWeapon Auction
As a response as the auction being used as a method to move funds between friendly accounts, the superweapon has taken offence to being used in such a way. Yes - it is sentient, self-aware, and likely even a lot smarter than much of the life in the cosmos. From this point forward, it is likely that selling the weapon will not return the same results as previously ... although exactly what will happen only the super weapon will know and determine....

Ascended on Ascended Attack
It was pointed out that a huge life force in defence, was not really contributing to the defence of the Ascended Being since the maximum that could be used was the max life force (and not the available or overage life force.) In response to this, the maximum that can be used in defence is 5x your life force IF YOU HAVE THE LIFE FORCE AVAILABLE!
The same holds true for attacking

my response (on page 9/10) to the discussion up to that date, here so that ppl dont have to read all pages to find the issue/response.....

ok - i am on page 2 of reading the (very strongly opinioned) responses to this. I will finish reading...

Also - THE COMPLETE STOP OF TURNS WAS A BUG. The way the 'mbh or multidimensional black hole' works is that for each 800 ranks, an extra turn is given. so rank 1-800 get 1/turn. rank 801-1600 get 2/turn. 1601+ get 3/turn.

It is not a punishment (or not intended to be) but a 'bonus' to the lower account to allow them a chance to catch up (which is the core of the complaint referenced). The inactives do not benefit, since there is a turn cap. The vacationers do not benefit since no turns while on vacation.
Only those that PLAY, and USE their turns, benefit. And when they get to a certain point (rank 800) they are on par with the rest.

This is a TRIAL. I do want people who worked hard on ascension to benefit. but I also want those new to ascension to have some hope... This was an attempt at this.

I will leave it as is (with turns now working too! ) for a couple days, read the rest of the comments, add this to the agenda for tomorrow's chat, and make a descision on what stays/what goes/what changes and then implement that by week's end...

I trust this is fair. And please do not shoot me for trying Even I get things wrong sometimes, but I think my history shows that I will undo descisions/changes that dont work out...

ok - the other issue seems to be the superweapon change.
what has changed:
the DMU that the weapon sells for does not all go to the seller. Only a % does. The rest is dispersed across the cosmos...
Thats it. nothing else changed on the superweapon front...

<additional note: the other change not mentioned, but in place, is that when attacking someone with lower defence, the amount of losses the attacker suffers has been decreased. Any attack suffers losses (nature of leaving your realm with large numbers of beings with weapons:)) but the minimum loses are decreased by 10x or 1000% .... for risk of offending the lower ranked players (at least those with low/no defence), this is now also in trial....)

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:33 am
by Tanith
Hmm, I wonder how this is going to work out, we'll just have to wait and see, interesting in the least.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:37 am
by Lore
Do I understand this correctly?

The higher the rank the slower your AT comes to you?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:39 pm
by bsm
This is crazy, can't wait to see what the difference in turn rates is...
and also that means the lower your rank the more DMU you make per day! sweet (not really)

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:31 pm
by [DDE] Bastion

Thanks for killing those who deserve to be high-ranked forum :evil:

Really nice of you :evil:

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:37 pm
by Shooting Star
Whoa!!!!! Wait a minute!!!! Are you serious???? You cannot limit the turns that people get based on their rank!!! What kind of BS is that?!? So because I was smart and ascended well and was able to amass all this power in ascension, now I am being punished for it? What the heck kind of system is that? "Thanks for weakening your main account so that I can deball you in ascension!" Sheesh!!! Let me know when I can have my testicles back, will ya Jason? I can't descend anyone because now my turns don't come back for forever since I am one of the closest to the "black hole of unbelievium". I still suffer from an insane rank mod if I decide to attack downwards. And the only thing that was keeping me reasonably sane in this server is that I was somewhat able to keep the superweapon from falling into the wrong hands so that some idiot who has a hard-on for taking down the top accounts doesn't make a mockery of what I built up through sacrifice in main.

You were doing so well in making sure that you returned the balance of power back to the people who actually play the server for what it is and not for the bonuses in main. Now you are making us all geldings.

Suggestion 1: Get rid of the ascended superweapon. It has but one purpose and that is to F**K up the top accounts. And now that you have taken away our ability to prevent that by slowing our growth in ascension down to put a bid on the weapon every now and again, you have basically doomed us to be hit over and over again until there is nothing left of our ascension accounts.

Suggestion 2: Get rid of the rank modifier. If it is going to be that much more difficult for us to get turns, then don't make us use more to achieve the same purpose as someone who has the "benefit" of attacking upwards.

Suggestion 3: Vacation mode in ascension means the loss of ALL main bonuses, for the time you are on vacation and for a minimum of 1 day after you come off vacation. If you aren't going to play the server, you shouldn't get bonuses in main for not playing.

Suggestion 4: Make descension possible with just one attack sequence, especially if you are going to continue to have it take 99 turns. Believe you me, with the slower attack turn progression the higher up you are, making us use one quarter of our maximum turns to descend someone is ridiculous.

Suggestion 5: If you don't implement any of the folllowing suggestions, allow those of us who play ascension and who will have nothing else to do with their resources now that you have deballed us, use those resources to purchase advantages in main. Perhaps our ascended self could teach our main realm how to keep more than ten planets, or give a bonus to defense, covert, attack, income, whatever. Perhaps it could be like the power cells in Quantum. using ascended resources. You have to do something to restore the balance of power otherwise, you have condemned those of us who have worked so hard for a decent ascension account to an absolutely worthless existence. And that is not fair. Ascension was supposed to be a different server. I played it as a different server. Others did not. That's not my fault. They had their chance to weaken their main accounts just like I weakened mine. They chose not to. Tough noogies! Now they are crying foul and you are once again coddling them. Give them the opportunity to play ascension and ascend again and again to try and catch up and weaken their main accounts. Don't skew the playing field so that those of us who were smart are now on an almost asymptotic curve to improve, whilst the rest of the weaklings benefit from your largesse.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:44 pm
by [DDE] Bastion
Agreed 100%... however I'd prefer not to implement suggestion 5... Because you're still **Filtered** us up who have worked extremely hard to get to where we are, especially on ascended. (which I think is the better server)

This is one of those updates that make people leave.... including me.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:18 pm
by Join me
if it slows down time for those closer to the top(more power) then why did I stop earning life force and DMU when I was ranked 2400+????

does not help the small guy either

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:36 pm
by Munchy
Hmm, I will go against the flow and say nice update Forum. :-)

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:43 pm
by Padraig
Um yea im around rank 2k now with only 1 ascention under my belt and im frozen in time here :shock:

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:47 pm
by Sinath
First of all, this isn't quantum. for once would you please quit with the read between the lines load of crap and fill us in on what your doing.

If we are going to get hosed ateast give us the opportunity to work some damage control.

If you are going to prevent people from attaining the SW you should put some measure of control on it of who should be able to achieve it. Giving a newly ascended being or weakened ascended being the ability to utterly destroy anyone at thier whim is kinda idiotic.

And I second Shooting Stars opinions on 1-4.

My ascnded account is better than most, but will never hold a candle to that of Sinister/Mojo/Sti/ETL and a few others. And you know what, I can
live with that. They chose to push their main account to the breaking point in order to achieve the best possibly ascention account they could. They prepared that some day ascention would hold some real value and not just another place to hold you hat. I wasn't quite prepared to do that hence my position.

How about we give you a title for your ascention updates.

"I haven't filled my quota of quit players for the week, please leave."

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:53 pm
by EliteAceMan
Agreed 1-4 all the way.

If your gonna hide on vacation mode you should get no bonus. Coward bonus of -5% :-D

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:02 pm
by RobinInDaHood

Admin pwns all...

OMG, just checked and it isn't even April 1st in Canada! :D

Oh and HEY! I'm a total n00b on ascended and I'm not seeing any turn count either! :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:17 pm
by smooshable
Despite the fact that this is an unfair update we have told you many times that rank based systems don't work, at all. If this comes in watch everyone sell their strike, build up 2k turns, go raid again and repeat.

I am usually the first to suport an unpopular update, read over my post history and you'll see that. But this is just sillyness. Am I annoyed here because my alliance have most of the top accounts and this will mainly affect us? Damn right I am. For two years ascension has been a joke t oeveryone except DD. Omega are the only other alliance who has started taking it seriously and that has only been in the last 6 months. We've had dedicated ascension programs where large numbers of us have pumped trillions of main naq into our friends accounts to achieve big ascensions. We've worked long and hard so that if descension ever was brought into the game then we'd have an advantage over those who quick ascended 5 times and have logged in 3 times since.

Is anyone REALLY surprised that everyone's complaining straight after descension was released? It's petty, it's manipulative and it's designed purely to compensate for your laziness with your ascended accounts. Now my alliance and I have to pay for your ascensions as well.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

And the superweapon. If it's just going to move randomly from account to account then I can guarantee you that most of DD and Omega will just quit, we signed up for a game of thinking, strategy and patience, not a game where you wake up every morning and roll the dice to see if some nub who's been ascended for 3 days just whiped out your 2 year old account.

A very, very disapointed Smooshable

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:36 pm
by RepliJake
Admin wrote:In fact, I risk offense on that front in this attempt, but will trial it regardless.

I really, really hate to say this, but you were right. Allot of people have worked really hard in ascension, they've sacrificed allot of their main account to boost their ascended account, we put up with these people that just ascend loads for the bonuses in main, so we have to work hard on both because we actually put loads of our main accounts into it, we finally get descension to show them they have done it wrong, and you make it even easier for them.

As I said I truly am sorry to say this, but, Thanks allot