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Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:43 pm
Reserve / Cache Rate Per Turn While at Maximum
(LF fills first(fast), then reserves(slower), then cache(slowest) 64,064 / 32,032 Ascended Life Force

thats don't make any sence.
1st-you just making imposible peaple get a reserve withoutr DMU, and when some1 is trying to destroy you, its really hard keep any...

2nd- why LF can't be used to buy things anymore? that make LF useless...

the right Way shoude be
Ascended Life Force Fist and FAST
Ascended Life Force Reserves When LF full, GROW FAST
Ascended Life Force Cache When LF full, GROW SLOW

Why? simple, because otherwise any1 that can do 1/3 of demage can deascen some1 in 8 hours, exept if the guy log in, and as we all now, every1 sleep for 8 hours day... don't make sence...

HIT, wait 4 hours, HIT wait 4 Hours, HIT and DONE...

Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:51 pm
by Munchy
I agree. The current rate at which reserves fill is laughable. One week and mine are still filling :lol:

Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:03 pm
Munchy wrote:I agree. The current rate at which reserves fill is laughable. One week and mine are still filling :lol:

i can full mine with 1 Turn of DMU... BUT without.
Ascended Life Force Reserves 3,818,440 / 32,947,440
1 week for 10%. thats nothing...

Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:45 pm
by Funky White Boy
I thought the whole point of being able to spend your life force was that it was risky. Now you can't spend your life force at all. It forces the DMU to LF conversion for upgrades as there is little point in having channeling at all. May as well take it out the game as it is useless

I had spend a load on flow to make sure I could then spend LF in other areas later. That idea went down the tubes.
Ascended Life Force Recovery Rate Per Turn 282,756 Ascended Life Force

Makes no sense at all to me, I gained on the swings but here comes the roundabout!

Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:14 am
by TheRook
dont want to be mean but your LF while at maximum
must be really low if your only getting 3.8million in 7days

I get almost that in 1 day...


Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:31 pm
by Liquidfoxx
I get about 4.8mil into reserves per day, but i filled those with DMU... sitting on 50K/Turn into cache now :(

Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:52 pm
by Fape
Is there going to be an upgrade to make cache increase faster? or just by adding in channeling?
I used almost all my LF in maximum Natural Energy Capacity, cause i thought that i would use Ascended Life Force to do the upgrades, but since now it only uses Cache to do upgrades i think i wasted up a lot of life force in those upgrades, if i knew this would happen i wouldnt have used my life force in those upgrades :(

Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:35 am
by Funky White Boy
Fape wrote:Is there going to be an upgrade to make cache increase faster? or just by adding in channeling?
I used almost all my LF in maximum Natural Energy Capacity, cause i thought that i would use Ascended Life Force to do the upgrades, but since now it only uses Cache to do upgrades i think i wasted up a lot of life force in those upgrades, if i knew this would happen i wouldnt have used my life force in those upgrades :(

Join the club!

Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:55 am
by TheRook
you still can use your LF to buy levels

but if you read it says you use cache and dip into your LF if necessary

so if you have 500k cache and 3mill LF

If your upgrade costs 3mill LF then it takes 500k from the cache and the rest from the LF

I dont think that it takes it straight from your LF without having cache in place...

I "believe" this is to help protect people from descension


I have 3mill LF
45mill LF Reserves
1mill Cache

I can use my cache and LF to upgrade

although if I have

3mill LF
1mill LF Reserves
0 Cache

if I upgrade using 2.7mill LF that will mean I can be descended so easily... (1 hit)

I think its a "protection" feature because your cache only fills when you buy LF with DMU or your reserves are full... if you have 0 cache then the code must be thinking you dont have full reserves so its foolish to spend your LF if you can be descended easily putting yourself at risk...

(kind of like the not spending below 500 LF)

just guessing dont know if its 100% accurate but thats what I eblieve anyhow


Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 7:12 am
by Nox
theRook, i think that changed, now its just cache for what is written there:

Personal Training and Skills
You have 2166200 / 2166200 Ascended Life Force and
9,436,613 Ascended Life Force Cache
(only type used for upgrades)
Here you can use your surplus strength of will (Ascended Life Force cache) to build upon your strengths...becoming forever more powerful in this realm.
Remember, you use only excess will - so you need to have full Ascended Life Force, and reserves, before you can gain (and therefore use) Ascended Life Force Cache. Or use currency to fuel your life energies, if you do not want to use time....

and yes, something to make it go faster would be nice, but like the last phrase says, u can always dmu to fuel up ur cache 8)

Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:08 pm
by webb123
admin you really need to do something about this!!

i invested heap loads into my energy channel -

Ascended Life Force Recovery Rate Per Turn 420,951 Ascended Life Force

but now i'm stuck with this
Reserve / Cache Rate Per Turn While at Maximum
(LF fills first(fast), then reserves(slower), then cache(slowest) 208,674 / 104,337 Ascended Life Force

come on!!!

at least give a little APP to help fix what we've effectively lost in flow!!
yeah DMU does work for medocoure- big players, but i cant see how this helps smaller players grow!!!
they must have small channeling skill;s. and flow is the best way to start the game!
care to help us all???

Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:44 am
by General Mod 3
I agree i as several other people choose to increase max lifeforce and the regenration of it
i have arround 1 mill life force grow per turn.

now i have nothing and all those that invested in charisma instead laugh at us.

Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:50 am
by TheRook
it is known to be a bug...

I'm sure admin is looking into a way of solving it...

I'll post here what I posted on another thread

The DEV/TEST server doesn't suffer from this bug so either admin is fixing/testing...


This gives something admin can compare the code on to help him fix the bug

hopefully he will see this


Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:47 am
by General Mod 3
ok tx- and i should have posted that with my normal avy sorry for the slipup.

my post has nothing to do with my modding

Re: Reserve / Cache...

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:00 pm
by Mato
I m so happy I stayed at level 110 max energy. But if admin decides to make life force which is generated by flow spendable again I will increase it.