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cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:49 pm
by thaltek
:? seriously with the new mod names out its kinda errie in here same feeling ya get when you are the last out of the office at night...... it feels almost cold....

i mean before you saw a name on a mod you had a fair idea who you where talking too and what kind of person they are. like spacey yha he can be a little out there, but with an emotional descripter for a name i suddenly have an idea who he is. now...... i just get that remote feeling, i mean i see a name like mod 3 and all i can't see a human face on the other end watching over us all i can think of is mod 3 which in perspective tells or gives no clues to the personality or humanity of the moderating user...

i guess what i am trying to say is that in order to make a community stronger taking names and faces away from the leadership may not be a good idea.. especially when it comes to getting a population to respect leadership...

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:59 pm
by Mordack
It's annoying because the moderators who give out bs warnings and throw their weight around can no longer be held accountable for their actions. Having anonymous, unidentifiable people in positions of power is almost always a bad thing.

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:02 pm
by Castiel
Mordack wrote:It's annoying because the moderators who give out bs warnings and throw their weight around can no longer be held accountable for their actions. Having anonymous, unidentifiable people in positions of power is almost always a bad thing.


Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:12 pm
by Tanith
I have to say I agree, I really liked knowing who I was talking to as far as the forum staff. On the other hand, I see where Forum came when he made this idea and I can understand why its happening. It gives a strong level of protection to the staff member. I hope some day we can return to knowing who the mod is as it gives a face to the admin/mod team and that makes it easier to communicate with them. In reality this is the fault of a few angry people who have caused a stink and now the entire forum is changing as a result.

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:17 pm
by Bad Wolf
I also dislike the name issue.

I feel that when you are addressing an empty face, you simply cant respect it.

I know where the admin staff are coming from in there new plan, but I dont like it one bit. People will 'out' the mods one by one. So its pointless to be honest.

I know the Mods are ment to be different from there ingame personalities but its simply impossible to do so. You react in simler ways ingame and on the forums without thinking. The admin staff cant change human nature.

So it was always nice to see the way different minds react to different problems, and ive always enjoyed watching mods do that and I know others have to. So that is why I dislike the new system.

Bad Wolf

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:23 pm
by ~squishie~
I totally agree there with that bad wolf and i myself think the new system is a bit of a mess isnt exactly foolproof or any better than them just having their names.

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:39 pm
by RepliJake

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:40 pm
by thaltek
i had a feeling i wasn't alone in this thinking... the main reason is that as humans we naturally seek an identity to determine our place in the group take away the face of authority and all of a sudden ones respect is towards the others with names but not the authority. several threads have been locked where i nearly made an outburst because i didn't see reason to why this nameless individual locked it..... thal is not happy :evil:

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:03 pm
by Epic
I just wish I knew who General Pain I was.... :smt102 I have no idea who it could be...

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:09 pm
by Ultimatum
I can understand why this path was taken, but i still think it will make the forum mods feel too inpersonal and such.

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:13 pm
by Kjarkur
I can see good things and bad things about this.

If a mod is being fair and follows the rules, with same ingame and forum name. The player ingame he banned (for a good reason and after the rules) might get some revenge on him ingame. So now mods can follow the rules and be fair without worrying about their account at the same time.

And at the same time I see a flaw in this, which you have already mentioned. They could abuse their power and we wouldn't have a clue who it really was.


p.s. not accusing anyone of abusing their mod/admin powers, I'm just pointing out what might/could happen in this situation.

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:20 pm
by Acronon
I see both points but have to say that everyone was pointing at this mod or that mod and saying that they were being biased all the time, now that they have no name we shall truly see who is being biased and who isn't.

I also think that the admins will now have to monitor the mods more to find out who is really working for the forum.

Plus, I think that without knowing who you are dealing with you can't expect to let things get by from knowing them and such.

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:21 pm
by Munchy
Dauntless wrote:I can see good things and bad things about this.

If a mod is being fair and follows the rules, with same ingame and forum name. The player ingame he banned (for a good reason and after the rules) might get some revenge on him ingame. So now mods can follow the rules and be fair without worrying about their account at the same time.

And at the same time I see a flaw in this, which you have already mentioned. They could abuse their power and we wouldn't have a clue who it really was.


p.s. not accusing anyone of abusing their mod/admin powers, I'm just pointing out what might/could happen in this situation.

I agree on all counts. The events of the past 2 weeks have led to this. Forum is trying to solve two problems in one I think. 1. He is trying to protect his mods from ingame actions for their modding & 2. Encourage mods to be even more unbiased in their work, especially on fellow alliance members.

Of course it can lead to miscommunication, confusion, and even abuse. But really he hasn't been left with many better alternatives.

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:27 pm
by Boooby
You people can never be content and happy lol

Its like a fresh start....a change of everyone wanted :lol:

Whos who?!?

Re: cold and drafty feeling.....

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:46 pm
by DaDigi
not to be hatin' on Forum or Pookie, but this is what I think of the new mods.
