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Objection to Mystake

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:47 am
by Hansbrough
I have a problem with mystake being the person to represent the community to Forum, or at the very least object to this position having mod/admin-like access where they can see IP's because he has threatened to make my IP known once he gets his position and can see what it is.

This stems from my complaint about allowing Tok'ra back after he posted my IP for my TS server (which bazsy promptly removed at my request), as well as keeping tok'ra around after he used his multies to send mutilation porn to people via forum private messaging system.

The core of the argument comes from this conversation with luc:

Luc - TKE says (11:07 PM): if u wanna sue the forums, u can use the address of
Luc - TKE says (11:08 PM): and Teh Internets vs. Chris
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:08 PM): I'm going to talk to jason
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:08 PM): first
Luc - TKE says (11:08 PM): i mean seriously chris
Luc - TKE says (11:08 PM): does it REALLY mean that much to u?
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:08 PM): like I said I'll be talking to jason
Luc - TKE says (11:08 PM): alright
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): and i know u know very well that ur ip adress is nothing short of public
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:09 PM): prove it
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): well go post on the forums
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): it shows up in the bottom right corner
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): for supermods and admins
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:09 PM): well as a forum admin you see it
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:09 PM): if you make it public
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): atm I don't
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:09 PM): then I've got a problem
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): whats ur problem?
Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): omg ppl can trace an IP?

The hostility and patronizing on luc's part comes from an ingame action where I labeled him a spy for omega against ak all because one day luc was in AK, and the next he was in OSL -- I didn't know at the time it wasn't that he was a spy, it was because mystake had decided to be advantageous and side with ETL in his war against the mods, and therefore as a favor ETL gave mystake direct entrance into OSL.

For someone who should remain unbiased, to represent the community, luc/mystake is too young and inmature to handle such a responsibility in my opinion, as his actions against me have shown.



Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:14 am
by Borek
IMO anyone threatening or implying they will use mod/admin powers to pass on otherwise private info is not fit for the role.

Additionally it seems there is bias being shown due to past history, something that any "community liason" should be 100% against. How can someone be a community liason when they can't even get over issues that happened months ago?

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:28 am
by Rich™
Taxonomist3 wrote:my IP for my TS server.

forgive me if im missed the point, but isnt your TS address on your MSN note, that's easily traceable to get the IP of it. As is any domain name, hell i even have an addon for firefox that displays a sites IP that im on in the bottom corner that allows me to do traces / whois / dns stuff etc, because i do web development and it's handy at times.

but you're right about anyone willing to 'abuse' their powers is not fit for the job.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:35 am
by Hansbrough
Rich™ wrote:
Taxonomist3 wrote:my IP for my TS server.

forgive me if im missed the point, but isnt your TS address on your MSN note, that's easily traceable to get the IP of it. As is any domain name, hell i even have an addon for firefox that displays a sites IP that im on in the bottom corner that allows me to do traces / whois / dns stuff etc, because i do web development and it's handy at times.

due to the dns service I'm using you can try to lookup my ip via the dns in my msn, but you likely won't come up with much.

Catch me on msn if you'd like to talk to me more about it.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:50 am
by Envy

If he wants to be a admin that he needs to create hes own lil forum were he can brag or threathening with revealing someone else hes IP.

no need in such admins Mystake *cough* ur a loser :wink:

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:52 am
by Zeratul
if mystake makes it public, then you can really blame yourself...

Taxonomist3 wrote:Luc - TKE says (11:09 PM): and i know u know very well that ur ip adress is nothing short of public
[TJ] Taxo/Chris says (11:09 PM): prove it

note the part in red... there you pretty much ask mystake to reveal it...

also, where is the threat you say mystake came with? all mystake said, was that it is very easy to find out... not that it will be revealed...

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:05 pm
by Manetheren
To me it doesn't really matter if his ip is on his public ts server or not.. What matters is he doesnt want it shown here and it appears that mystake is saying he wont honor those wishes. What is the purpose of the community liason if it is not to repect the wishes of the community?

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:12 pm
by Ethaniel
I think you're complaining in every thread I read Tok'ra crying about your bans, the injustice to you, rah rah rah...

Shut up and move on, you're like a broken record, the idea of unbanning you was to allow you to rejoin the community, not to **Filtered** about you being removed from the community...

Get the idea?

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:12 am
by [SGC_ReplicÅtors]
Wow we have a liaison since when did we get one? :o

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 12:17 am
by Zeratul
[SGC_ReplicÅtors] wrote:Wow we have a liaison since when did we get one? :o

since november 1st, 2007...

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:01 am
by Hansbrough
Tok`ra wrote:Execpt he can hardly be supruised, when he has a TS server used by SGW players and that IP gets made public.

You dont want it know, pay for a webhost for your TS.

Whats funny is at the time I had no malicous intentions at all, if hed PMd me I woulda removed it myself.

Instead, it was used as one of the bull***t reasons to ban me (Yeah, and I still say most of the mods when that happend are incompetent)

As much as you want to make this thread about you Dan, it's not. it's about how I feel mystake is not right for the job he's getting.

However, I'd like to point out the B.S. and the flaws in your logic. you did post my IP here out of maliciousness because you posted it AFTER you were banned from the TS server for posting links to thing no one wanted to see. Furthermore, you were also pissed off about how you were treated. We asked you to stop acting like a **Filtered**, you wouldn't, and you got banned for it as I'm sure a few on the Mod staff can attest to. So don't come here and act like you did nothing wrong and that what you did by posting my IP wasn't out of spite.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:17 am
by killtacular
The point here is not whether you can do something with someones ip or not . Its the simple fact Mystake was asked not to post it. Show some respect and dont do it.

Mystake has said in convos that he doesn't like taxo because of the AK situation aka he was a spy. So Mystake pokes at taxo about some things. Its a damn game play it like it supposed to be played . Grow up it was a simple request. Your going to have your spies , espionage, extortion, attacks ect.... blah blah blah.

Just let it be about the game. Too much politics.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 6:19 am
by Korruption
yes Taxo's TS server is a public server, BUT only people that we know actually get in there and stay in there.

see i am stuck in the middle of 2 friends here, Taxo is a good mate and has helped me heaps and still would if i needed, Mystake is an old alliance member that would help me if i ever needed.

<<<sits in the corner and just watches not wanting to get too involved, i hope this is sorted peacefully :)

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:58 pm
by Mystake

I was gone for the weekend so sorry for not posting any earlier.
The quote mentioned of me, simply shows me telling him that when he posts his IP is revealed in the bottom right corner of the posting. It then shows him assuming I am an Administrator or Moderator of the forum.

I'm neither, I have ZERO powers over this forum, at all.

Taxo, it would be nice if you could apologize for attempting to tarnish my name a second time. Personal attacks against my character aren't appreciated.

edit: as for my reasons for switching from AK to OSL, that was my business and you were proven to be incorrect in your assume (ok, well, assumption) of me being a spy. I'm a bit surprised you can't accept that I'm still insulted at you about it.

Re: Objection to Mystake

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:07 pm
by Hansbrough
don't act so wounded because I'm not buying! Anyone with 2 cents can read what you said, and what you were really meaning.

Furthermore, I admitted I was wrong about the whole spy thing, it's you that refuses to acknowledge that so don't go feigning that you were so wounded b/c you really should have thought about how others might feel when you abandoned your friends for more power the way you did.