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Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:04 pm
by Sleipnir
I see a possible problem in the future. It's happening already actually. People no longer risk the recources to try and sabotage those with high spy rankings. In the end, it's going to be the little guys that get picked on.

We have a way of taking down people's attack and defense rating. So why not spy rating too?

My proposition: The Ashrak, or Goa'uld asassin. Or equivalent for other races. You send in the spy troops to specifically take out enemy spies. It's much like a sabotage mission against spy ranking.

Sounds scary eh? :shock:

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:21 pm
by forgive_me
its a good idea ...but haw will u protect yorself from them...wath woud be the kill patern that shoud be aplied?...pls explain in more detail the idea......
it good but if anyone coud kill yor spays then it will be useles...u need a way to protect from them....;)

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:42 pm
by Silicis

Replicators:Human form spy
Tau'ri:Ree'tu camoflauge stuff
Asgard:Spy drones.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:45 pm
by Guest
Cool ideas, but wouldn't it throw the game off a little? It is becoming too much of a spy/sabotage attack game, when it should be really, a little spying, then massive attack, then counterattack

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:46 pm
by Sleipnir
Yeah we still need to crunch a few numbers, dot a few i's.

I was thinking something like a normal attack damages weapons. High spy skill makes your spies harder to kill. There should be limits like with normal sabotage. Also limits on the number of asassination missions you can send out. Costs to the asassin as well.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:10 pm
by forgive_me il make a list of modifications/implements so this idea can be posible...

this is haw i think it coud be done:
1. buy "mercenaries" for infiltrating and kiling spies and "mercenaries"
2. levels of training to the "mercenaries" levels to spy but with a limit....10 for example...the levels shoun have a doubeling efect on the power of the "mercenaries"
3. if u try to kill somens spys and send yor ""mercenaries" in action then it shoud be like :
- attack power of mercenaries=[(total power/numer of mercenaris)*number of mercenaris sent]* random(5 to 7)
- the defence of mercenaries=total power*random(5 to 7)
- if the attack power of mercenaries is > then the defence of mercenaries then u woud kill=[random(5 to 30)*nr of spys]/100 (also for mercenaries in a sucsesful action u woud kill spys and "mercenaries")
- u woud lose in action mercenaries like this(also coud be implemented in the loses of spys):
if random(1,2)=1 then u will lose [random(5 to 10)*nr of mercenaries send]/100
else no mercenaries lost in action..........this way u woud have a 50/50 chance to lose spys and mercenaries in action......

if it is ok with everyone i think this woud be implimanted in the game...

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:16 pm
by Guest
Is it me whose tired, or does point 3 make not much sense?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:30 pm
by forgive_me
GuiltySpark416 wrote:Is it me whose tired, or does point 3 make not much sense?

sorry for not explaining to well...its 0:30 AM :(.....but point 3 i just explaind the formulas that shoud act on these chind of actions....if u didnt know...all that hapens in the game is based on formulas like those.....:P
if it is necesary than i will explain all in more detail...

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:40 pm
by Guest
NO!!!!! Definitely not necessary

I may not be understanding it right, but...

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:02 pm
by Raconar
If the covert level of the enemy is their defence and your covert level is part of the offence wouldn't you still lose...if theirs is higher than yours and that would be why you want to take it down? I may not be getting what the idea is if I am not understanding correctly...please disregard this post...

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:49 pm
by forgive_me
i wass talking about implimanting a new tipe of spys....with there own upgreads....diferent from the spys....;)....if someone hase a high covert action then u woud wand to destroy there covert action and u woud need a higher "spy kiling" attack than the one that of the person u want to kill spys of...

it is just a devolopment of a idea....;)

Ah...I see...

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:57 pm
by Raconar
Thank you for explaining it...sorry I caused you to have to go to all the trouble of writing another post. I don't know why I didn't understand it, because now it makes a lot of sense... :oops:

Anway Thanks again for explaining it...I think it would be a cool addition...

On the "Spy Killing" Action or whatever...(maybe a good name would be "Counter-Spy" Action...)...would it also help when you were attacked with invading spies...and maybe give a higher probablity of capturing the spies that were sent in... :D Well it was just an idea...either way I hope I helped you in some way...see you around the Battlefield...just hopefully not each other's... :)

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:35 pm
by ArcticDragon
ack! i think this is really necessary. this game is getting too cold war-ish iron curtain, james bondy type of game. we need a way to counter the ppl who use spies and won't face armies face to face. i think this could really help balence the game.


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:25 am
by Sleipnir
ArcticDragon wrote:ack! i think this is really necessary. this game is getting too cold war-ish iron curtain, james bondy type of game. we need a way to counter the ppl who use spies and won't face armies face to face. i think this could really help balence the game.


That's why I proposed it. Currently, there are some players who are virtually untouchable. They build up spy armies and there's no way to stop them.

It's like this, there's 2 ways to get to the top:
1: Get more than the guy above you.
2: Make the guy above you get less.

With the spies, 2 is impossible.

I hadn't considered making a whole new unit type. Problem with that is, the situation will repeat itself by people just building up asassin defenses.

I was thinking just let the spies do it. If a small guy takes on a big guy, he will take out a few of that player's units, but lose a lot more himself. The point is, the big guy DOES take damage.

Of course this should factor into the high alert status heavily. Right now this is based on a number of missions taken against a player. I think it should discern between the different types of missions. I mean, a succesful spy mission would hardly be noticed. However, as your weapons blow up around you, you should consider DEFCON 1 a lot sooner. Same would go if spies were dropping dead all over your realm.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:29 am
by Xanthors
i must agree with you Sleipnir there should be less sabotage attempts possible against single player, cuz currently the game seems to turn into spy game, and there seems to be less and less worthy to spend on weapons if a weeks' work can be destroyed in under 5 minutes. In my opinion covert factor is simply to strong in a game which purpose is galactic dominance.
mayby the Alert should be dependant on cost of the weapon destroyed, as it's unlikely someone will notice that one Staff or P90 has been dealt with, but anyone will notice immiedietly when something big and powerfull blows up... i think it would prevent people loosing everything they have in an instant...