Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

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Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!


So its basically done - the short overview of SGW history.
I had it stored for over a week now and been waiting on other SGW history writers to send in their parts which sadly none of them did except Majorleehurts(She did her alliance history and for that I thank her ;). (Actually its today that its 1 week over the given deadline)

Anyways since none of the others have sent in their own works what we have is. my own stuff, junk, poo(call it what you wana call it ;))

I am giving you all a short peek into it (meaning this is about 3/5 of it I am sending from computer at the Law University the rest is saved on my own computer at home)

Before you start reading the bellow "scroll" you ll need to know some basic terms which are used in it and the specific time equation, it will all be explained so bare with me:

So here it is, The short overview of SGW history



nation = an expression for an ingame acount (expression used so the thing actually looks like a story that happened, not some game...)
alliance = (nations banded together cause of common goals...basically same as what we use in ingame terminology)
Empire = Basically a huge alliance (ingame we can see it as company of few alliances serving under one common banner (more or less done so cause of the more easier management))
[Sometimes, we may see other expressions being used here because of the specific structure of the said alliance (example confederacy EPA)]
Coalition = More alliances baned together for a common cause

Defining Time:

Now So far we had 2 attemps of SGW history (at least 2 official ones, one comming from XYZ member of this community (no seeds were ever planted so basically all talks and no work...)
The other one however was more interesting since a Team of Wikipedia visited the community and they had a specific question for us. The question Was. How to define events in sgw, how to place them in time:
They offered few choices for example:


people had their own opinions and all and all it was a failed attempt to define the timeframe. However it did start me thinking about the problem, so I came up with my own sistem, which isnt perfect but I liked it so here it is:

1 month in RL = 1 century in SGW
1 day in RL = 3,28 years in SGW
The eqation used and put into place will give you the data. With the fictional start of everything at year ZERO = 1. of February 2005 (to simplify it)
In addition to that the initials ABB are put next to the dates meaning= AfterBigBang
Also to help you understand it even more I have left some Real Life dates next to the "fictional" one (search it up under Third ERA at the very end...)
Thats basically all you need to know to read the bellow "SCROLL"

Enjoy (or not) here it is...


________Brief History of StarGateWars________

We shall be telling a story, we shall devide that story in 4 parts each representing an ERA of its own, as it was those ERAs which are devided cause they differ and which are named by the factor which marked them.


First there was nothing. The saying we have heard for countless times. Our story however doesnt start like that.
We shall begin with saying, that in the world of SGW first there were 4 races. Each consisted out of many nations.
And we shall mark that ERA with the Year ZERO (0 ABB)
Some of those nations would form alliances to overcome the others, to defend against the others, or to feel safe from the others.
The alliances formed included only nations of one race. Their common culture, origin, habits character or sometimes hatred towards the other races was what cause them to form bonds.


(O - 12th century ABB)

The four great races that have shaped the universe were:
- The Tauri (or as they call themselves Humans)
- The Asgards
- The Replicators
- The Goa´uld

Each of these races focused on diffrent attributes in their conquest of the Universe.
1. The Tauri relyed on their offensive tactics and weapons
2. The Asgard were more peaceful and have focused on defensive technlogy
3. The replicators relyed on their stealth and cunning
4. The Goauld build everything on their strong economy

As said the nations of these 4 races forged first alliances, some more successful then the others, some more powerful then the others. And at the start race was a factor in those, it was only few alliances, where race played no role at all.
To count few: TAA (Tauri Asgard Alliance), EPA ( Earth Protectorat Alliance - hosting only asgard and Tauri), TRM (or so called The Replicator Movement) but it wasnt long when Alliances where race wasnt a factor started to dominate.
Some of the most important being: Omega Allegiance, AoS (or Archangels Of Destruction) and OoC(Order of Chaos), TO (The Order)...
The alliances started battleing for power, for raign above others and so more and more wars came.


(8th c. ABB - 18th c. ABB) - To be exact lasted till 1743(with the fall of The Faction)

The waring alliances soon saw that in this quest for dominance cooperation will be neccessary, so it wasnt long before first coalitions were created. The most important one and perhaps the first coalition in jist, was the so Called GA (which stands for Grand Alliance).
The Grand alliance came to be in the 8th century ABB and was formed out of 3 alliances:

- UTA (Unseen Threat Alliance)

The years in which they have been created are also interesting because of one more thing. It is when the evolution of the original 4 races has come so far,that some of the nations evolved (the expression is ascended) and so 4 new races were born, now forming the total of 8 races in the Universe. Those four races were known as:

- The Ori
- The Ancients
- The Tolans
- The System Lords

It also soon became clear, that if the nations themselves wished to be part of the biggest alliances and be important at all, they ll all have to ascend, thus leaving only the least developed, the smallest, least important nations behind, to form the legacy of what used to be named THE four great races.

The GA followed this patteren and the nations within did well to evolve and soon they had the chance to prove themselves!
They have proved to be a force to be reckoned with and their structure, as also display of power came in 11th/12th Century ABB
when they assaulted and also won against two of the smaller alliances at the time TR (The Resistance ) and FRA (First Realm Alliance)
The war might have been important because of the fact, that with its end, also one of the falling traditions came crushing down, as Earth Protectorat Alliance (EPA) anounced, that the RACE of any future nation joining them, will not be a factor.
That is also why it can be said that the ERA of Races lasted till 12th century ABB.
The GA however didnt stop there, it further on expanded, as all alliances within it grow larger and new were added to form a new complete image.
Noteable perhaps are:

- DD (Dirty Dozen)
- AB (Ancient Breatheren
- which was an interesting alliance since it worked by the tradition of old aliances, by including only one race amongst their midst - though originally a well intended and well thought out cause( as they forced the nations wishing to join them to ascend), soon the only ancient race philosophy become a burden as majority of the bigger nations already evolved!)

However there were also first fallouts to be seen in GA, as UTA left the coalition. (The position of UTA in the GA was replaced by AB)

When it almost seemed, that the race for so desired supremacy over the galaxy came to an end, other alliances started to make their move and to oppose the power of GA, new coalitions have been created.
TLC (or The Liberium Coalition) presented first real threat. It was an especially interesting coalition as the former UTA (now renamed to SDM - Schism Dolus Malus) resided "within" it. The other important alliance who formed the TLC was the AK (Aeon Kings).
Because of the fact that the member alliances of TLC already had a bad history with the GA and the fact that especially GA was on its path to surpremacy the two coalitions finally clashed on the year of 1543 ABB When GA launched an assault which later on resulted with the disbandment of SDM and the end of TLC as a whole.
The basis for: "One to rule them all" were set, however domination didnt come as swiftly, as it would seem.
There was a coalition already there, to chalange them yet again and try to prevent them from raigning alone.
The coalitions name was THE FACTION and only came to be after the GA tried to take on at the time the biggest alliance in the Universe called the Crystal Force. The Crystal Force alliance was in fact so big that it consisted out of 5 sister alliances:

# Crystal Force Elite
# Crystal Force Div 1
# Crystal Force Div 2
# Crystal Force Div 3
# Crystal Force OCS

( Perhaps this is the right time to mention, that the expanding alliances in GA also at the time contained other sister alliances:
- Omega/alpha allegiance
- EPA/TSA (The Stargate Academy)/359 Company
- AB/Deciples of the Breatheren
- DD/ DD12 )

To aid CF two alliances came to their aid:
- TA (Tauri Alliance)
- TCW (Thor's Chariot Warriors)

Those two together with CF were named the The Faction

The calander pointed at an interesting date when it happened. The year was 1743 ABB, or to be precise exactly 200 years from the first coalition war.
The war was special in many acpects. It was till then the largest war the Universe has seen and it was also unexpectedly short. It lasted for mear 26 years, when on 1769 ABB CF surrendered and the coaltion together with CF alliance was destroyed. Although TA remained to wage war, they too surrendered on year 1798 ABB, however it seems their resistance earned them better terms, as they were not to disband and so the alliance lives till this day!
After the war GA only got stronger by admiting yet another alliance in the coaltion.That was DDE (Dark Dominium Empire - an alliance which has aided the GA during the war and has later in the history become one of the strongest alliances)

One would think that after two glorious victories, there will be only bright future for the GA...
However During 19th/20th century ABB it became evident that the GA was having some problems. The most accepted theory today is that it was due to its size and that GA has just become too big for their own good.
Despite attempts to resolve the situation, the GA treaty was dissovled on year 1985 ABB!
Reasons for that are many, but perhaps the most probable ones:
- At the time of the dissolvement the GA was consisted out of 14! alliances, the rough estimate of the number of nations in the coalition was over 300!. Such a large coalition therefor presented both management problems, as ever increasing new ones since there were that many nations within the coalition, something was bonud to go wrong somewhere.
- Hunger for glory comes also with hunger for that glory to not be shared, so some historians believe, it was power hungry people who didnt wish to share it, that destroyed the coalition.
- There was a notion of bad relations between EPA and DDE which have originated since before DDE was a member of the coalition and carried on while they were in it.
- Use over friendship and history, or to better say it. Some of the alliances were not useful anymore providing only extra bagage. That would mostly be pointed at AB but partially also on sister alliances of EPA. However because EPA has meanwhile created a confederacy out of their sister alliances called the EPAC ( Earth Protectorat Alliance Confederacy), it would mean obtaining one bond and ripping off the other.
(The especially well known condition which originates from the issue was the so called: 120 Nations limitation codex)

While the coalition officially and formally did disolve, on the same year a new coalition has been born.
The so called CoP (or in full the Coalition of Paragons) The coalition consisted of:

- DD
- Omega

and was for a short while a so called: "half closed coalition" since the CoP leadership offered a place within CoP to the former ally EPAC, but this offer was conditioned by limitation codex, which basically ment that if EPAC was to enter CoP they would have to decrease the number of nations residing within 6 sister alliances in EPAC to 120 ( basically 20 per alliance)
EPAC wasnt ready to turn their backs on their nations and therfor refused the offer. Something which later on cost them their confederacy - later on alliance!

So they came, the race was finished, the selection over. First emperors of the galaxies and with them the "New Universe" emerged!


(20th - ) - to be exact with creation of CoP on year 1985 ABB.

How did the enhabitants of the Universe recieve and greet the new emperors does not even matter. The fact everyone who counted for something knew was, that they are here and that they are indisputedly the strongest force to be reckon with.
Within the years of their new entity one of the leading nations of former coalition partners (AB) was attacked. It wasnt just former allies that were left up to the mercy of CoP. Throughout the universe nations were plundered, attacked and destroyed. Its hard to say that CoP as whole was in the role of a Tyrant, but easily enough we can say, that quite many nations that resided amongst the alliances in CoP were causing havoc!
Soon some started to rebel and attack alliances inside the CoP.
What seemed bad at one point became worse when on a year 2049(15th of October) in the so called Bloody Sunday (named by the actual day when all of this happened) CoP (mainly DDE and omega) have decided to attack dozen of smaller alliances. This by itself wouldnt be considered as something catastrophic, if not for two facts:
1. and the most important one being that there was no particular reason for the attack, other then sheer lust for fighting
2. and second which really portrait the chaotic state the universe was in, was the fact that this time around in this assault there werent just random nations within the alliances of the CoP who were raising havoc, but alliances themselves. Which officially confirmed the agressive position CoP has took.
Alliances assaulted by the CoP on that year were:

- BWP (Bad Wolf Project)
- D2 (???)
- Wolfpack
- Caprican Alliance
- TUFR / and its sister alliances
- Ascended Saiyans
- Ascended Generations
- Forgotten Serenity
- Heaven Warriors
- WORLD theft inc

Notion here perhaps that the above were all smaller alliances and that one of the reasons for the attack can be found in display of power, where CoP did show its power, but against relatively small alliances, which in all honesty didnt fight back much.

The consequence of this war was, once again few more nations rebelling and fighting their individual "justice" wars against alliances of CoP, however none of them had any serious impact, still it displayed the situation that rulled in those days.

Also as a result of this non stop going pressure many more nations have started to seek cover in diffrent alliances and even the alliances themselves were trying to bind and create a stronger front in case of the attack from the CoP. Example being BWP (formerly assaulted by CoP) which entered the EPAC.
Truth be told, none of the alliances at the time neither their bonds, were strong enough to stand against CoP if it was to strike!

Yet worst was to come and it did when Omega decided to attack EPAC,
which was at the time the only thing close to coalition and one of the rare who could offer a resistance. It happened in year 2198 ABB (30th of November)
Former allies/friends/coalition partners were attacked.
It almost seemed as if CoP wanted to get rid of the last "stain" from their history book that was "left".
The real reasons for the assault however are unclear. While CoP was causing havoc in the universe for over 200 hundred years now, they did present some fraction of an evidence, which implyed EPAC´s intentions could have been hostile, but on the other hand truth be told, by then the "entire" universe was hostile towards CoP.
The war, even if it did have the potential to be longer (because of the allegiance to their alliances on each side), didnt last long. On year 2226 ABB The TSA (sister alliance of EPA) surrendered and only 4 years later on 2230 ABB EPA acknowledged Omega´s surpremacy.

...(the missing part)


Notion: This is not a finished version(as said thats stored on my comp), its also not gramatically checked. Further more its not set in stone version as well with the possibilites of some mistakes and although I tried to be as objective as possible it still is a subjectively created story (thats the reason I wished more of you who applied under history program would have created their own...)
You are still welcomed to do so and we ll change and shape the SGW overview together, I however will meanwhile start to work on other Historical works such as alliance histories, some important stories (about interesting happenings...Legends myths if you will)

I also appologize if I have indirectly offended anyone in the above and if any comment concerning that you can PM me.

Thats basically it
Enjoy the rest of the day and the entire December and if the above is adding to any of that joy I ll try to do my best to provide more not just in terms of SGW history in the end thats why I came back to this game, its not all about ingame wars, its basically all about the game and the game is community...

From me to you, yours sincerly...

Last edited by SVaRuN on Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:43 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

nice work blue
keep going :-D
Tziki wrote:
Bebita a known Spy from the server war, who joined TO under false pretences yet again has a filthy trick up his sleave. In fact it appears the Filth up his sleave is DDE and Mayhem. When confronted about them supporting Bebita and Rob3rt (as there were suspicions as to be a tiny account got his MS and Naq / Turns etc) neither deny their involved behind the scenes but instead hint towards it being a coincidence.
R8 wrote:the shock of seeing bebita in my attack logs after so long was too much to handle so I had to hit vac mode to try and recover for a few days

catch ya later :D
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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

Good read. :)
Looking forward to more!
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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

Bravo =D>

The time line works well.

I sincerely hope that every one reading this is inspired to contribute to this amazing story of our own creation.

You all have played a roll in this galaxy. This is your chance to go down in history.

@and I cant believe I was the only one to submit anything ............. slackers :smt110
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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

:shock: i tottaly forgot about that :S
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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

this be awesome :shock:

ty a lot and hope you add in missing parts soon :)
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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

Nice work man.
Looking forward to more
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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

Nice read! Good job!
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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

For those of us who've been around since near the beginning...


Can't wait for more!

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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

Just a quick note, the TAA was not the TA. The TAA (Tauri Asgard Alliance) was started by Skyflame and, though they had a NAP with the TA, was not affiliated. The TA, Tauri Alliance, was started in the first week of the game and led by Opticallove, Evilhomer and others. TA participated in the original server war (the TEEM Offensive) along with the EPA and Elusive against the Order of Chaos.

Hope that's helpful.

13:38 General Zeus Sabotage Repelled 377,977,330 details

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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

Indeed is mate and fixed asap ;)
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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

nicely done, lot of work i am sure
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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

hats off to you , cant w8 to read the next part :)
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Re: Here it is SGW history overview - Peek into...!

yo HAVE been busy haven't you Sva :shock:
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