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10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:51 am
by Chris M
Why are we all on ppt for 10 days... doesnt that seem a bit excessive?

Well, i got the whole week off work this week and now i cant play my favorite server. Since main sucks since i cant raid past 75mill and i cant be bothered to build a strike (although boredom might prevail and change that).

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:06 am
by Funky White Boy
I agree 10 days is a little excessive although has allowed me to untrain everything to build my income :shock:

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:20 am
by TheRook
the 10 days i assume is so people can fill their LF & LF reserves and also for those who've not played ascension server to get themselves sorted...


Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:23 am
by Rich™
TheRook wrote:the 10 days i assume is so people can fill their LF & LF reserves and also for those who've not played ascension server to get themselves sorted...


speaking of which, what is this supposed to do now, since you cant go above max?

Energy Channeling Skill
While at full energy, you can very slowly assimilate more - effectively although temporarily increasing your maximum energy levels. This measures the speed of that capacity (it is much slower than using Energy Flow to recover).

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:29 am
by TheRook
I'm pretty sure once your LF & Reserves are at max that goes into your LF Cache (used to purchase upgrades/refill your LF & Reserves)

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:35 am
by Mordack
Yeah. Channeling goes into your cache now.

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:27 am
by Rich™
Mordack wrote:Yeah. Channeling goes into your cache now.

only once reserves are full i guess ;)

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:06 pm
by Silverburn
you would be correct

actually, it's all written on the trade page... read it please

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:18 pm
by Rich™
Evil_Lathander wrote:you would be correct

actually, it's all written on the trade page... read it please

urgh no it aint, guessw we'll just have to wait till reservers are full to be 100% sure, unless anyones reservers are full already

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 6:28 pm
by Chris M
when life force is at max, channeling goes to reserves.

i would imagine once reserves are maxed, it goes to cache.

i could easily get my reserves to max if i wanted, but having almost a week of protection left i dont see the need to rush it when i could buy other things

but i dont see any other way

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 6:42 pm
by Munchy
On the test server excess Channeling after full reserves went into cache. Very slowly I might add...

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:32 am
by 12agnar0k
The reason why it is 10 days is because it is a massive update,

Massively changing incomes and stats and stuff,

10 days is ample time to sort out any bugs / unfairness's and so on,
And also allow everyone to prepare there accounts for the change.

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:33 am
by Tivadar
it does go into cache ... i converted my LFs into reserves and then the cache fills ....

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:25 pm
by Silverburn
Try introspection...

also, quick question: suposse I ascend tomorow, what happens to my 4 days of PPT which I've got left?

Re: 10 day ppt... why?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:45 pm
by Munchy
It wouldn't change anything. Your ppt would remain for however long it has left.