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'A Song of Ice and Fire'

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:42 am
by Mordack

I'm a huge, huge fan of George R.R Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. To refer to them as "fantasy" would, in my opinion, be doing them an injustice.

My enthusiasm for these books is such that I'm not even sure where to begin 'bigging them up'. GRRM's writing is dark, for a start, and has a far more realistic and grisly bent than most heroic fantasy epics. No character is safe, and no plot twist is too sudden or too violent.

The books are chock-a-block with machiavellian political intrigue and believable, well developed characters. Magic is used subtly and sparingly. Which is a good thing imo, as concepts like "prophecy" and "magic" are sometimes used as a bit of a cop out in fantasy novels.

But what appeals to me most, I think, is the fact that none of the characters are black or white, and almost all are surprisingly multi-faceted. Grey areas are a bit of rarity in fantasy writing, where everything tends to revolve around some sort of battle between good and evil with cookie cutter hero/villain types.

A fascinating and engrossing read. I can't recommend it enough, but with this caveat: it is definitely R-rated. GRRM pulls few punches describing in detail everything from quite 'ordinary' sex in & out of wedlock, through torture and mutilation, murder, incest, the effects of horrifying weapons and beasts, and you-name-it.

Anyway, I'll remove my lips from GRRM's rear now. Certainly if you're a fantasy reader, or just interested in a good story, this series is for you. I've passed it onto friends and family who normally wouldn't even touch anything under the Fantasy heading, and they've loved it.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:12 pm
by Bad Wolf
I am also a massive fan of these books, a good read.


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:36 pm
by *~Starry~*
I love these book... but all my favorite characters are always in a tough spot while people i don't like seem to get whatever they want...

Like in Feast for crows, Brienne is treated horribly, Jaime's hand goes poof, and Jon Snow gets caught in a political struggle. Then the dragon girl gets what she wants. And everyone I don't want to be happy is quite so. >< pah.

And he takes forever to write one book. I'm dying to read more, but he's not the type to crank out a book every other year.

on the other hand. He's great with characterization and perspective. He can really make you sympathize. Also, his world is quite uniquely his own. the only part I don't like is the dragons... :shock:

I read this book when I was in like 5th grade... and even right now, I'm still loving it. "Feast for crows" came out last year, and I rushed to get it. ^_~

But contrary to Mordock's opinion, I think it's a good read for all ages. I mean, unlike a movie, you can skip pages. :P Though sometimes the language does get a little not nice. But it contributes to the atmosphere.


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:46 am
by Mordack
~Starry~* wrote:I love these book... but all my favorite characters are always in a tough spot while people i don't like seem to get whatever they want...

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Tyrion is my favourite character.. and things just go from bad to worse for him. :(

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:16 pm
by *~Starry~*
Mordack wrote:
~Starry~* wrote:I love these book... but all my favorite characters are always in a tough spot while people i don't like seem to get whatever they want...

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Tyrion is my favourite character.. and things just go from bad to worse for him. :(

Is tyrion the dwarf that killed his own father? :S lol~
I actually like Jon Snow the best. I mean, at first things were going good for him, but then him and the wall just got completely wiped...o.o

*mourns for snow*

<-- likes the BrienneX Jaime thing too... but that seems like its not going anywhere


Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 8:01 am
by Brythalious
Seriously cool books and the D20 RPG is good too for those interested..

Cannot forgive Robb's Death though, awaiting dance and not very patiently

Re: 'A Song of Ice and Fire'

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:48 am
by Salvation
there great books, they kindof ruin evry other book in the genre by their brilliance!

Danny and Tyrion are my faveroute charachters so i was a bit pissed off that they werent in book 4 but Cerci and Jamie nearly made up for it! ;)

i cant stand Berinie shes such a FEMININIST! not that i have problems with feminists but id rather not have them littering my literature!

Anyone know wat happened to Theon? is he dead?

and mygod i was crushed wen Twyin and Ser Arys died and prince obadien :'( they were cool

Re: 'A Song of Ice and Fire'

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:24 am
by Brythalious
I cannot remember if it hints at Theons death or pretty much states that he is Dead,.

Re: 'A Song of Ice and Fire'

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:54 pm
by Mordack
Rumour has it that Theon is going to be a point-of-view in ADWD. Don't quote me on that though, it's just a rumour.

And it's seriously great to see other fans here on SGW. :-)

Dany and Tyrion are my favourites. For me, Tyrion edges it out. Tyrion represents to me what this series is and what it is not. He is a totally atypical fantasy character doing very atypical things. He is not morally white or black. He changes over time yet remains true to certain core values. He is smart and stupid, clever and vulnerable, rude, horrible and kind. He is the personification of the series in my mind. Dany is much the same. She has faults, yes. And she's ignorant, yes, but part of me still hopes she and the dragons will win, haha.

Re: 'A Song of Ice and Fire'

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:52 am
by Brythalious
Yep Dany and Tyrion are great, most of the characters I have liked are dead, so now I dont see much hope for Jaime. :(
The Red Viper ruled and was glad he poisoned his spear, he may have been beaten to death but I think it was much, much worse for the Mountain. :D

Re: 'A Song of Ice and Fire'

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:58 am
by Mordack
Brythalious wrote:The Red Viper ruled and was glad he poisoned his spear, he may have been beaten to death but I think it was much, much worse for the Mountain. :D

I really wasn't expecting that twist.. not at all. I genuinely thought the Red Viper had won.

Another character I really like is Varys, because he's so mysterious and enigmatic. Whose side is he really on, and what are his motives? Littlefinger is great, too. The kind of character you love to hate.

Re: 'A Song of Ice and Fire'

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:40 am
by Brythalious
Yeah, I almost wept manly tears at the Red Vipers Death ;)

Shame, Every character... I must stop liking them,. Drogo..
Oh dear......Sorry everyone.... I already said i liked Dany didn't I....

Nice to read authors who are happy to kill off Characters maybe GRRM is a bit OTT lol.

Was happy to see Barristan the Bold with Dany, he is a good sort. Still not sure of Stannis and Renly dead too. Also heard the Onion Knight will be in some of DWD.

Yeah Varys is cool & Littlefinger amuses me a lot. Especially his comments on Cersei.

Re: 'A Song of Ice and Fire'

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:31 pm
by Phoenix of Terra
I'm half way through Storm of Swords (bought the whole series after reading these threads) and just read the Red Wedding part. Absolutely crushing... :smt022

Anyways, I'm interested in seeing what happens with Bran and the three eyed crow.

Re: 'A Song of Ice and Fire'

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:25 pm
by Mordack
George R.R Martin, the author, has said that 'A Dance With Dragons', the next book in the series, should be out sometime this year.

Re: 'A Song of Ice and Fire'

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:45 am
by Brythalious
Should be, should have been already however he decided again bless him that it wasn't finished and said he would release it when it was ready.

So far he refuses to give a definite date, personally i would rather that then keep putting it off.

Red Wedding sucked big time, however incredibly compelling books.