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Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:41 am
by Jeffsupersaiyan
as you all notice these alliances are huge . but have they actually earned it no . the misused the market for their advantage . also as you see their moslty admin in the game as well . so the decided to make the market change in a way that no one else can catch up to them . so they had it changed. these alliances misused the system found and used a bug . they should be banned for cheating


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:08 am
by Midnight
And what have they done to you then?

Because personally I know quite a few Omegan's, DDE members, and I suppose I might as well throw in for good measure: Alpha, DD, the Legion, AOE, OoC...

Strangely enough, they have all worked hard to get where they are, some have had help by their friends, some have made interesting choices.

If you believe they have cheated bring forth proof!

I know I am not alone when I say:

I am sick of seeing people blame their own misfortune, stupidity or lack of strategy or fore-thought on one of the power-alliances. Get over it. This isn't directed at you purely Jeff, as their are a huge amount of other much the same.

Anyone who is seen as done well is immediately assumed to have done something wrong.


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:22 am
by thorslittleworld
what a load of crock and this is just spam post so for those who think anyone better than them are cheats consider the below stratagies

raid, i can personaly raid 1m uu a day on a good day,, in 100 days I just maybe able to raid 100m

farm, I can build a 800b strike and farm for over 1t naqs, very good for UP and buying UU

buy and sell resources, my faviourit I sell and buy all resources especially when I have an abundance of a comodity i dont need at the time, ie if farming i dont need 10k ats and also my faviourit when a sweet deal comes my way ie someone really needing something and trades lower than the usual BM rates

So if your one of those who just dont work hard enough on there account then may I suggest you either buy a better account, or be better with your account, oh and of course you could always find a more appropiate game

as for the major alliances including those who were in the CIA/COP war, there is as much of a possible cheat there than there is in the whole game, the only exception is those alliances when finding a cheat usually totaly anhilates them because they have standing agreement in alliance policy to mass them cos they dont want to be affiliated with cheats

so my advise is dont say about alliances, if you got proof send it to admin and let them do there job, im sure we will all have fun with the cheats if they dont get banned

as for all alliances with the standing order about cheats

GOOD ON YOU may we all strive to being better people


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:24 am
by Midnight
thorslittleworld wrote:what a load of crock...

...GOOD ON YOU may we all strive to being better people



Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:33 am
by Jeffsupersaiyan
wrong this isnt not spam and this is a gaming issue. they misused the NAQ bank . with the market


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:40 am
by Midnight
Jeffsupersaiyan wrote:they misused the NAQ bank . with the market

NAQ bank? Did I miss something?

Do you mean how they cleverly co-ordinate ppt's to coincide with each other so that they can continue to save for extravagant purchases, and how they can continue to do so, investing in way similar to a stock market, to reap the best rewards in both short and long term?

That is called "Alliance Strategy".

By now wouldn't people have learnt that Omega and the other powerful allaicnes aren't the devil?


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:49 am
by geisha
The banned from trading section is to be used for reporting scammers only.

It is certainly not the place to start pointless accusations and conspiracy theories.
