Alliance Homeworld *TAG*

What do you want to see in the game? what can be improved? any suggestions welcome here...
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Alliance Homeworld *TAG*

My idea is for each alliance, at a cost, to have a Homeworld. The Homeworld is something that every member of the alliance can contribute to and, in return, benefit from. The end goal would be to create something that is balanced and adds an extra feature to the game, something that would enhance warring particularly. Ultimately, I would like to see an alliance Homeworld being something that is of the upmost importance and fiercely defended by the alliance. Think of how important Earth is for Humans in the Stargate or Star Trek universes..

Here’s what I’ve got so far, by no means is this a final draft, I think this is idea that can ONLY be fine tuned by our community. Please bear with me as this is a lengthy post but hopefully worth reading :) :

The Homeworld must first be purchased by the alliance. Using the alliance bank to do so is the obvious choice but to minimise abuse the cost should be relatively high, eg 100T, and smaller alliances won’t have accrued this yet. So we either go down that route or add the functionality for members to deposit funds in a specific ‘bank’ purely for the purchase of the Homeworld. (this bank would also be used for improvements)

Once the Homeworld is purchased the leader can add feature/s to it. I haven’t got much on this yet and need input. This could be an area where new, unique, stats are added. But for now, the idea of a Unit Production Homeworld makes sense so I’ll use that as my example.
The alliance leader would select this feature and begin to use funds from the separate bank to increase it’s stat. The overall UP on the homeworld will split evenly among the alliance and boost their natural stat, like a normal UP planet. Again, to avoid abuse the cost/benefit would have to be thought out in great detail, it wouldn’t be the same as normal planet costs.
How many should features should we allow it to have? Not sure, but certainly more than one.

For things to remain competitive and to add a new feature to wars, Homeworlds can be attacked directly using Motherships. Alliances can add Planetary Defenses, again using the separate bank. These defences can be as simple as the ‘platforms’ that normal planets have, or this can be an opportunity to add a list of different types of defense systems, to add a whole new dimension to the game.
On top of that, there would be a Homeworld docking station, capable of holding up to 3 motherships at a time. Upon attack, these motherships are the first line of defense, in an all out MS battle as we see normally. Alliance members can choose to send their Mothership to the station but on doing so, leaving them without one. Alliance members should be able to retrieve them at will, which should keep things active.

Under Attack
Once the motherships and defense systems have been destroyed ( or perhaps once they are under a certain % threshold) the Homeworld will start to take damage to it’s stat/s. The percentages need to be worked out and fine tuned. Either the damage is repairable, but at a very high cost, or the stats lost must be replaced.

I hope that didn’t bore you to death and I’d really appreciate input from everyone on this one, there’s still a lot to work out but I hope I’ve covered enough to get the ball rolling :)
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Re: Alliance Homeworld

I like the idea of this, I think it will add an extra dimension to the game with regards to attacking an alliance and will give some different bragging rights to players alliances etc.
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Re: Alliance Homeworld

I like it.

What about cheaper repairs/weapons are on the "homeworld"

One thing I donot like about this is it will make large alliances larger and new/small players smaller, so some balancing would be needed.
[9:21:11 PM] Les Ennemis: good i like our members happy
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Re: Alliance Homeworld

Alliance bank for upgrades, yes

private bank for upgrades, no way in hell. cash spenders would boost homeworlds to a stupendous size as has been done with some accounts now.
Retired but still on a rampage
Rudy Peña wrote:Yea, OE is the the next FS in terms of snipers. We proud ourselves on it to the point we give out awards and see who can mass the most with a 0 def.
Drahazar wrote:Im happy to snipe anyone i want, why should i build any defences for you people
George Hazard wrote:FM is like a rite of passage for alliances.
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Re: Alliance Homeworld

What do lone wolfs get then if you have this bonus in place? Alliances already get far more than lone wolfs do in bonus's already, an update like this would just make one playing style more over powered than it is already. :?
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Re: Alliance Homeworld

~Thamuz~ wrote:What do lone wolfs get then if you have this bonus in place? Alliances already get far more than lone wolfs do in bonus's already, an update like this would just make one playing style more over powered than it is already. :?
The same option to join an alliance that everybody else gets? :P
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Re: Alliance Homeworld

I like this idea, i think the game is in need of another major update. Something to compare to the MS and Planets updates in size.

I think is should be kind of like the houses. You can dock your alliance on the planet and share its resources with the other alliances and upgrade it with a % of your 1% alliance income. this will even things out and also make people increase incomes which would increase game activity due to farming!

Rules and feature.
Your alliance has its own Mothership.
You must be x amount of days old to dock onto a home planet.
A percentage of your 1% alliance income is taken for upgrades.
The Upgrades are not controlled ie you dock on your chosen planet and it upgrades its self with the % of each alliances 1% income.
You have to war to be kicked out. like a blood war with no interventions until its over and the loser is evicted.
To re-attach you have to war the alliance that beat you... then they get kicked if they lose.
If a planet is over populated all alliances enter a closed war and the excess population is kick based off the losers.

I could go on........ lol

I like it
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Re: Alliance Homeworld

Clockwork wrote:
~Thamuz~ wrote:What do lone wolfs get then if you have this bonus in place? Alliances already get far more than lone wolfs do in bonus's already, an update like this would just make one playing style more over powered than it is already. :?
The same option to join an alliance that everybody else gets? :P
So basically what your saying is if an update of this magnitude is put in place your choice of gameplay is limited to be in an alliance or not play or your unable to compete? =D>
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Re: Alliance Homeworld

Guild wrote:Alliance bank for upgrades, yes

private bank for upgrades, no way in hell. cash spenders would boost homeworlds to a stupendous size as has been done with some accounts now.
Those were my thoughts, just didn't see a simple way to balance it with alliance banks. But it's probably the way we should proceed. A way around would be to allow alliance members to set a % of their income to go to the alliance bank, on top of the usual %s set by the leader (if that's still an option, I haven't see the alliance page in a long time). It should encourage growth among every alliance.
*Ritalin wrote:I like this idea, i think the game is in need of another major update. Something to compare to the MS and Planets updates in size.

I think is should be kind of like the houses. You can dock your alliance on the planet and share its resources with the other alliances and upgrade it with a % of your 1% alliance income. this will even things out and also make people increase incomes which would increase game activity due to farming!

Rules and feature.
Your alliance has its own Mothership.
You must be x amount of days old to dock onto a home planet.
A percentage of your 1% alliance income is taken for upgrades.
The Upgrades are not controlled ie you dock on your chosen planet and it upgrades its self with the % of each alliances 1% income.
You have to war to be kicked out. like a blood war with no interventions until its over and the loser is evicted.
To re-attach you have to war the alliance that beat you... then they get kicked if they lose.
If a planet is over populated all alliances enter a closed war and the excess population is kick based off the losers.

I could go on........ lol

I like it
I like that idea but the reason I went down the route of a Homeworld for each Alliance is to make it more personal. The Homeworld would be named and protected individually which should make it way more personal when it gets mashed up :P
~Thamuz~ wrote:What do lone wolfs get then if you have this bonus in place? Alliances already get far more than lone wolfs do in bonus's already, an update like this would just make one playing style more over powered than it is already. :?
Never being one for the 'lonewolf' style of play I hadn't thought about that. I'm sure we/admin can come up with something if deemded necessary.
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Re: Alliance Homeworld

I dont like those ideas because i dont like B L A Z E ....

JK :smt050
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Re: Alliance Homeworld

The idea of a homeworld for your alliance, that you could work on, care for, love, nurture etc, is quite nice.

Unfortunately, it seems somewhat impractical.

You'd be essentially giving a permanent and untakeable bonus to the alliances with top 10 MS, giving more power and bonus to those that already have it. Remember, that they likely have large incomes / ability to boost their alliance banks too. Some people would think very little of dumping 20quads into such a thing.

Smaller alliances would have to question if it was even worth using their alliance bank for a homeworld that could be stripped from them with relative ease, and nothing they could do to stop it.

It could prove more interesting if MS assignments took more time. I.e, you send you MS to protect the homeworld for a minimum of 7 days (makes sense in a RP thinking, travel time, round trip). You'd perhaps have to rotate who left their account vulnerable, while protecting the alliance planet :smt106

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Re: Alliance Homeworld

B L A Z E wrote:
*Ritalin wrote:I like this idea, i think the game is in need of another major update. Something to compare to the MS and Planets updates in size.

I think is should be kind of like the houses. You can dock your alliance on the planet and share its resources with the other alliances and upgrade it with a % of your 1% alliance income. this will even things out and also make people increase incomes which would increase game activity due to farming!

Rules and feature.
Your alliance has its own Mothership.
You must be x amount of days old to dock onto a home planet.
A percentage of your 1% alliance income is taken for upgrades.
The Upgrades are not controlled ie you dock on your chosen planet and it upgrades its self with the % of each alliances 1% income.
You have to war to be kicked out. like a blood war with no interventions until its over and the loser is evicted.
To re-attach you have to war the alliance that beat you... then they get kicked if they lose.
If a planet is over populated all alliances enter a closed war and the excess population is kick based off the losers.

I could go on........ lol

I like it
I like that idea but the reason I went down the route of a Homeworld for each Alliance is to make it more personal. The Homeworld would be named and protected individually which should make it way more personal when it gets mashed up :P
I think ritalin is on to something, if the homeplanet was not taken but the MS if the alliance was docking their MS and upgrading it they would need to have multiple individual player MS's to protect it because the upgrades will take X amount of hours/days.
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Re: Alliance Homeworld

Caprila wrote:It could prove more interesting if MS assignments took more time. I.e, you send you MS to protect the homeworld for a minimum of 7 days (makes sense in a RP thinking, travel time, round trip). You'd perhaps have to rotate who left their account vulnerable, while protecting the alliance planet :smt106
Yes indeedy, that's a great idea for balancing the pro's of having such a homeworld.

The whole thing needs a lot of tweaking/adjustments before ever going live, this is just getting started really. If the admin is happy with it as a good starting point then I'm sure we can knock out detailed plans on exactly how it's going to work :)
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