Public sucession and Appology to omega and rhett.

for all the 'I quit' threads....
worry not - if you come back, you are not punished :)
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Public sucession and Appology to omega and rhett.

I would just like to say firstly that Im very sorry to Rhett for making a look alike msn email and adding all of my contacts from my msn. In doing this it accidentally asked all of my contacts to add the email, which was 300 ppl. I am very sorry for this and I hope that rhett can forgive me for my affencive actions.

It was a complete acident and Im rather sorry for it.

At this point I feel the need to also say I suceed to omega, I can no longer compete wiht their wit, their cunning, and their abbility to out think the enemy. Ive tryed for to long to destroy them and I see now its completely impossible. PLease forgive me omega for ever doubting your suppiriority.

I hope you all in SGW can forgive me for my 1.5 years of insolence and for all of the havic and troubbles Ive caused you. As such, Im going to delete my msn, and start a new one wiht only my family and frineds. Dont worry SGw boys and girls, none of you will be on there.

Also, I am finally really leaving sgw. Not giving the account to my "brother" phil. You see Phil is actually my split personality, and hes just another part of me i call my brother. I was always here. Thing is, I wont be deleteing. I will be setting my account under Hellfire so he can reap in my 40k UP and all the benifits from it.

Please feel free to attack, sabb, mass, raid, anything ya want to my account, I honestly am not inhabiting that anylonger. ASk forum if i ever login. I wont dont worry. You will mainly be able to tell as there will be no building of any sorts there.

Forum, please forgive me for all the times i tryed to uncover your scandles. I honestly believe that you run an unfair show, but doesnt matter now, im leaving.

jenny, was fun while it lasted, maybe we will be able to meet somday and become good friends. Just you me and your husband, tell the bloke hi for me.

Salvo, I never got to say my final goodbyes, but I will miss you, hope your stuff in the military went well. Maybe you, acronon, and myself will meet in texas one day eh?

To everyone else, adue.
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touched by his noodly appendage


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Lol, who writes this stuff?
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That was a joke right? :lol:

Gheez ... :lol:
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I'm going to post in a contradictory fashion then those who have posted before me. I'm sure a quitting thread, no matter who the person, should have some kind regards, and if none can be given, nothing should be said, at all.

As for myself, I will miss you Jazzy ^^ Your banter was more then enjoyable, and I found you to be very much an intellectual equal.

I must say, I'm kind of disappointed in those who posted before me.

See you aroudn Jazzy.

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Well your attitude towards me on msn the other day was quite 'out of order' too...
Don't expect me to stop massing you - those r/l insults WORDS you threw at me hurt, punk. :roll:
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I dont know who you are but good luck and best wishes for the future, Life is for living :)
BL1P wrote:Im sorry for your fiend and the toilet paper accident...
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HellFire wrote:
I must say, I'm kind of disappointed in those who posted before me.



I suppose I should say goodbye, and best wishes.

(But it was funny :P )
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so i guess that means i can finally unblock your accounts from my msn.,,

eh.. good luck?
You there! Old Woman!

Sweet baby jesus and the orphans Jazzy, I thought you had something to do with this....of all your stunts this one is the most [Spacey edit out]
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