
Forum for all general ingame discussion.
Ryuujin Jakka
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Re: Vultures

easy your talking sh!te i corrected you haha.


although actually your are wrong i know many new forum accounts that are actually new players

but most of the players that play sgw aint on forums even some of the players that are as good as the big players just dont get recognised because they arent on here

the forums doesnt dictate the population of the game infact ive always found the forums to be pathetic even in its hay time compared to the actual activity ingame

yes the game is currently dying but many of those "inactive" people you come across and farm are actually playing and are stuck unascended because they never learned what to do or didnt want to lose their stuff. or ascended once or twice then went wow this takes way too long this is boring.

theres about 300-500 active players ingame that do notgo on forums nor have a forum account (right now) and this is when the game is **Filtered** and dying just than none of you other than really odin and my self attempt to search out these players and bring them into the community.

(guaranteed if they had joined the comunity earlier or been helped how to play earlier they would probs be better than most on here)
though most are forced out by this so called "vulturing rule" cause of **Filtered** massing unascended accounts that dont know that they are "vulturing" they are just hitting people with no stats. just because they aint on forum doesnt mean they dont play thats just a retarded asumption

you'll get use to me i write long descriptive messages. get over it your short and sweet

im long and sexy

everyone's different.
unless your a discriminative f(_)cking w@nkstain :)?

peace out fools

Field Marshall wrote: Ryu - Legend, best of the're sick...and I hate your 5T MS! < in 2010 when the closes MS at the time was 2.8 T , shortly after i hit 7Trill and then 8tms (Long before the MS HUGE Buff Update !) and the next closest was just barely over 3T at the time it took many years and that mouthership to go untouched as rank 1 without any upgrades at all before ETL finally caught up to it and then a couple of others eventually while it sat reletively untouched for years , yet still to this day that account remains competitive with a great ms , under Drah's command. Many say i Pioneered the current MS Meta , which is both cool and i regret because ms's are insane these days lol !
~Belsamber~ wrote:Borek and Ryu for SGW guru's post are like mangasms, they're that good.
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overlord elz
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Re: Vultures

Ryuujin Jakka wrote:
. just because they aint on forum doesnt mean they dont play thats just a retarded asumption(TL:DR)

You are a special kind of person aren't you. Lovely assumptions. Let me break it down as english might not be your first language
"I Haven't come across any "newer" players here since I came back."
The first clues here are the pronoun I. This implies it is a personal opinion and not fact. This alone makes it irrefutable as I am not stating it as a fact.

The second area of the problem is that you are taking far too many assumptions in what I imply with "here". Here not being the game, but here being the forum. I am responding to your long winded lecture as it seems pointless when I (see I used a personal pronoun again so this is an opinion not fact) don't see who it would be targeted at.
"Crawling back to SGW like a bird on its belly"
Ryuujin Jakka
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Re: Vultures

Take a bit of sarcasm mate
**Filtered** you people are all stuck to far up your own asses :smt043

Slide on..

Read the message correctly before you respond with turd like that ;)

You obviously misread the message and assume tone over a forum message

Bit narrow minded of you son.

Tits or GTHO :smt042 :smt036

Although sorry to tell you I state only facts no assumptions ;)

Just because you haven't come across any does not mean there aren't any.
You could of came back today or yesterday or a year ago for all I care. Some people just don't post because nothing is connected to them. A lot of people register an account and don't ever log on because forums are dreary
And the majority of games have ingame chat systems that make it much easier to connect.

Did I say that you made that assumption
No I stated that that assumption would be retarded.

Twas you who misread the message I just gave you statements oknowledge and fact that there are plenty of players ingame new and old that never use forums and plenty of new ones that do. But most don't

P.s the "maybe English isn't your first language" thing is a bit old and a bit immature
just trying to be a smart ass all I'm doing is giving you information ;)

Just sayin.

Field Marshall wrote: Ryu - Legend, best of the're sick...and I hate your 5T MS! < in 2010 when the closes MS at the time was 2.8 T , shortly after i hit 7Trill and then 8tms (Long before the MS HUGE Buff Update !) and the next closest was just barely over 3T at the time it took many years and that mouthership to go untouched as rank 1 without any upgrades at all before ETL finally caught up to it and then a couple of others eventually while it sat reletively untouched for years , yet still to this day that account remains competitive with a great ms , under Drah's command. Many say i Pioneered the current MS Meta , which is both cool and i regret because ms's are insane these days lol !
~Belsamber~ wrote:Borek and Ryu for SGW guru's post are like mangasms, they're that good.
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overlord elz
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Re: Vultures

Yeah, can't say I am not guilty of immaturity in my posts.

Just don't like being lectured or told how it is.

I stand by the fact that newer players aren't on the forums though.
"Crawling back to SGW like a bird on its belly"
Ryuujin Jakka
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Re: Vultures

Yes that is entirely true
I agree with you on that

I was just saying most likely why they aren't
I wasn't lecturing you mate.

Forums is more or less a dead aspect in 2015. It's a shame but because of the likes of runescape NA wow and wot and the likes of

Their ingame chat systems are fantastic and basic so people just use them.

Pity it is a shame and I'd like to see more newer faces on the forums myself.
I'm currently training 4 people at teaching the, how to play and ascend.

I'll will try to merge them onto forums when they get into everything and enjoy it.
Hopefully they will stick around.

Again some advertising or app access to this game would make it a million times more likely to attract players with a descriptive guide on how to play the game. Like almost every game you play there is a small tutorial at the start, the app wouldn't even have to be a,along just an app that opens GW and u can log in and browse from it

Maybe some notifications about attack or war declarations for pup ups :/ requires time tho and coding skill that I am unsure admins would have to make an app.

Field Marshall wrote: Ryu - Legend, best of the're sick...and I hate your 5T MS! < in 2010 when the closes MS at the time was 2.8 T , shortly after i hit 7Trill and then 8tms (Long before the MS HUGE Buff Update !) and the next closest was just barely over 3T at the time it took many years and that mouthership to go untouched as rank 1 without any upgrades at all before ETL finally caught up to it and then a couple of others eventually while it sat reletively untouched for years , yet still to this day that account remains competitive with a great ms , under Drah's command. Many say i Pioneered the current MS Meta , which is both cool and i regret because ms's are insane these days lol !
~Belsamber~ wrote:Borek and Ryu for SGW guru's post are like mangasms, they're that good.
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overlord elz
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Re: Vultures

Yeah, the forum is what made this game so special in my opinion. It is a pity it is so much less than it used to be.

Will be hard to return it to its former glory though, with so much competition from other games. The great aspect of GW is it's accessibility though. Simple browser based game, it is just difficult for new comers as the top accounts are pretty difficult to contest against. Newgrounds seems to have helped bridge that gap though.
"Crawling back to SGW like a bird on its belly"
Ryuujin Jakka
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Alternate name(s): Al Capone / ~Ryuujin Jakka~

Re: Vultures

overlord elz wrote:Yeah, the forum is what made this game so special in my opinion. It is a pity it is so much less than it used to be.

Will be hard to return it to its former glory though, with so much competition from other games. The great aspect of GW is it's accessibility though. Simple browser based game, it is just difficult for new comers as the top accounts are pretty difficult to contest against. Newgrounds seems to have helped bridge that gap though.
4 new players today :smt110 :smt110 :smt110 :smt110 :smt110 2of them recruited to forums by me

now! now you are wrong mwuahahahahhahaha :smt091 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt110

the ripple effect will happen now and wewill see 5000,0000,00,0,0,,0,0,0,000,0 players join in the next week

:smt090 wishful thinking .

but hey if we all make a bit of effort ;)

2 players each
gotta be about 20 of us active on here atm thats 40 extra players then they can recruit 2 ect ect ;) :smt087
Field Marshall wrote: Ryu - Legend, best of the're sick...and I hate your 5T MS! < in 2010 when the closes MS at the time was 2.8 T , shortly after i hit 7Trill and then 8tms (Long before the MS HUGE Buff Update !) and the next closest was just barely over 3T at the time it took many years and that mouthership to go untouched as rank 1 without any upgrades at all before ETL finally caught up to it and then a couple of others eventually while it sat reletively untouched for years , yet still to this day that account remains competitive with a great ms , under Drah's command. Many say i Pioneered the current MS Meta , which is both cool and i regret because ms's are insane these days lol !
~Belsamber~ wrote:Borek and Ryu for SGW guru's post are like mangasms, they're that good.
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overlord elz
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Re: Vultures

Ryuujin Jakka wrote: 4 new players today :smt110 :smt110 :smt110 :smt110 :smt110 2of them recruited to forums by me

now! now you are wrong mwuahahahahhahaha :smt091 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt019 :smt110
I will beleive it when they post!!! :P [-(

I am trying to get some of my friends to join, couple of em used to play so trying to bring em back. Real life is such a lame excuse for not playing games though...
"Crawling back to SGW like a bird on its belly"
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