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95,7 billion scammed

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 4:06 pm
by Kvatthro
i'm pissed off :evil:
player sett a broker for 95,7 bil naq (i was buying MT's)... i sent him that much... we were speaking through MSN.. after he/she got the naq, he/she went offline... nothing of turns...

SO DO NOT MAKE A TRADE WITH A PLAYER AshleyChay !!!!!!! id=15675

here is a proof:

my theory is that it's a multi... judging by army size... how can an account with 7k units have fulSS?... so, is there any way to trace it? i'm paying 15 bio naq reward for information where that naq went... and if i get it, mark my words, that player can forget about sgw! :evil:

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 4:49 pm
by Norbe
He/she tried to scam me too... here is my MSN convo with him/her

MSN convo wrote:
[23:27] AshleyChay: u buying Mt's
[23:27] Norbe [TÅTS]: hello
[23:28] AshleyChay: hi
[23:28] Norbe [TÅTS]: I would love to buy MTs if you are selling
[23:28] AshleyChay: yea i have 3
[23:28] Norbe [TÅTS]: there is a slight snag though, my bank space is quite small - so it will have to be 1 at a time
[23:29] AshleyChay: kk
[23:29] Norbe [TÅTS]: how much do you want for them?
[23:29] AshleyChay: 10 b
[23:29] Norbe [TÅTS]: nice - thats about what i'd like to pay
[23:30] AshleyChay: when will u have the naq
[23:30] Norbe [TÅTS]: probably 2 game turns time, possibly before if I get some nice hits
[23:30] AshleyChay: kk
[23:41] Norbe [TÅTS]: yeah i'll have the naq after the next turn
[23:41] Meebo Message: Network interruption detected. is offline.
[23:41] Meebo Message: Network reconnected. is online.
[23:41] Meebo Message: is online
[23:42] Norbe [TÅTS]: there is one other slight problem though
[23:42] Norbe [TÅTS]: at the moment i have 3 open brokers
[23:42] AshleyChay: ok
[23:43] AshleyChay: well i can still send u directly
[23:43] Norbe [TÅTS]: and i can send the naq to you directly if its okay with you?
[23:43] AshleyChay: yea
[23:43] Norbe [TÅTS]: cool - thanks
[23:45] Norbe [TÅTS]: oh out of interest, where did you get my msn from?
[23:45] AshleyChay: SGW forums
[23:46] Norbe [TÅTS]: yeah its on there, but i dont have any active trade threads atm
[23:54] Meebo Message: is offline

I became suspisious when he added me, and even more so when i remembered that I closed my "buying MTs" thread a while back....



Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:13 pm
by funkynote
she tryed to scam me but i blocked her/he

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:08 pm
by Envy
Never trade without BROKER m8 :wink: I hate scammers gonna sit on that one

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:24 am
by Tyicius
What is her MSN so everyone can block her?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:36 am
by funkynote

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:31 am
by 311 [TA]
i sent a mass pm to my entire alliance about this scammer

when you get a broker always check army size and alliance

i took one look at army size and knew they were a cheat

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:46 am
by Kvatthro
yeah will certainly do that from now on... i guess i became to easy-trusting since i was never scammed before... universe gave me a lecture the hard way (as official market is speaking about lol)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:02 am
by TacticalCommander
I thought that was suspicious. Almost scammed me. Fortunatly, I was in a hurry to catch a movie.

If they look suspicious, always have them send 1 turn or 1 naq first to prove they have SS. Thats what I did, they said they sent, it didn't come. Again, I had to catch a movie. Never send all the naq for all MT's at once.


Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:44 pm
by Neimenljivi
Kvatthro, I hereby pledge that I'll help u to sit on this scammer & multy probably...if u need any help from regaining naq u have lost, let me know. Also never trade for more than 1 MT at a time unless u know the person who u're trading with in RL or a long time and trust him/her...
