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Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 3:47 am
by ~Phoenix~
its pretty much ruining the game for me... some peoplea re just boosting their main account so much with a little bit of ascended, this isnt fair. Im not small on ascended but this is just ruining main for me.

Whats the point in working hard to get powerful if certain people are doing sod all and getting above everyone else.

I jsut cant believe its still happening and hasnt been stopped..

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:24 am
by Taure
...undercut their rates. That way you're benefiting from the sale of DMU too. As Mojo said, if you can't beat them, join them!

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:18 pm
by ~Phoenix~
Obviously you have no idea what is going on.

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:48 pm
by Memento
i think everone knows wat is going on they just dont realise the excessivness of it all is

just some figures for less then half a days income on ascended a player cold buy 11mill UU + with the naq recieved from the deal

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:02 pm
by Raven
Memento wrote:i think everone knows wat is going on they just dont realise the excessivness of it all is

just some figures for less then half a days income on ascended a player cold buy 11mill UU + with the naq recieved from the deal

and then they still dare to say ascended is unfair for them while they easily have regained everything they wasted on ascensions ..... just let them sell stuff they are sad people....its more a loophole in ascended game.....but if they think its ok to use it let them....

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:41 pm
by Memento
why tho

ive worked damn hard to get my ascension account constantly being raided after i reched certain amounts of planets not having the protection that GA's gave each other...yet people come along who dont care about ascension with a bg main account and can in one fell swoop catch me up in raw UP thats in 1 day of buying stuff

i think its all fair and well for the players to sell DMU cos if i had the choose iwould do the same, to me tho its just i think the greedyness of the rates for the no effort put in for those goals

i dont know tho maybe its just me cos im stuck in the middle cos it takes me virtually the same amount of time to get the DMU as it does to get the naq so there is no point in me doing these trades

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:53 pm
by Raven
Memento wrote:why tho

ive worked damn hard to get my ascension account constantly being raided after i reched certain amounts of planets not having the protection that GA's gave each other...yet people come along who dont care about ascension with a bg main account and can in one fell swoop catch me up in raw UP thats in 1 day of buying stuff

i think its all fair and well for the players to sell DMU cos if i had the choose iwould do the same, to me tho its just i think the greedyness of the rates for the no effort put in for those goals

i dont know tho maybe its just me cos im stuck in the middle cos it takes me virtually the same amount of time to get the DMU as it does to get the naq so there is no point in me doing these trades

I think its wrong because they are selling sand for gold but again if they wanna take advantage of the way Ascended server is evolving[very poor] then let them....

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:06 pm
by Taure
Obviously you have no idea what is going on.


I don't know what your problem is with me, since you're constantly taking this very objectionable attitude to me, but I know very well what's going on. And since you won't believe me just saying that, I'll explain it:

Player A in ascension makes much DMU per turn. He decides to sell some of this for main UU/Naq. He arranges the deal, sells his defence, the guy attacks and steals the naq, then he sells attack weapons that he has saved up to re-buy the defence. Your objection is that the rates are such that the people selling the DMU make back what they sell in about a day, whereas the goods they recieve in main for the DMU would have taken them considerably longer to make.

Right, are you satisfied that I understand now?


Now its your turn to listen to me.

This is a simple matter of supply and demand. Players such as Mujo, High Empty and Hen possess a rare good: DMU in the trillions. As there are only a few people selling, the cost of buying this good is high. To reduce the cost, it is a simple matter of increasing the supply through adding to the number of sellers. That way the sellers will try to undercut eachother to get custom, until an equilibrium is reached. I'll even draw a diagram.


We have our position now, Supply is at "Supply1" and Demand is at "Demand". Equilibrium price is at P1, equilibrium quantity sold is at Q1. By increasing the level of supply, that is, through adding an increased number of sellers into the market, Supply shifts to "Supply2", equilibrium price will drop to P2, and quantity sold will increase to Q2. This is for a few reasons:

1. Increased amounts of the good on the market. The less rare a good becomes, the less it will be worth, as its YED (Income Elasticity of Demand) value will fall, as it is not considered as much of a luxury good anymore.
2. Competition between sellers for profits. If one seller is overcharging, a buyer in a market with many sellers can just switch to a seller offering better prices. This causes price to fall until it reaches the point where some sellers begin to drop out of the market because they do not think it is worth it any more. This is the point where only normal profits (the level of profit a seller demands to stay in business) are being made, as opposed to abnormal profits (profits in excess of what it required to keep the seller in business).

So, you can see that I did not speak out of ignorance. My comment about you joining in and selling too was not just a flippant remark, but based on established economic theory.

Choose to listen to my advice or not, its up to you - you may decide that selling your defence is too risky - but know that if you do decide not to sell, then you are contributing to the rarity of the good (DMU) and therefore will just have to put up with entrepeneurs such as High Empty taking the risk that you weren't willing to take and making money from it.

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:54 pm
by chargin
lol nice economics 101 Taure. pity the underlying assumptions in that model aren't true...

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:07 am
by Taure
It'd work well enough in a simplistic economy like SGW. If I were to go to the UU market now and start selling UU at a very low rate, then (assuming I had enough UU to keep this up) prices would begin to fall as otherwise people will just buy from me and no other UU seller will get a deal.

The problem comes with me actually having the motivation to do this, which I don't, since I can sell perfectly well at the current rate...why would I sell at a lower rate, when I can get more money this way?

Still, the lowest DMU:Naq ratio is about 1:7 at the moment, and there are relatively few buyers, so even undercutting to about 1:5 would ensure that you steal quite a large market share.

Re: Selling relativly small amounts of dmu for tons of naq

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:50 am
by ~Phoenix~
No, it wouldnt work.

Know why?

We cant save that much, it would take weeks.

And im not even a small guy there...

Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:28 am
by SVaRuN
Strange topic, well maybe...but quite a popular topic these days...

Lets see...

Selling 1DMU for 7NAQ

We shall start here...

This looks like a fair price...doesnt it? It sure does...cause if you are a regular common ascension player, that has come in contact with former COP acounts, or is to small to get his ascension boosted your income in ascension sucks!
Let me guess you make 2 mils per turn...NO you make 50 mils per turn?ok...perhaps this is a flash for you but you are living in another dimension...cause the top guys in ascension make a couple of trills per day...
No I have not spelled it wrong it is...T R I L L S.
Will someone raise a hand and tell me who in main earns with pure income over a trill...
Perhaps here comes another enlightenment but here you go NOONE!!!
Now how much do top ones in main earn...about 300-500bils per day and some are above that but they certanly do not make trills.
Now read the "SELLING AD" again.
Is the price fair...I ll leave you to be the judge of that ;)

Lets move on...

Trills of NAQ in main...

So once ppl are fooled into buying DMU for main naq they have got them selves I would say prity nice chunk of naq...
Now tell me is ascension in balance...? (decide for yourself in your mind)
Now tell me is main in balance...? (decide for yourself in your mind)
Now tell me do you think main will stay in balance...? ( the above said )

I would like to believe that the above sums up my view on ascension influencing main...and what it will bring...

I got run by a bus...and I payed for the fuel...

Now I would like to speak about the so Called I am donating for my death effect.
My view on it is simple...Lets say that your name is Jack and you have a nice main acount of 100 mils UU and your ascension acount sucks. You start digging in for this DMU-NAQ deal and you get yourself 5 trills of DMU and you boost your ascension and after a few months you even make it to top 50 in ascension. You fell have invested in it so you can actually do something in ascension and help your alliance the Jack"s trailor, which is rank 4 in main, if some poo happens...
In one month poo does happen...and your alliance is in the war with rank 3 alliance which was once part of the famous COP company...and they are known by their okiedokie ascension acounts...
You finally are able to stand up to them...cause surely...if you are rank 25 (supposed you are now) you can help yeah??? (at least in main you can...) What log in to your acount...and find it in ashes...assassins...massive invaders....massive defenders...even resoure planets...all destroyed to a point you feel like a boy-scout entering the iraqy war...
Well boyo you have matter how much you matter what kind of main naq you will not be able to catch the best...and even if you ll get smacked all over and here comes the best part...just like a mosquito who is living from the blood of other animals...they ( whoever busted your ass up there ) were happy you spent all that main build a rich feeding grounds...

I believe I have said what I wanted to say about the issue. For me this is like a green-house is polluting our air and we our-selves are doing it...we know we are doing it and that it is wrong...but we will keep on doing it never the less...
My belief is that this will ruin the game as we know it...hance I adressed the issue...

Well it is here to dicuss that was the original idea, plus saying what was on my mind...

Thank you for reading it...

Best Regards: Blue One (once to be rank 4 in influence-ascension...but then got run by a bus. I payed for the fuel ;) )

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:34 am
by BL1P

only answer too the problem i could think of was this post i made a few days ago.

rather than funding your enemy you trade your own stuff from one sever too the other.

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:40 am
by Memento
well bl1p the thing with that idea is

people who want to grow on ascension wont have the chance to buy DMU now meaning they wont get even off the ground

and it still helps outthe main account which i see a problem with

but savrun i totally agree with wat ur saying its ludicrous wats happening and ludicrous that people are actually doin the trades lol

Re: Selling DMU for NAQ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:57 am
I make no where near to a trillion a day in Ascension - I try to sell up to but no more than 10% of my weekly Ascension income.

If you weigh up the cost of Ascending:Buying DMU - It works out cheaper to buy DMU (Most times), whatever you do, you run the same risk of been hit and massed, such is the nature of the beast.

I am strong up there, but tomorrow I could be nothing.