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Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 10:12 am
by J.S.



rules of this forum are simple,

1: keep the spam in here. PASS

2: No swearing PASS

3: No personal insults PASS However this should mean that things like your ugly, or you look stupid.. Calling someone a woman IS NOT AN INSULT

4: No racial hatred, slurs or any other form of hate to creed, sexuality and religion PASS

5: No annoying everyone.(this basically means threads that make up sentances when put together, and one word replies constantly.) FAIL ITS A SPAM TEMPLE

6: NO posting of "nothing" if you post, and it contains nothing, it does not count as a post, and will be deleted. FAIL AGAIN SPAM

7: if there's an intelligent topic going on, don't post if you have no idea what's being talked about and have no intention of finding out. FAIL SPAM TEMPLE DUH ANYTHING INTELLIGENT IN THE SPAM TEMPLE IS JUST THAT!!!

8. Please refrain from using any other colour as your text than your standard colour. It makes the posts difficult to read, and therefore difficult to moderate. Any people picking hard to read colours will be asked to changed FAIL What difference does that make? Who the hell cares if a colour is different?? I mean if I can't read a colour I don't read the post!!

9. I would like to add that there is to be no multi posting as there is generlly no need for it apart from if you are trying to increase your post count without any effort, there is an edit button if you really have to add something new. Plus most double or triple posts tend to break rules 5 and 6 anyway. FAIL Again whats the point of stopping people from posting a million times in the SPAM temple EASY SOLUTION REMOVE POST COUNT FROM THE SPAM AND UNRELATED ROOMS.

10. Threads or posts that deal with gender issues, sexuality, etc. that postulate/guess/wonder/etc. or talk about it in a negative light are not allowed. If you have questions about someone take it up with them, not on the forum. There is the potential to hurt someone, and should not be on the forum. Final decision is up to moderating team. FAIL Rules 2, 3 and 4 cover this



Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 10:25 am
by J.S.



NOTE: These rules are guidelines. It is the spirit of these rules that must be followed, and not the technicalities of the wording. Looking for technicalities to "bypass" a rule is a breach of rule 23 if materialised. Refer to rule 23 to see examples of how it can be materialised.

1. You may not post your unique link anywhere on this board except in your own topic in the recruit section. PASS

2. Recruiting officers or for an alliance can ONLY take place in the respective Recruitment forum. PASS

3. The use of swearing and of abusive language is strictly forbidden. PASS

4. You may not post the same thing multiple times. PASS However if a point is unfairly heard example a thread closed prematurely, I would re-allow it to open!!

5. You may not attack another member's spelling / English. PASS

6. Disrespecting any of the game or forum staff is strictly forbidden. If you have a problem with a moderator, PM an Administrator about it. PASS Again you have to be able to take stick, Wolf359 was massed for his decisions but at least his where justified

7. You must post respectfully, whether or not you agree with an idea that has been posted, and even if you have been insulted. The proper way to handle such a situation is by consulting a moderator. PASS However mods are bias.

8. Your avatar may not exceed a width of 200 pixels and / or a height of 200 pixels. PASS Tis annoying

9. You may not discuss or bring up any matter that can be considered sexually suggestive. This forum is used by people of a very young age and is not intended for such material. PASS

10. You may not post threads that are exclusively pointless, outside of the spam temple. PASS this rule however needs to be clarified more!! What exactly is a pointless post?? I mean if EtL posts that he is tired of people complaining to him about Omega massing them is that pointless?? On second thoughts FAIL

11. You may not trade outside of the market forums. Consult the market PASS

12. Your signature (including all banners and text among other things) may not exceed 2 megabytes and may not exceed these limitations of area: 500px by 350px. PASS However wasn't this a rule 3 rules back?

13. You may not advertise ANY game that is not a Kingdom Game Productions game. PASS

14. You may not sell a forum account. PASS

15. You may not ask for favours from the staff of this forum. PASS I wonder who broke this rule more then a dozen times

16. You may not discuss ascension outside of its respective forums. FAIL Bit pointless at this stage don't you agree

17. You may not put the name of another player or alliance in one of your own signatures/avatars/names anywhere on this forum, in any form of insulting manner or without the aforementioned player's permission. FAIL I mean come on what's he gonna do get his mommy to ring the forum admins?

18. You may not misinform forum members about game updates that did not take place. Falsifying game updates also breaks rule 10. FAIL Why???

19. You may not spam outside of the temple of spam. FAIL Third time this is a rule, at least the second

20. You may not attempt to have a thread closed by spamming it. FAIL threads should never be closed.

21. You may not post on the part of a banned forum user or help a banned forum user to access the forum through any other means, including allowing the banned member access to your account. FAIL Unless they are trying to make you post kiddie porn or porn or something in bad taste like that!! Why?? Is it just cos they are posting something you don't like?

22. You may not publicly defy the moderators. If you have issues with a moderator, refer to rule 6. FAIL Second time this is a rule!! And if the mod did thier job properly there wouldn't be a reason to defy them 8)

23. You will not write or post a post, PM, signature, avatar or thread that is judged by the administration to have been made with the purpose of testing the boundaries of the rules, moderators or administration. Abusing the post report system is a way of testing the moderators and the administration. This type of behaviour is NOT acceptable and will usually result in a suspension. FAIL This is where most of the problems lie in this forum!! if the pointless rules where not there there wouldn't be a problem

24. You may not post another player's ingame stats. If you are in a war, you may, however, post the damage you've incurred on another player. FAIL Again pointless at this stage.. I have seen people get warned for posting their own stats!!

If you have any questions or concerns in relation to these rules, please contact me or another administrator.

The StarGateWars Forum Administration


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:01 pm
by Rienna
Jack wrote:
J.S. wrote:22. You may not publicly defy the moderators. If you have issues with a moderator, refer to rule 6. FAIL Second time this is a rule!! And if the mod did thier job properly there wouldn't be a reason to defy them 8)

Agreed, and further more if you're chastised by a mod publicly then you should be allowed to argue your side publicly

I'm going to ask for a clarification here. Say a users posts something like this:

user wrote:Omg, you guys are so *insult here*

and the mod comes along and edits the post to read this:

user wrote:Omg, you guys are so *modded*

there is absolutely no name calling on the boards! ~modsnamehere

are you then saying that user could come along and argue that point, cause the mod chastized them publically? because I don't agree with that. Those are things that the community as a whole don't need to see, as they really arn't effected by it. Mod and User can work it out in pm, and if later, the mod agrees they were wrong (for whatever reason) THEN a public statement (and hopefully, apology) can be issued. Until then, it should be kept private.

The only time this becomes a problem is if the Mod OR User

a) don't read the pm
b) refuse to listen to the other persons arguements
c) refuse to actually post a public, or even private, apology.
d) don't treat each other with the respect they deserve as fellow human beings, if nothing else.


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:12 pm
by J.S.
Rienna wrote:
Jack wrote:
J.S. wrote:22. You may not publicly defy the moderators. If you have issues with a moderator, refer to rule 6. FAIL Second time this is a rule!! And if the mod did thier job properly there wouldn't be a reason to defy them 8)

Agreed, and further more if you're chastised by a mod publicly then you should be allowed to argue your side publicly

I'm going to ask for a clarification here. Say a users posts something like this:

user wrote:Omg, you guys are so *insult here*

and the mod comes along and edits the post to read this:

user wrote:Omg, you guys are so *modded*

there is absolutely no name calling on the boards! ~modsnamehere

are you then saying that user could come along and argue that point, cause the mod chastized them publically? because I don't agree with that. Those are things that the community as a whole don't need to see, as they really arn't effected by it. Mod and User can work it out in pm, and if later, the mod agrees they were wrong (for whatever reason) THEN a public statement (and hopefully, apology) can be issued. Until then, it should be kept private.

The only time this becomes a problem is if the Mod OR User

a) don't read the pm
b) refuse to listen to the other persons arguements
c) refuse to actually post a public, or even private, apology.
d) don't treat each other with the respect they deserve as fellow human beings, if nothing else.

Well thats why I'm calling for the rules to be rewritten in stone..

No, the person should not insult someone else. And I would gladly help destroy someone for unjustified insulting.

Some people are too nerdy they annoy me and hundreds of others, some people are too full of themselves they annoy me and hundreds of others etc...

I want the rules of last year brought back, cos thats when the forum was actually fun to visit!! Does anyone disagree?

It was when all these pointless rules came in that the forums went to crap.

If a person has to resort to name calling to get their point across then maybe prehaps maybe they need to finish their homework before playing with the other children.


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:15 pm
by Rienna
J.S. wrote:If a person has to resort to name calling to get their point across then maybe prehaps maybe they need to finish their homework before playing with the other children.

*chuckles* that's sig material ;)

and it seems your wish is Forums' demand... he seems to have redone the overall forum rules located here.

And I'm actually really looking forward to your pass/fail on them, JS. :D


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:29 pm
by Rienna
Jack wrote:No, I was thinking more along the lines if they were making a spectacle out of it rather then a simple edit

Simple edits wouldn't bother me but if the mod went on giving a open opinion then they should be open to receiving a opinion in kind

hmmm, in that case.... AGREED.


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:39 pm
by J.S.
Rienna wrote:
J.S. wrote:If a person has to resort to name calling to get their point across then maybe prehaps maybe they need to finish their homework before playing with the other children.

*chuckles* that's sig material ;)

and it seems your wish is Forums' demand... he seems to have redone the overall forum rules located here.

And I'm actually really looking forward to your pass/fail on them, JS. :D

Forum loves me :)




NEW VERSION OF THE RULES (ie the 10 commandments ) : (as of Sept 17/07)
1) post in the right forum. example: Recruiting officers or for an alliance can ONLY take place in the respective Recruitment forum. PASS although should be lower in the list

2) The use of swearing and of abusive language, excessive or extreme direct insults to a person (including the mods/admins), or threats to a person (not an ingame character - the real person) - is strictly forbidden. PASS Definately pass

3) criticizing spelling/english will result in post deleted. not everyone speaks english as a first language. PASS Pass hate those morans who insults someones english. (Maybe im more sensitive cos my gf is from Slovakia)

4). Your avatar may not exceed a width of 200 pixels and / or a height of 200 pixels. Your signature may not exceed 2 megabytes and may not exceed size: 500px by 350px. PASS Too big is bad but some avatars need to be "fixed"

5). You may not discuss or bring up any matter that can be considered sexually suggestive. This forum is used by people of a very young age and is not intended for such material. Porn links/images are included here. PASS Definately, I don't like those people either, remember you never know how old someone is.. I mean I thought a guy in EPA was in his 30's and he is only 18.. Keep in mind he fooled the EPA too :-D

6) You may not advertise other games here PASS Too true.. and for clarification purposes I am assuming text based games like this one.. I don't think advertising the likes of Colin McRae (RIP) Rally Dirt will be too harmful

7) You may not lie about game updates or game rules or game functions (since this is a game forum and people come here for REAL info). PASS and FAIL kind of pointless really, but that's what a mod should do. remove such things from the upcoming updates section to the suggestions section.

8 ) You may not post ingame stats of others, that are not readily available to all players. (ie spy & post info). FAIL What difference will that make? I mean all that will do is save 5 seconds before an attack.. Or if your me you just wont look at the def you will just attack :-D

9) No spamming: ie the repeat posting of the same thing over and over, or across multiple catagories/topics/threads PASS[/b] yep I agree

10) No 'for real $$' sales of goods, accounts, favours, etc will be accepted here. By allowing them here, we implicitly condone them, and with the very high 'scam rate' we do not want anything to do with them, nor can we help resolve such deals gone bad, as the truth of what really happened/who scammed who, is outside of our ability to verify... PASS[/b] but i need more clarification on this, does this mean that you can't sell your account for cash, your UU, naq and turns for cash?? Cos if that is the case such players SHOULD be punished for doing so.. And I mean 50% of everything taken off them.. Not too extreme if you ask me..


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:42 pm
by Rienna
hmmm... the new rules got a much better review.... :D


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:13 am
by Zeratul
J.S. wrote:8 ) You may not post ingame stats of others, that are not readily available to all players. (ie spy & post info). FAIL What difference will that make?

the reason behind this is so that personal stats that someone doesnt want revealed, are not revealed...

it is, as far as we know, still allowed to post what a person had, before you massed it away...

J.S. wrote:I mean all that will do is save 5 seconds before an attack.. Or if your me you just wont look at the def you will just attack :-D

for some, it would save more than 5 seconds... for those that dont have such covert, but still have large enough strike/AC to strike at a person... or more time if it is planet stats that are posted... they can take much more time to discover...


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:26 pm
by Spacey
Jack wrote:This quite annoying as posts that deal with sexuality whether in an insulting manner or not is modded and is one of the overly sensitive rules I mentioned before

Not all posts that dealt with sexuality were modded. Only the more suggestive ones.

Jack you mentioned something about PC rules and I wanted to quote you on it to address that, but I forgot where it was... so ftr I am speaking to that (from what I remember about the PC part). I think you meant the gender issues rules when you said that, but I'm not sure (If I'm wrong sorry)...

By accessing “StarGateWars Forums” (hereinafter “we”, “us”, “our”, “StarGateWars Forums”, “”), you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use “StarGateWars Forums”. We may change these at any time and we’ll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of “StarGateWars Forums” after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended.

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The Criminal Code of Canada states (to read teh condition give to religious groups read 319.3):
318. (1) Every one who advocates or promotes genocide is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.

(2) In this section, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part any identifiable group, namely,

(a) killing members of the group; or
(b) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction...

(4) In this section, "identifiable group" means any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.

319. (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

(3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2)

(a) if he establishes that the statements communicated were true;
(b) if, in good faith, the person expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text;
(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true; or
(d) if, in good faith, he intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred toward an identifiable group in Canada...

(7) In this section,

* "communicating" includes communicating by telephone, broadcasting or other audible or visible means;
* "identifiable group" has the same meaning as in section 318;
* "public place" includes any place to which the public have access as of right or by invitation, express or implied;
* "statements" includes words spoken or written or recorded electronically or electro-magnetically or otherwise, and gestures, signs or other visible representations. ... codese:319

and to tie the above two together, the most widely accepted definition of hate speech is defined as:
Hate speech is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against a person or group of people based on their race, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, language ability, moral or political views, socioeconomic class, occupation or appearance (such as height, weight, and hair color), mental capacity and any other distinction-liability. The term covers written as well as oral communication and some forms of behaviors in a public setting. It is also sometimes called antilocution and is the first point on Allport's scale which measures prejudice in a society.

Granted, I could have worded it better (the whole 'negative light' part, but it was to cover the snide remarks of a few was in place for the not so obvious comments)... but I'm not a lawyer. As modding rules (#3) is in place, I doubt that that rule will remain.



Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:58 pm
by J.S.
Zeratul wrote:
J.S. wrote:8 ) You may not post ingame stats of others, that are not readily available to all players. (ie spy & post info). FAIL What difference will that make?

the reason behind this is so that personal stats that someone doesnt want revealed, are not revealed...

it is, as far as we know, still allowed to post what a person had, before you massed it away...

J.S. wrote:I mean all that will do is save 5 seconds before an attack.. Or if your me you just wont look at the def you will just attack :-D

for some, it would save more than 5 seconds... for those that dont have such covert, but still have large enough strike/AC to strike at a person... or more time if it is planet stats that are posted... they can take much more time to discover...

8) Fair enough.. 8) I suppose I could just stick in thier ID, and say ohhhh he has a defence :P

Then five minutes later add:

EDIT: He had a defence.. The only time I post stats is to mass someone ROFL


Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:35 pm
by thaltek
i say fail...................