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Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:59 pm
by Demeisen
anyone here do parkour aka freerunning? its basically moving through the urban environment by jumping over obstacles, going ways others dont, accessing places others cant, climbing etc. watching those who are skilled is watching art which sometimes seems unbelieveable. if you search youtube for it you will see some great and amazing videos. or you can check out wiki
i was lucky enough to train with some of the best the uk has to offer, some of which have trained with the 'creator' although i never reached their supreme level. watching what they do was often stunning. its a great sport and i would suggest everyone try it. it is EXTREMELY dangerous though so dont do something unless you are confident and know what you are doing. gradually increasing your feats is advisable so you dont go beyond your ability. if you are sensible and not alone then it can be great.

there are few things that rival what you feel as you fall through the air after jumping from a height. time stands still. its freedom, its serenity, its clarity and its one hell of a rush. lol well worth the injuries you are sure to sustain :-D

Re: Parkour

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:06 pm
by Spacey
I want to try it. :-D

I've heard of it and always wanted to try it.

Re: Parkour

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:22 pm
by Demeisen
lol you should try it :-D its one of the few sports where you dont need any equipment. no expensive bats, balls, planes or anything. jus a body and some courage is all. all you need to do is go outside and look around. theres places to do parkour everywhere. a wall, a fence, some stairs, railings, rooftops an basically anything you can scramble on to, over or through. it actually changes the way you look at the world. you begin to see ways of getting places that others dont. you become more aware. obstacles no longer stop you, they challenge you. i think parkour is illegal in some areas but once you are good enough the police cannot catch you :D :smt059 you have wings while other folk walk.

Re: Parkour

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:37 pm
man i do Parkour on the weekends with my buddies ... once you get the basics of it down you can do anything

Re: Parkour

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:53 am
by Dangeruk
done it a few times its great fun ... huge sense of freedom

Re: Parkour

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:42 pm
by drakeboy
Parkour is wiked man im only 13 but never tryed it not many places down near the beach. ive got like hundreds on vids bout parkour.

Re: Parkour

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:54 pm
by Demeisen
dude 13 is a great age to start. the younger the better really and 13 is about as young as is sensible to begin. you live near a beach :-D do much pier jumping? most coastal places ive been to have like sea walls etc and sand is great to land on (and do parkour roll on). damn winter prevents too much parkour but its almost summer :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Re: Parkour

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:50 pm
by facepie
i gotta try this sometime... seems like something i would do...

Re: Parkour

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:41 am
by [Jack]
Just a warning before you go out "trying" this sport.

You can injure yourself as LiQuiD said. It IS NOT worth of injuries.An injury can affect a part of a body(leg, arms etc) for a long time.And also if its a small injury ... not worth it.
I would suggest you start by running ... use stairs. Make your legs and arms strong. Winter is good for making those arms and legs strong, since you cant run outside on rain/snow/ice.
Most importantly: train gradually, step by step, dont rush into things like big jumps etc.

Re: Parkour

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:31 am
by Demeisen
if you do parkour for any length of time you will almost certainly get an injury. but thats true of almost every sport. fear of injury isnt a good reason not to do something you enjoy. statistically i think golf is the most dangerous sport so although parkour seems dangerous it is quite safe.

in parkour no one will tackle you or throw a ball at you. if you get hurt its down to you, not some over-active punk with a bat. thats good as it means you can control what happens unlike sports where others are involved and physically competing. strength training will help in parkour but its also about knowing when to yeild, about when to let your body absorb and accomodate impact. allowing yourself to go with the flow and be soft.

its all about judgement. if you stay within your limitations (raising them as you gain ability) you will remain mostly intact :-D . only do what you know you are capable of doing. ive seen fools push beyond what they are ready for and they pay the price. as [Jack] says its a gradual 'step by step' thing, not a race. also, never let people goad/pressure you into things. it jus causes pain.

i could get hit by a bus anytime i leave my house. this doesnt cause me to live as a hermit. a bus isnt under my control but my body is so i feel safe and confident in what i do. life is risks. its jus a question of calculating the risks you take. as an extreme sport, danger is integral to what parkour is. its worth taking a fall every now and then for the pleasures gained. . .the freedom. . . the feeling of rushing through the air as the ground races to meet you. words are inadequate to explain :(

jus be careful. simple as.

Re: Parkour

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:39 am
by Solus
i agree Parkour does interest me somewhat but i disagree with you saying its safer than golf. yes i agree you have control as long as you stay within your limits. but consider if you misjudge something. in golf, misjudging just means the ball doesn't go where you want it to go to. Parkour on the other hand if you misjudge something, there are almost certainly injuries that will result.

from what i understand, there is another risk involved, if the terrain changes when you are already in motion towards it when you cant do anything to stop, ie an obstacle appears (or disappears) when you are in freefall or similar.

in short, you cant compare it to golf. not realistically anyway.

Re: Parkour

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:13 pm
by Demeisen
with the golf thing i jus meant that golf causes more injuries per person than other sports (ppl falling in lakes, hitting eachother with clubs, twisting ankles, eaten by crocodiles (happy gilmore style) etc). lol a mate of mine still cant run properly a year after a golf accident. i dont feel bad about lol as he drives everywhere an faster than he could run aswel :-D . was trying to put parkour in some kind of context an say thats theres no need to avoid something if theres some risk.

id say a fool in any sport is a dangerous thing. this is definitely true of parkour. the way i have learned to do parkour is a way without misjudgement. the fact that i have never sustained a serious injury shows that. when doing parkour i know exactly how many steps (simply the length of my foot) i can jump. this way i never fall short of a target as i can check the distance if im uncertain. height difference between start an end point can also be included with experience. eg i know i can go 7metres across from 3metres height. its quite easy to adjust this for different heights with experience. ill say experience again its that important. experience.

you're right, its true that theres always a chance or an error in judgement but once you learn what you can do theres no more risk than playing golf. i didnt start leaping off 3 metre walls onto concrete an rolling etc. i started jumping from a small height onto grass (or passing ppl :-D ). parkours meant for stationary objects so nothing can really change. theres always possible risk of things like uneven ground where i land or a weak wall i grab. for the dangerous moves id always check these things out (experience teaches what to look for) so if something goes wrong its not on something that can kill me. when something goes wrong in midair there is usually time to react. links back to being able to make your body soft when required. if you collapse, parachute drop style, you can often avoid painful inconvienance or slight death.

WTH do i know dude. i jus do parkour. i know how i do it and how my mates do it. parkours an individual thing so its all down to personal choice. ppl can do whatever they want with parkour. thats the beautiful freedom it spreads. i hope to spread some of that to some ppl. maybe someone will see this, wonder what parkour is, look it up and then take it up. that would be great. id always say be careful to anyone who does it. but if someone goes an jumps off a roof thinking they are doing parkour then they are fools, an the human gene pool will probably be better after they are gone.

hmmm you have a point lol maybe i shouldnt compare with golf but it was 1st to my mind. parkours way more fun anyways :-D peaceout

Re: Parkour

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:47 pm
by Solus
LiQuiD wrote:WTH do i know dude.

i didnt mean offence, sorry if it came across that way :P

i was mainly thinking of things like golf to be injured other than falling down etc, the way to be injured is for someone to maliciously attack you with a club, whereas its relatively easy to injure yourself in regular parkour activity... :P

but as i say i do like the look of parkour, so you get the thumbs up from me :P


Re: Parkour

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:28 am
by Demeisen
sry if it seemed i took offence :) . i just meant that i was writing as if what i know about parkour is correct. it is correct, but only for me and my friends. others have different methods etc. any debate will help others learn and take an interest so its all good dude. i agree parkour can be dangerous but id say theres many more dangerous sports (extreme ironing for example. its real lol check it out).

my main view is that because something is dangerous that doesnt mean it shouldnt be tried. its all about calculated risks and being sensible. you bring a valid point about the chance of injury, but nothing is 100% safe, and many things are worth a few cuts an bruises every so often.

i think a true thing to say is that parkour is as safe as the person doing it. for me that sums up the peril involved. cheers :wink:

Re: Parkour

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:05 am
by Solus
LiQuiD wrote:(extreme ironing for example. its real lol check it out)

lol yeah i already knew of this :P

well at least parkour is easier to get into then something like motorsport... lol if i ever did get into motorsport my dream setup would cost hundreds of thousands :P

i couldnt ever get into parkour anyway, i have the wrong body type... i'd be more suited to grekko roman wrestling... :P at least i have the strength :P