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Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:53 am
by Nostradamus
We are seeing more and more often how players with small accounts are selling tril of naq or mil of UUs on the black market and in many of those cases they are using very low prices.

For the buyers everything it's fine, they are getting more for their $ but why do people buy resources in this game for real money ? I think the answer is quite simple ..... they are using money because they either want to reward admin for a good game that in many cases lasted more then normal game titles last or if they started later they want to try and catch the big dogs .... I doubt someone is investing 100$ to be able to say "I made it in top 1000" .... the big players are those that are generating the request for ingame resources for cash because of their investment (time wise) in this game and in forming this very nice community.

But guess what .... most if not all of the big players are playing by the book ... they are selling excess goods, not what they are making in an entire week or month. If they were to do that everyone else wouldn't be able to sell almost anything ..... competing with 25-30 tril naq and 20 mil UU generated each day (all this only from people I know for sure they are active on the black market, so the real figure it's bigger) it's impossible .... this group could lower the prices enough so that for others it wouldn't be worth it selling.

If I remember corectly there were at least 2 attempt to form a "traders guild", one which would regulate prices for the black market. The rules were simple : you're in you can sell, you're not and are attempting to sell you get massed. Given the fact that this was a bit too extreme for some this guild was never formed. But if it was to happen in a short time the situation would be like it's now in ascended server ... a small group of people that can sell dmu and also impose the prices.

I think it's time admin will take a stand in this matter and clearly define what's excess. What would be a minimum size under which you are not allowed to sell for cash, what % of your account can sell, what % of your income can sell, etc. This should also help admin a bit more, because given the current prices on the black market and those on the official ingame black market he's not selling very much. Once certain guidelines would be in place this price will raise a bit and if people are in need of something badly they could go to the official cash market.

Of course if you are selling out the account it's a different situation.

In the current game state if you make a couple of multi accounts it's very easy to get 1 mil UU every 3-4 days doing nothing (20k UP is less then 350 bil). All those that are raiding the inactive account have noticed that some of them have nice UPs and their number is growing ..... there is only one way of this happening. Imposing some rules will limit this as well.

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:00 pm
by Norbe
If I cast your mind back to 4-5 months ago, there was an attempt to ban all cash trades entirely. This resulted in many people boycotting this forum, and going to trade elsewhere.

After this happened, there was a U-turn on the market rules, and they were allowed to be legal. At least this way you get the chance to ensure you are trading with trustworthy partners through the use of feedback threads, etc. I think at that point in time the "excess goods rule" was more or less discarded.

Nostradamus wrote:In the current game state if you make a couple of multi accounts it's very easy to get 1 mil UU every 3-4 days doing nothing (20k UP is less then 350 bil). All those that are raiding the inactive account have noticed that some of them have nice UPs and their number is growing ..... there is only one way of this happening. Imposing some rules will limit this as well.

You do have a very good point here. It is relatively easy to get a large number of accounts just with the purpose of generating UU to sell for cash. However, do you know anyone who would buy from such people? If I was to buy with cash, i'd make sure I buy from a reputable seller.


Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:49 am
by MackTheKnife
* I define a week as:
2 ppt periods, which is 192 Turns, plus being able to bank fully for about 9 hours on the other 3 days. I would say it's close enough to what a person would earn in a week. Also, since my calculations are based on people with ascended bonuses, it will also give more % per month for people who are NOT ascended.

My first point. Anyone whose rank is below 2000 is not allowed to sell for money. For people who say "what about raiders".. if an account is a "raider" account you have no excess naq because you are spending it all on turns to raid. Easy game theory to say this is "You are not well known, you must build your prestige before being allowed to sell your wares".

For the following, an "in-universe" way to reason why the following are not allowed to sell x amount could be "You must have x amount of followers to protect supply lines, at x amount of followers you can only have x amount of trade lines. Any more and you risk unacceptable losses".

IMO, anyone under 10 million uu/miner should not be allowed to sell anything for $$. Under 10 million there is no way you should have any "excess" at all. You should be training all your UU into miners, using your turns (I don't think turns sell for money now, but this is "just in case") to raid, farm or stockpiled if you end up in a war.

10 Million or less = You would make like 300 billion in an entire week. It would take close to a month to sell a single trillion naq.

10-20 million, you would generally make around 600 billion in an entire week max, and would suggest 500 billion per month as the allowable sale amount. UU I would say a maximum of 1 million sold per month.

20-30 Million is about 2.7 trillion, I would say the maximum allowable would be 1 trillion a month and about 1.5 million UU a month.

30-40, maximum 1.5 trillion, and 2 million UU.

At 40 million and above is unlimited. At that point people can chose to remain under the market limits to be able to both sell and buy resources they may need (which helps stimulate the market), can choose to go over the limits which precludes them from buying, and they may choose to stay at that army size to help others in their alliance.

In Summary:
Below 2000 rank = no selling.
10 million or less army size = no selling.
10-20 million = 750 billion a month / 1 million UU
20-30 million = 1 trillion a month / 1.5 million UU
30-40 million = 1.5 trillion a month / 2 million UU
40+ no restrictions.

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:03 am
by TheRook
I agree with Mack the limits should be imposed on armysize...

and the numbers he gave there are reasonable but I believe that those below 20mill armysize shouldn't be allowed to sell excess (as they can still grow A LOT more)

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:58 am
by Timmy
i think excess only comes into play when you reach caps so people under 50mil shouldn't sell unless leaving them game as they are too behind to be selling naq or uu

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:06 am
by Hensenshi
MackTheKnife wrote:Below 2000 rank = no selling.

hensenshi wrote: Rank: 4,529
Total Fighting Force 75,323,814

You don't think I couldn't have some excess resources?

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:13 am
by Raven
Hensenshi wrote:
MackTheKnife wrote:Below 2000 rank = no selling.

hensenshi wrote: Rank: 4,529
Total Fighting Force 75,323,814

You don't think I couldn't have some excess resources?

I sec that

Rank: 7,331 .... i cant sell?

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:45 pm
by Virisken Soshir
now, if you look at this objectively, this isnt him taking a stance against people who sell for low prices because he believes it to be in violation of a rule.

This is him getting cryfaced that he cant make loads of money anymore selling his "excess" resources, there is NO such thing as excess resources period, you can ALWAYS buy more up, spy levels ms slots, so in theory no account in the game ever generates a single excess unit or naq.

if you would think to argue with my above statement, before saying anything along the lines of oh blah blah i make 500k uu a day, almost a tril anq income blah blah, answer me this:

do you still have a button in your training page to increase your up/spylevels/in command center to buff planets? if os you generate absolutely ZERO excess resources, so by this line of reasoning everyone who sells for $ should be banned.


Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:27 am
by MackTheKnife
Hensenshi wrote:
MackTheKnife wrote:Below 2000 rank = no selling.

hensenshi wrote: Rank: 4,529
Total Fighting Force 75,323,814

You don't think I couldn't have some excess resources?

No, I simply said that those below 2,000 should not be allowed to sell. I don't know the various reasons about why people remain below this. It's intention was to prevent people from using low ranked accounts and just selling off all their UU, turns and naq for $$.

If you wanted to sell under my proposals, I'm sure moving up to above 2,000 would be a simple matter for someone like you, or you would be exempt as you are a well known player in the community.

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:35 am
by Raven
MackTheKnife wrote:
Hensenshi wrote:
MackTheKnife wrote:Below 2000 rank = no selling.

hensenshi wrote: Rank: 4,529
Total Fighting Force 75,323,814

You don't think I couldn't have some excess resources?

No, I simply said that those below 2,000 should not be allowed to sell. I don't know the various reasons about why people remain below this. It's intention was to prevent people from using low ranked accounts and just selling off all their UU, turns and naq for $$.

If you wanted to sell under my proposals, I'm sure moving up to above 2,000 would be a simple matter for someone like you, or you would be exempt as you are a well known player in the community.

That really makes no sense rank means nothing in SGW there are lotsa people who could jump to top 10 anytime they wanted but just dont wanna......

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:29 am
by Hensenshi
MackTheKnife wrote:
Hensenshi wrote:
MackTheKnife wrote:Below 2000 rank = no selling.

hensenshi wrote: Rank: 4,529
Total Fighting Force 75,323,814

You don't think I couldn't have some excess resources?

No, I simply said that those below 2,000 should not be allowed to sell. I don't know the various reasons about why people remain below this. It's intention was to prevent people from using low ranked accounts and just selling off all their UU, turns and naq for $$.

If you wanted to sell under my proposals, I'm sure moving up to above 2,000 would be a simple matter for someone like you, or you would be exempt as you are a well known player in the community.

If you'd like me to prove I can be above 2k, that's easy, I'll take a top ten spot. Unfortunately, I don't want to do that. The real power of a player comes when he knows when to manipulate the ranks to his/her benefit. Why would I want to have a target painted on me?

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:43 am
by Mordack
Uhm, using rank as the determinant factor in cash sales is an unbelievably silly idea. As Hensenshi and Raven have already pointed out, rank means nothing. Getting into the top 2000 is easy. If admin simply had to put requirements on which accounts can and can't sell for cash, I guess it should be army size.. but even that isn't a completely accurate indicator.

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:53 am
by High Empty
however it helps, say the limit was 90mil, that should to it cause by then investing in up is a very little profit game. But you had to have some up to get there, ofcourse selling uu then would be hard!

And i've no idea how to code it!@

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:56 pm
theres no real way to code it, always ways around it
Cant stop people sending naq to friends because it might be a $ trade
The only way to enforce this is with admin declaring what excess goods are and who may have them. Then clamping down on those trades continually sending all accounts resources away from their account.
I dont see why anyone under 75million army can have huge amounts of excess at the moment
I didn't sell anything for a few months during which time i grew my account.
Now ive started selling some more again.
Still got a kick ass account (i think so)

Re: Let's define excess goods admin

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:50 pm
by MackTheKnife
Hensenshi wrote:
MackTheKnife wrote:
Hensenshi wrote:
MackTheKnife wrote:Below 2000 rank = no selling.

hensenshi wrote: Rank: 4,529
Total Fighting Force 75,323,814

You don't think I couldn't have some excess resources?

No, I simply said that those below 2,000 should not be allowed to sell. I don't know the various reasons about why people remain below this. It's intention was to prevent people from using low ranked accounts and just selling off all their UU, turns and naq for $$.

If you wanted to sell under my proposals, I'm sure moving up to above 2,000 would be a simple matter for someone like you, or you would be exempt as you are a well known player in the community.

If you'd like me to prove I can be above 2k, that's easy, I'll take a top ten spot. Unfortunately, I don't want to do that. The real power of a player comes when he knows when to manipulate the ranks to his/her benefit. Why would I want to have a target painted on me?

Obviously, if forum decides that over 2,000 = no cash selling then it's just another thing to think about when deciding what rank you need to be.

It's a simple suggestion, perhaps the army size is more viable, maybe rank 2,000 is too low as a point to stop people regardless of army size.

These are simply suggestions.