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5 centimeters. (anime)

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:25 pm
by demonicwolf
some might remeber dattobayo doing a troll for another anime name 5 centimeters. now im a guy im 6'2 320lbs and am a hocky player aswell as other sports....

but that show actually made me like want to cry atleast a few parts.. i dont cry very often i havent cried since my grandfather passed away from cancer when i was 8.

anyone else ever watch this series ? it i thought a good series more so for those who got sick of the comedy tire of the blood shedd and needed something more girly for once :-\.... (NO PUN INTENDED)

also ive been eye ai yor aoshi (god i just murdered that name!) anyone seen it and could give me idea if it was ok good great ? scale 1-5 1 sucking and 5 being amazeing. :o