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C.S. Lewis

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:54 pm
by Come_Forth
Ha ha I am sure many people have some strong feelings about Lewis, but he was a great intellectual and writer. I hated the Narnia series, but I am not a fantasy fan so that is logical. His philosophy is pretty interesting, but it is his scifi that I like.

Out of the Silent Planet (Space Trilogy, Book One) by C.S. Lewis
Perelandra (Space Trilogy, Book 2) by C.S. Lewis
That Hideous Strength (Space Trilogy, Book 3) by C.S. Lewis

The books have some strong Christian themes in them, but I found it interesting. One of the main ideas is that there are other planets that never sinned, and humans start visiting them so the main character has to save the planets so they do not fall into sin. In the books earth is the only planet out of many that sinned and it is called the silent planet because demons instead of angels control it.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 7:15 pm
by Desnar
I know this thread is hideously old but Lewis is my favorite. That Hideous Strength is still the best book I have ever read. Screwtape was ok but not as good as the space trilogy.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 7:57 pm
by Come_Forth
Wow, I have never met anyone who has read those books :P