Adjust massing mechanics

Fledgling Forumer
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Adjust massing mechanics

So I know it isn't as bad as when the updates first came out, but they still suck majorly. I'm talking in terms of losses for the attacker, and the cost in ATs it is highly unfeasible. Unfeasable. However it's spelled.

I'm sure the intention was to balance it a bit, and to make sabbing an equally viable option to nail a def, but it is ridonkulously one sided-right now. There's a fine line but then there's going right over the hill, this imo landed you in Oz . . .

The sabbing updates themselves, now they are just dandy but there is no other feasable alternative for a fair portion of the server. You are always going to have losses, always got to accept them and sacrifice them to achieve whatever goals, but COME ON.


The problem: Takes too long, x3 or x4 losses if you're trying to take an equal def, huge AT cost.

My first massing since coming back from vacation cost me 2-3k ATs or so, ~3-4m UUs (excluding mercs), and I gave up halfway because seriously it wasn't worth my time and nobody should have to attempt that. It was only a 500b def too, nothing major. Again, you have to accept losses but they must be somewhat "reasonable".

So what needs to be done so that people have the choice of sabbing or using strike to take a def: Increase damage to weapons slightly, re-work the losses ratio.

We don't want to go back to exactly where we were, but let's adjust what has been implemented so that somebody with a lesser account can hope to take on a better built acc (if they can't sab, atleast give them some hope of massing).
stephen says (16:11):
wes "jt" mantooth is jealous cause their always 2nd best in the ratings
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Re: Adjust massing mechanics

Sab first? Bring a homie to help? Just mass and take it like all of us? I'm not trying to be mean or anything just offering solutions.
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Fledgling Forumer
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Re: Adjust massing mechanics

I'm all for bringing the homies, but what about lone wolves? Vendettas? People who do online massing 1 v 1?

If people wanna bring some buddies to the party then giggidy goo, nothing wrong there, All I'm saying is it should be viable for one person, or a newer acc, to atleast be able hold their own. The game can be tedious enough as it is, let's not make it worse eh? It's a war game and the war element should be fun.
stephen says (16:11):
wes "jt" mantooth is jealous cause their always 2nd best in the ratings
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