Crashed servers, hosting screw-ups etc...

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Crashed servers, hosting screw-ups etc...

Just like to suggest that next time this sort of issue arrises it might be nice to have all accounts switched to holiday mode to allow for those of us who can't play 24-7 and as such are left with big kick-me signs on their backs when this sort of thing happens. At least if in holiday mode no-one benefits and no one loses out on account of the site issues.
Sorry if this seems a bit hostile or whatever, just a little peeved over being farmed as a result of the down time.
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Re: Crashed servers, hosting screw-ups etc...

daivahataka wrote: for those of us who can't play 24-7

if you cant play 24/7 then would'nt you have gotten farmed anyway?
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no coz it might have just woken up and have wanted to get on and bank his naq, but obviously couldnt.
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Or in my case I plan out my work breaks to allow me to log in so that I can bank/spend my naq before I've too much in the open, but thanks to the site being inaccessible I was effectively unable to play for a whole 6hrs.
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im so glad i was on PPT. but i agree with your idea - it would be nice for auto-vacation mode - or you are protected for x number of turns after it comes back on
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Well the auto-vacation would be better as you may have others who're even more misfortunate and the site was down during the time they planned to make their last log-in for the day, it'd mean that anything they had would be in the open while they sleep. At least with the vacation mode people can come out of it once they next log in so the different timezones people are in won't work against them unfairly.
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so every time there is the slightest glitch evrybody will not be able to play for 2 days???
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Well that time limit could be removed for this form of forced vacation mode. It would also have the knock-on advantage of flagging all inactive accounts as these would remain in vacation mode, whereas after a couple of days (probably less) everyone who's still playing would have logged in and returned to normal mode.
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i think it would be better to have a limited amount of time after the server comes up - then if you can't log in in that time frame, too bad for you.
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i think you should take the rough withe smooth bet ya would`nt of complained if you`ld been the one doing the farming
I Replicate
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I was doing the farming this time, and I admit that i was farmed before when something like this happened. All i will say is: get over it! Its just naq. You'll make it back. If you dont like it, buy more defense. Get a bigger spy level. Just stop complaining about it.

Also, thank you for your naq :twisted:
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even though i didnt get farmed no problem you can keep the naq

anyway getting rid of the inactive accounts no that would be getting rid of thousands of players and farms
Wolf359 wrote:I agree with hidden
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Players no, farms yes, but isn't the whole purpose to fight against other players not inert accounts which are doing nothing other than generating naq. But anyway, back to the point....

Still would've complained if I'd been doing the attacking, you may have noticed that I've regulary complained about people buying their way to the top via SS/USS/PPT, and suggested that the chaos game should be free of this, yet how do you think I am where I am in QW???
A thing is not more or less unfair just because it happens to you.
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My suggestion, typing up the coding to make it when the server crashes and is put back on , put them on temporarily PPT until 2 minutes after they log on next. It gives them sufficent time to spend that Naq.
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Well the site seemed to have gone down again for a while, couldn't log in at 06:10 GMT this morning. The entire game seems to have frozen during that period though so no-one gained or lost out due to it, looks to have been down since about 03:00 GMT but hopefully, since the game froze, it won't interfere with the game state much (i.e. no-one will get unfairly farmed due to having been unable to make a last pre-bed bank/spend or whatever).

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