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RepliJake's ban

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:45 am
by geisha
Was imho total bias and should be looked into. It was not announced either (way to do your homework, moddybaby)

So it all happened in this thread here:


Nobody really knows what the warnings were issued for. It was something about Jake pointing out Jenny was spamming the topic so Jake received a warning for spamming (gotta love it). Then another one for personal insults or something (that's a common one... when no other rule kicks in, this one is always a nice fallback rule). Oh and the third one must have been something like "how dare you calling it idiotic to psycho analyze someone based on a persona on a roleplaying game forum and to tell that person to seek professional help in real life" (that one actually made my head implode... one can only take so much irony)

So, does anyone have to say anything about this?

Re: RepliJake's ban

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:01 am
by REK
ahhh the same worthless mods are back banning for personal grudges...
cause there not getting there way they can **Filtered** out but cant take it this place is seriously pathetic..

they insult thet talk crap but when there feeling get hurt they cry and ban....

yes you are a moron yes your ugly toodles

dont worry Jake they miss you when your gone :P

Re: RepliJake's ban

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:22 am
by Zeratul
his warnings were, according to the logs, for swearing/abusive language, multiple times, over more than one day, and for spamming...

now come on... relax... he'll be allowed back in a week... you can survive without his posting here for that time...

Re: RepliJake's ban

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 12:18 pm
by geisha
Zeratul wrote:you can survive without his posting here for that time...

I totally can't.

Re: RepliJake's ban

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:18 pm
by Zeratul
well, that sounds bad for you...

Re: RepliJake's ban

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:55 pm
by REK
but we will make it worse for you ;)