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Nuch1 - Dont sell planets to him.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:12 am
by timicky[rla]
Was contacted by Nuch1(ID 102428) asking how much I wanted to sell my cov/anti-cov planet for, told him it wasn't very good but would find him another one instead. Found another for him and told him to make an offer on it and if he wanted I would conquer it and he would be able to get it one day later or he could have the location now. Sent back a message saying he would take the location and pay 36bil for it, to be honest I should have realised it was strange to offer so much for a planet but thought its his cash.

Sent off the location and he said he would get me it to me on Monday so didn't think anything more of it until I logged in yesterday and noticed my cov/anti-cov planet was gone, checked attack logs and it was Nuch1 who had taken. Thought it may have been confusion on his part and he maybe thought he had bought it instead of location so sent a message asking why he had taken it and will post his response :-

Message text:

do you honestly think that i am that stupid to by a freshly made planet and buy it from you for 36bill you my friend are going to die you hore

So to anyone out there considering dealing with Nuch1, I advise you dont.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:37 pm
by Lord Silent Bob
I have also had dealings with this bloke, and to confirm Timicky's story the guy claims he does not have SS.

do not send this guy anything, he has not even got the ability to pay you