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SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:09 pm
by Tridentkilla
I figured since there is an interest on the topic, why not make a thread on it.. anyway, ask your questions, post your support and such, i will speak to Grant about having him post in here...

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:15 pm
by Maha Vishnu
Hi. I think the SLA is needed. The knowledge bestowed in the former members within this alliance would be very useful.

I Maha Vishnu is in agreement with this.

Hail SLA, Hail Serpent Guard

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:27 pm
by Legendary Apophis
Although I'm sure I won't move anywhere from where I am, I believe reforming the SLA is a good thing for Goa'ulds, especially if "old" members get back in.

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:30 pm
by AncientAnubis
I'd rejoin myself, assuming they'd take me; I tried to kill them once.

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:34 pm
by Legendary Apophis
Not to mention for me SLA forums are the only alliance forums (aside of mine) I still visit occasionally, because its different than others and has nice design...bad that many bots register each days.

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:45 pm
by Tridentkilla
its getting wiped, and AA im sure you would be accepted...

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:47 pm
by Nicholai Brocov
So it's come down to this..

I wonder how Grant is going to take all of this.

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:51 pm
by Tridentkilla
What do you mean "comes down to this"... i would say more but i dont know how much i can say...

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:07 pm
by Nicholai Brocov
I was referring to the ironic turn of circumstance. Apparently you don't realize how much of a turn around this is for AA and I. After we left the SLA, we spoke out against their members and I believe AA and Ra even engaged in massing quite a few of them. I don't expect you to fully understand how awkward that must be for us. But you could at least pretend, hm? Ha ha.

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:20 pm
by Lord_Grant
At ease Trident.

Brocov was a SLA member at one time. He spoke against us but not nearly as harshly as others... And although RA, and AA engaged in massing what? That was a long time ago...In my mind the SLA they engaged, and fought is no longer the same alliance. And RA and Ancient Anubis both have been on non-hostile terms with the SLA.


Greetings fellow Goauld.. Finally back on SGW forums. Got more time (Finally abandoned all the games I was managing.....dont do good in anything if you jsut manage them all).

First off...YES the SLA will be reforming. It will not be for a month yet... we have a few goals to finish before then.

It will be NEW...New goals. And a differant setup. With all respect towards the SLA's previous SSL's..... the SLA of before never did anything other than telling its members "Build".... now the SLA WILL have its members build.

But first off I will say this...
Ancient Anubis is welcome. As is Kjarkur and Brocov if he wishes
Any former SLA member is in high probablity of being admitted with a few exceptions (If Artiglio still played for example....and no offence...But Apadamek you ******d us over 3 times I doubt you will be allowed in but that is up to the SL council.)

The SLA boards will still be the centerpiece still of meeting. The layout is nice and easy to get around. Admin duties will be stepped up to squash any bots that join.
Click the Forums link.
Soon they will be wiped.But that is the link for future referance.

Now...I know this has been said TWO (or 3 ) times before.... I believe if done correctly the SLA has a good chance o rising from the ashes.

As such.. I encourage ALL people who had former dealings with the SLA (Enemy,Friends, or member) to return and at least watch.

Although it won't be within a week the SLA will reform before the first week of February.
Anyone who wants to get ahold of me PM me and I will give you my MSN.

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:04 pm
by ForgottenWarrior
I will gladly start playing to my fullest once again if the mighty SLA is reborn. When it came along my loyalties lied elsewhere at the time but now they are no more and I am just waiting for a cause in which to fight for.

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:43 pm
by AncientAnubis
I would look forward to being with old friends again and having the chance to teach new Goa'uld how to act as a god while getting my old power back. It would be a mighty task that would lay before us, but I believe we could get a measure of respect again. Before I commit to anything though, I would like to know what sort of plans you have for growth, for war and how leadership in this reformed SLA would be chosen.

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:44 pm
by Apadizamek

Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:12 pm
by Kjarkur
Perhaps, in my return, I should join SLA.

With one condition though - that it wont be like SLA was when I was playing. It needs a new and better organized leadership. It needs to be more cruel and tough.

Long live the SLA.

I like this idea. I support it.


Re: SLA reformation Topic

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:22 pm
by AncientAnubis
Dauntless wrote:Perhaps, in my return, I should join SLA.

With one condition though - that it wont be like SLA was when I was playing. It needs a new and better organized leadership. It needs to be more cruel and tough.

Long live the SLA.

I like this idea. I support it.


That's exactly what I told Apadamek on MSN earlier. The leadership needs to be charismatic, the alliance tough; never give an inch for anyone, and every member must be willing to take it that far. NO backing down - ever. Member growth would also need to be considered heavily, as that was part of the problem with the old, old SLA when I was still a member.