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Our Storys

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 2:42 pm
by Lt.Boa
I Know All You Goa'uld Gods and system lords have a story about your charicter i'd like to no what it is, like what powers do you have if you have any whos your threat and what your charicter looks like in the game :twisted: oh and good or evil or does stuff for what he belives in

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 3:20 pm
by Osi
I was once a powerful system lord who crash landed on an asgard worl. Inhabiting the host I intigrated into society before making my escape back to my empire. I found in in shambles so I decided to make war on an alliance. I failed miserably, and my body was so damaged that I downloaded my mind into a robotic form and was assmilated into the replicator race. Made a lovely rp on a game forum.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 3:31 pm
by Tridentkilla
The History of Poseidon(Tridentkilla)

Born of Cronus, Poseidon was a Harsesis. He was only one in a group of 3 children, Zeus and Hades. These two decided to Fight Cronus for control of his domain. They approached Poseidon, to ask him to join them, but he refused and fled to the Outer regions of space. From a planet there, he raided worlds of Goa'uld and captured young jaffa. Soon, however, he was joined by the God Anubis, and helped him construct his fleet, but never offering his Direct assistance. When Anubis was destroyed, Poseidon scavenged the realm of his former ally, and took many Ancient items to his Homeworld, where using an Anciet map, uncovered a City Ship, which he promptly made his capital. On board he found advanced military research labs, and started to continue the research. He also found a computer that allowed him to indirectly control civilizations. Using this device, he built up planets and had them give offerings of people and Naquadah to him via Large Ring systems. He also built a massive Ship for those rings to go to, that would hold millions of slaves for delivery to Mines. The more advanced civilizations built ships, however they had no knowledge of the technology, and only did as instructed. During this Time of Vast growth, the Asgard contacted him and brokered a peace treaty. Now Poseidon has hundreds of thousands of ships, and millions of Kull warriors, backed by tens of millions of Jaffa, which have no enemy to fight. Poseidon is currently using all of Anubis' research to try and ascend himself, but the ascended Ori have breached his part of the galaxy and are fighting the ascended ancients, so he must bide his time, praying that the Ori win.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 5:57 pm
by Setesh
Lord Osiris wrote:I was once a powerful system lord who crash landed on an asgard worl. Inhabiting the host I intigrated into society before making my escape back to my empire. I found in in shambles so I decided to make war on an alliance. I failed miserably, and my body was so damaged that I downloaded my mind into a robotic form and was assmilated into the replicator race. Made a lovely rp on a game forum.

And now, you are nothing but a human form with nothing. You stand and insult, yet when battle calls you cower behind your brethren, never standing tall yourself!

But such is the way of replicators, Shol'va. I learned that in my short time in an assimilated body, you should have as well.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 6:35 pm
by Osi
Such is the way of Osiris. I prefer to watch and orchestrate...but when the fat hits the fire I tend to back away. I prefer to take the sidlines in war. You can't expect a true god to actually fight can you?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 6:40 pm
by AncientAnubis
Lord Osiris wrote:Such is the way of Osiris. I prefer to watch and orchestrate...but when the fat hits the fire I tend to back away. I prefer to take the sidlines in war. You can't expect a true god to actually fight can you?

I did.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 6:54 pm
by Osi
You suffered a grave injustice. I suffered from accute boredom. Severe diffrence my lord.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:24 pm
by Mulletman
i was a normal duck until the day the goauld atked...

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 6:57 am
by Satet
i was created by a goa'uld queen and then become powerfull quickly and went on to system lord, simple as :P

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 9:49 pm
by Setesh
Satet wrote:i was created by a goa'uld queen and then become powerfull quickly and went on to system lord, simple as :P

Did not.

And yes, Osiris, I do expect you to fight, if you call yourself a god. I did. Anubis did. Kjarkur did. Ra did. In fact, you should not be classified as a God if you merely back away from all fights

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:39 am
by Osi
There are plenty of gods who prefered to incite war and then avoid conflict throughout history. Loki, Eris, Isis. I'm taking a more...diverse role. I could care less if I never have to lift a long as I can cause mayhem when I so wish it.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:45 am
by Turkey
I'm host to a turkey parasite, sometimes the turkey traits show...sometimes they don't. Made friends with an Ancient and a Tollan, now we go about destroying things...

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 11:46 am
by Kjarkur
The Story of Praetor Kjarkur

System Lord Kjarkur was a young goa'uld - who was actually brought up by an Asgard. Kjarkur was the only goa'uld who survived an attack made by Lord Yu.
This Asgard hoped that he could contain Kjarkur, and make him a good goa'uld who would share his goa'uld knowledge and way of thinking to help future enemies of the goa'uld to kill them.

His plan failed a little though, at first Kjarkur was eagered to help those who had saved him many times over. But he couldn't contain his thirst for power. He needed an army to control... an army of slaves to serve him as a god.

Kjarkur made a plan, he found a System Lord he could serve. he served him well - well enough to become that system lords second in command. Then when KJ had enough support, of the system lord's former loyal jaffa - he killed that System Lord in his sleep. And then took control of his domain.

Kjarkur then had control over a massive army - he made sure none of the other System Lords noticed him too much - he wanted to grow more first. He built ships and trippled the size of his empire.
When he was ready he declered himself Praetor Kjarkur, of the System Lords. And has by that name earned his title as a System Lord. Serving many goa'uld alliances and coalitions & delegetions of system lords and goa'ulds. Fighting in the name of his race.

To be continued....

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 3:25 pm
by Lord_Grant
History Of Lord Grant.
He entered teh galaxy from unknown area's.
The First Goauld he encountered was Sokek. The System Lord gave Grant control over a small realm within his own.
Slowly Grant gained Power. Recieving Slave's ,and Naquadah from his Lord to begin his own realm's building. Soon he was gaining ground rapidly.
About that timw his Lord disappeared from sight. Rumored to have ascended. Under teh guise of protecting his Lord's realm he siezed control of a large portion. The System Lord RA appeared ,and claimed a large portion of Sokek's former realm. Grant,nowing he couldnt fight a powerful System Lord as him, submitted to RA as his supreme god.
He served RA for a long time,His new Lord giving him control of more area ,and allowing him to build larger armies.
His Second New Lord disappeared much teh same as teh first. Again Grant siezed Control of a portion of RA's realm.
He searched for a new god to him. he couldnt oppose teh many Goauld in the galaxy. He Found the Lord Telchac. He was given a higher ranking than his previous god's. Telchac having seen his massive struggles to climb to power.
He gained pwoer even more quickly under Telchac. Serving him through a major war ,and coming out a victor. It was with this taht Telchac's final order before slipping away from teh coalition of System Lord's was to give Grant teh Ranking of Minor God. Which was a higher tier in thier feudal system.
He picked anotehr System Lord. This teim one called Venom. He had a higher level of respect ,and continued working within teh Coalition.
Soon..He was called in by teh System lords. He was given a position as a System Lord himself.
His realm was soon ravaged by attacks. Replicator's,Rogue Goauld,and teh infant Tauri backed by their Asgard Allies ravaged teh System Lord alliance. The founding members scattered throughout teh galaxy.
It was in this teim of hdiing that Grant researched more into the Ancient's ascension. by accident one day whiole meditating he became one with a higher level. After thorough thought he retook his Goauld form. With higher knowladge than before.
It was this teim that the System Lord Alliance reformed. Grant rejoined it ,and the powerful Goauld were again alligned.
After much struggle ,and small troubles.The System lords voted in Grant as a Supreme System Lord.
He now commands teh System Lords armies.
He has roughly 20 Mining World's,30 Slave Planets,5 Outpost Planets,his Homeworld,5 Ship Building worlds ,and 4 industrial worlds under his rules.
His fleet consists of 2 Massive Mothership's,105 Older ha'tak ,and 35 brand new ha'tak.
His army had almsot 45,000 Jaffa within it,4500 of them Elite Wolf Gaurds, His milita consisted of many thousands of Jafa trained in warfare ,and armed ,and armored but not on active duty.
The end.

Re: Our Storys

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:15 am
by Legendary Apophis
That is interesting for new Goa'ulds and also long time ones who wodnererd where they could write their!