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Bring Back - Tok'ra Appreciation Moment

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:31 am
by Robe
Lets all try to bring back the fun to forums.

Tok'ra is a great example of how one player posts in jest at both sides.

He is the ultimate equal opportunity spammer.

Although I am sure the mods would appreciate more commentary and less spam....

However, without this light hearted spam there would be no community, just in game politics and backbiting

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:35 am
by Tok`ra

But seriosly, the fourms have got too serious latley.

So we have a huge war, big deal, tis a bloody game.

People need to quit making it all bout what side your on and crap, and remember its a damn game.

Stuff like derailing topics you dont like has become too prevelent, Im not 100% innocent of it myself, I mean cmon people.

This applies to the mods too, tho most of the mods that did that tactic are no longer mods, but its especily bad when mods do it.

I would, however, like to congratulate the mods for their job during the war, 99% unbaised moding.

Anyway, Im done. Those that will no doubt come and flame this cause I posted or robe posted can flame it now.

edit: btw, howcome u didnt post this in general robe ? :p

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:40 am
by Dave_rocks
I agree totaly, too much whining and fighting not enough laughter that used to fill these forums, for the amusement he provides though quietly ive always supported Tok'ra, good job mate i wish more could be like you


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:45 am
by Flavar
well if i wouldnot delete masses of your posts and you wouldnot psot racism and you would treat others with an ounce of respect
i might be abel to think about it.

not that i have anythign to say about the matter. Blatant ruelbreaking cant be supportet

I agree that the forums got to serious. Thats why right now i am experimenting what can stay in the general forum and what not.

But its not helping the case if valid discussions are destroyed.

Also moved to a better place for this

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:54 am
by Tok`ra
Flavar wrote:well if i wouldnot delete masses of your posts and you wouldnot psot racism and you would treat others with an ounce of respect
i might be abel to think about it.

not that i have anythign to say about the matter. Blatant ruelbreaking cant be supportet

I agree that the forums got to serious. Thats why right now i am experimenting what can stay in the general forum and what not.

But its not helping the case if valid discussions are destroyed.

Also moved to a better place for this

Prehaps ahve two general fourms, one for general ingame chatter (the current general one) and one for general non game chatter between players.

Or allow nongame threads in general, they used to be tolerated more than they are now, and the comunity spirit was better then too.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:55 am
by Q Man
yeah!!! this forum needs a bit more fun!!!! but i suppose it needs its serious topics as well!!! but the general section used to be still serious but lighter as well!!! and yo could have a laugh there as well as saysing on the topic,no matter how serious!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:59 am
by Flavar
now to the matter of more allowed fi you watched the last week
you coudl se how much more was allowed i am still not sure were to draw the line but right now if you play bye the rules you can discuss nearly anything that has any relation to the game in general with no relation to the game use this and that

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:01 am
by Tok`ra
Q MAN wrote:yeah!!! this forum needs a bit more fun!!!! but i suppose it needs its serious topics as well!!! but the general section used to be still serious but lighter as well!!! and yo could have a laugh there as well as saysing on the topic,no matter how serious!!!


For example, Bill used to post stuff about life in Iraq and it'd be an active thread not related to SGW, once the thread died down or started to become spam it'd get moved, but it would be left in general for a while.

Same for many more threads.

Nowadays, it seems that (no offense meant) the mods are overzealous, they see a non game thread there and right away move it

We have one general fourm and otehr than gal col its the most active fourm we have (not counting spam section :p ) .

Its the best place to have community stuff.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:37 am
by WeedSeed
i agree with tok'ra

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:22 pm
by Don Lewis
I agree, forums have been very serious lately ever since this war began its been very sucky here.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:52 pm
by Osi

the forum has become to cereal

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:59 pm
by Tok`ra
So what does that make me ?

A Spam n cheese breakfast biscut ?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:59 pm
by Osi
maybe :roll:

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:08 pm
by Q Man
wow!!! this is so cool!!!!!!
everyone is agreeing with tokra because he is actualy right and he agreed with me,lol

but we do need to have topics that everyone can enjoy and still be interesting and still serious!!! i remember when i used to post in the general section because it did have some really great threads in it but now its all war ad stupid threats and i dont want to post there so i post in this and that or the temple!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:14 pm
by Tok`ra
Ditto Qman, General used to be a community fourm, mostly for ingame but not 100%.

Nowadays, if its not releated to the game, its instantly deleted, moved to this and that or the temple.