To help the server

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To help the server

List of ideas to help ascension server work better! (it's good for 99% of the players) Please keep your replies civil, this includes no player or admin flaming.

1. Increase the APP conversion rate, approx 10 times higher because it’s 5 times better to buy DMU off players when converting to life force. This is just to help match the current player rates for buying LF, really the top 60 can sell at rates twice as good as their current ones without breaking a sweat.

2. Make the 2bil cap be recalculated every turn and not based on when people log in! Some people are getting around it by not logging in at all until they have loads of planets!

3. When reaching the 2bil cap, make the minimum amount of planets growth 50% (which should never be reached anyways) and it should reaching around 60% when the player has 5bil planets. It’s pretty easy to get to 40mil CER at a cost of around 437 trillion dmu, but 80mil CER is around 3,350 trillion dmu almost 10 times higher. I think anything worse (ie what it is like currently) then what i suggested is just horrific and depressing.

4. The ranking modifiers need to removed, I’m ranked 28 and I can hit players ranked in the 1000s with a 130% bonus. The need for these modifiers are outdated and they are not helping the players they are intended to help because anybody can get 130% bonus against almost anyone.

5. Make the cost of attack levels 20% higher then the cost of def levels after level 1000. Won't help many players now, but will start helping within the next few months.

6. Make it so if both parties are at war at one point in time and at least 1 remains at war they can raid each other 3 times within 1 week. This may not sound like a lot (because it isn’t lol), but if a single player declares war on an alliance (which is up to them) to get the most out of naq hits, those people will be able to raid back for a total of 3 times each if they declare war back. Before this is implemented everyone’s war status with each other should be reset, or 48hr warning given.

7. Fix the phasing in ascension! If you are attacking, you should be able to get hit. I suggest, if you make 1 attack, you should be able to take 10 attacks against you. Even if somebody has a friend hitting them 10 times after every attack they make, it will cost his friend 150 turns per attack used, that’s 1500 turns for 10 attacks.

8. Of course there are other things like the command star being pretty useless at the moment. You have to be careful about because sniper accounts being able to rebuy the weapons for the slots really cheap and it not costing any planets to use them! I suggest if the command star is getting a power up, a certain number of planets need to be "destroyed through over mining their planets" every time a shield or weapon is built on it.

The combination of all these things will, make ascending worth while again, make the game more fair for the bigger players above 2bil planets, not stop but help to limit sniper accounts viability.

because i can't poll yes or no (it is too many options) please write for each number (before u start writing about it), "yes implement" or "no don't implement"

1. Yes implement
[reason why]
eg 2:
5. no don't implement
[reason why not]

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Re: To help the server

Forum will point out that "help the server" was done in October but meh it needs helping again.

1) Yes and no, APP's need to be increased again, no doubt about that because ascending doesn't buy that much of a benefit. From where i stand a 1 million APP ascention buys me 6 charisma levels. Although when i did a 1.6 mill APP ascention 2 months ago I bought 35 levels and leapt from rank 400 to about 150 now. I doubt that will happen for someone who does that sort of ascention now.

I say no because the last thing we need is people reaching 2 bill planets even quicker than currently.

2) Agreed based on your what you wrote. I'm not there yet so can't say otherwise

3) And what happens when people fly through 5 bill? growing at 40 mill a day means they'll hit 10 billion in 4 months. It has to be cut/plagued/sliced somewhere. You can't have a game where the gap between a top account and one starting today is 10 billion planets. That is what is horrific and depressing.

4) This argument has been and gone with 99.99999% favouring kicking the mods

5) I don't have a firm opinion on 5 but i realise something needs to be done and this will be a start

6) No, raid should be fully in or fully out. You can't be "half-pregnant" and have an attacking option open to some but not others.

7) It is unfair to attack someone if you are phased, but you need a way to get back on your feet by attacking people. How about doubling the attacks required to phase someone (this will be controversial), and not being able to be phased if both parties are at war? It will make it a little less easier to be deliberately phased.

8 ) CS is being updated soon? I thought Psicolix brought that up with admin a few weeks back?

As an addition, i need a way to get a PPT (without being descended lol). Expecting us to be able to login everyday all year is harsh i think.
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Re: To help the server

yes the command star issue was brought up with admin but so have lots of other things in every server im sure he's forgotten by now and needs to be reminded
Wolf359 wrote:I agree with hidden
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Re: To help the server

chargin wrote:List of ideas to help ascension server work better!

1. Increase the APP conversion rate
I dont know, seems like there will need to be an increase at regular intervals, when will enough be enough? At some point in time people are going to have to face the fact that someone playing 2 yrs longer has the right to be bigger and more powerful.

2. Make the 2bil cap be recalculated every turn and not based on when people log in! Some people are getting around it by not logging in at all until they have loads of planets!
Didnt know that, either way I'm for a dynamic cap.

3. When reaching the 2bil cap, make the minimum amount of planets growth 50%
I disagree, I'm ok with the CER going as low as 10% but the space it drops needs to be increased. I have been over the 2 bill limit going on my 4th day and have lost 1/5 of my CER in those same 4 days. Thats sucky

4. The ranking modifiers need to removed
AMEN, there is no need for them, never has been. Poor update since the beginning

5. Make the cost of attack levels 20% higher then the cost of def levels after level 1000.
I agree, maybe even put it in place sooner then 1000. I would think it more needed at lower levels then higher.

6. Make it so if both parties are at war at one point in time and at least 1 remains at war they can raid each other 3 times within 1 week. This may not sound like a lot (because it isn’t lol), but if a single player declares war on an alliance (which is up to them) to get the most out of naq hits, those people will be able to raid back for a total of 3 times each if they declare war back. Before this is implemented everyone’s war status with each other should be reset, or 48hr warning given.
Total disagreement, it will be abused. It will become a way for accounts to buy and sell planets

7. Fix the phasing in ascension! If you are attacking, you should be able to get hit. I suggest, if you make 1 attack, you should be able to take 10 attacks against you. Even if somebody has a friend hitting them 10 times after every attack they make, it will cost his friend 150 turns per attack used, that’s 1500 turns for 10 attacks.
Definitely needs fixing. The time its been going on shows a poor lack of concern for the game.

8. Of course there are other things like the command star being pretty useless at the moment. You have to be careful about because sniper accounts being able to rebuy the weapons for the slots really cheap and it not costing any planets to use them! I suggest if the command star is getting a power up, a certain number of planets need to be "destroyed through over mining their planets" every time a shield or weapon is built on it.I do kinna like this idea but it wont stop snipers

The combination of all these things will, make ascending worth while again, make the game more fair for the bigger players above 2bil planets, not stop but help to limit sniper accounts viability.

Initiate revolution needs to be redesigned to simply stop income production and not untrain them to undeveloped planets.

Raid needs to be reintroduced to take undeveloped planets. It will help small accounts to grow.

The entire process of deascention needs to be redesigned and made Fair to both the attacker and the defender.

Just a few of my own.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
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Re: To help the server

Still Raiding planets will just create a black market in them.

I would prefer seeing a destroy planets option, even though I will regret it. To help fight the Snipers, though with their huge CERs that will only allow them to strike with a bigger mod in the exisiting system. :(

The small guys can grow fast now simply by Ascending. Everysmall player can work to ascend with the 100k UP and get their Ascended account to 2B in 2-3 months. No need for raiding.

Or buying Trillions of DMU from the many sellers with their Naq.
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Re: To help the server

This will sound like a noob question, but what is a CER?
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Re: To help the server

Comic Expansion Rate basically your UP in Ascended....
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Re: To help the server

All of these suggestions have been put forth to Jason (mainly by me) and all have been ixnayed. Jason is not changing the server. He is paying lip service to you all as he has done for the past two months since the updates hit the server. The only way to get things done is to hit Jason where it hurts the most: in the pocketbook. If we all walk out on the game en masse, he won't have a game anymore (not that he has much of one now), and he might just realize what an ass he has been over the past year and a half. The server is going to come crashing down in a few months and it will be an irreparable crash. I believe that we have already hit the point of no return in ascension and main won't be too far behind.

Sorry if this constitutes admin flaming but it is merely a statement of fact. Jason's brush off nowadays starts with the words, "I will look at it....." He's been looking for awhile. If he can't see how screwed the server is by now, it ain't gonna happen.
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Re: To help the server

Ascended needs to be reset and re-implemented.

From what I've heard from the top players in main I think it needs to be reset as well. - Either that or the caps seriously thought out.

A total reset would allow ascended to be made properly as it was intended, make it risky to ascend. :-)

I think if either was to be done there would need to be a warning... at Least 6 months for main and 3 for ascended.
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Re: To help the server

@ Gandalf the White
In relation to #1. why is "the last thing we need is people reaching 2 bill planets even quicker than currently"?

In relation to #3. I am aware that it has to be cut/sliced somewhere, but it is being cut/sliced too soon and too severely. I'll give you an example. A player with 1bil planets fighting a player with 3bil planets. I'm not sure what the formula is so i'm guessing that at they are at around 20% of their CER. The player with 1bil planets has 40mil CER and the player with 3bil planets has around 80mil CER which is 16mil CER. This means that the weaker player has twice the production as the bigger player, thus they can sustain the fight for longer. If the minimum was 50% they would be on an more even playing field. Since you have said you are not 2bil planets i'm sure u have yet to realize how many other caps there are now. At 500 charisma it starts getting expensive a lot faster, level 640 charisma costs 3.1 billion life force. At level 1000 production starts getting more expensive, Level 1075 production costs 3.45billion life force. Fleets get expensive at 100k, then every 10k they increase by this price jump again and i'm not sure but i think they jump again at 200k. Basically this is what should be enough to keep large players within range of smaller players, there is no need to hit the price of fleets, production, charisma and then cut back on the number of planets actaully gained at the end of all this.

In relation to #6. I see what u mean, i love somebody elses idea about destroying undeveloped planets, the idea never crossed my mind.

In relation to #7. If you double it, it will cost 900 turns instead of 450. Not much of a big difference if you are asking somebody to phase you when people hardly even use their turns in ascension. However it will reduce the skill required to mass somebody in ascended which is too much of a negative of just simply doubling it to even consider it for me.

Ppt would be good in ascension if it doesn't get too over the top like main. Perhaps a day a week could be stored to a max of 7 so that people can take a break when really needed.

@Thufir_Hawat: Great idea thank you! destroying untrained planets is much more acceptable then raiding.

In relation to #1: Enough will be enough when the growth between ascension and main are aligned again, this will occur soon as the exponential growth in ascension will slowly being overpowered by the number of caps in ascended which make prices increase dramatically.

In relation to #2: I did not mean a dynamic cap, i mean that the recalculation of the over 2bil planet modifier should be changed so that it's based on the turn change, not recalculating when ever the player logs in.

In relation to #3: If it goes as low as 10% that means if you war with somebody on less then 2bil planets while your on 10bil or something you will not be able to recover as easily as them.

In relation to #5: sooner then 1000 will mean that several people will got it cheaper then everyone else. It isn't much of a big deal really, but that is why i chose 1000.

In relation to #6: Yeah, i like somebodies destroy planets idea much better then this anyways.

@Mojo: I knew you were going to post it, i was trying to cut it off with writing that lol. I have to admit I did like it better when Jason would just implement things discussed in the admin chat asap instead of saying he will do it later (which hardly ever comes). Still waiting for him to fix chaos lol...

@Lord_Zeus: That would destroy the game, once reset very few people will rejoin and there will likely be lots of upset players trying to figure out ways to hack the servers as revenge.

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Re: To help the server

no offense chargin, But I think that with this modifies, big players will get even bigger, there will be like 30-40 players which will owe the whole ascended. That's not the point of the server.

My opinion

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Re: To help the server


With regards to (1) see comments by STI and HE about the server being dead when everyone gets to 2 bill in previous threads

With regards to (3) I know how expensive things quickly become, my charisma is 523 and my fleets are 111000. I know how repressive it will get for me soon. I don't like it but i put up with it because it is part of the game. Its no use whinging about something like that. It affects everyone equally, and eveyone below you will hit it at some stage too.
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Re: To help the server

Gandalf my other suggestions prevent the server from being dead when everyone reaches 2bil planets because it doesn't get cut up beyond 50% growth. When growth is pretty much stunted for the bigger players in ascended, they will mass sell DMU, then the number of players at 2 bil planets will be crazzy. This thread isn't about helping the big players, it's about making ascension more enjoyable. The accounts are already comparable with the large increase in prices, u should see what happens to production, it gets super expensive by 1100.

Mcshell at this rate everyone in the first page will have almost the same number of planets and the same techs within a year. I don't think that is the point of the server either.

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Re: To help the server

chargin wrote:Gandalf my other suggestions prevent the server from being dead when everyone reaches 2bil planets because it doesn't get cut up beyond 50% growth. When growth is pretty much stunted for the bigger players in ascended, they will mass sell DMU, then the number of players at 2 bil planets will be crazzy. This thread isn't about helping the big players, it's about making ascension more enjoyable. The accounts are already comparable with the large increase in prices, u should see what happens to production, it gets super expensive by 1100.

Mcshell at this rate everyone in the first page will have almost the same number of planets and the same techs within a year. I don't think that is the point of the server either.

I have to agree. Soon it will just be a waiting game. Waiting for AT.
The second page in now hlf full of 2 bill accounts. stagnation is closing in fast.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
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Re: To help the server

it should be a moving cap perhaps, based on a % of the rank 1 player? Say rank 1 has 90% reduction in cer and its scaled down from there depending on the % behind the ranked one player they are?
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