To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

For the RolePlaying of the various races found in GateWars.
Demon Lord Razgriz
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To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

If any of you guys have ever drawn your MS or a new ship for your race, post them here and show them off to your fellow players. I started this in the Goa'uld section, but no one posted so we'll do it here since it'll should have more people to look at it. Here's mine...

The Damnation

Using a similar design to the Wraith long-range transport ship and some Wraith technology, the Damnation is a long-range hyperspace-capable fighter-bomber slightly smaller than an Al’kesh. It was extremely maneuverable, had a large amount of firepower, and had space for 3 tons of cargo. It was planned to mass produce, but due to sabotage, the tooling machines were totally destroyed beyond repair. Thus only the original prototype remains in existance.

Length: 70 Meters
Width: 26.7 Meters
Height: 13 Meters

Top Sublight Speed: 200000km/s or 2/3rds speed of light
Top Hyperdrive Speed: 5,000,000x Speed of Light
• 31.5 Lightyears(Ly)/Minute
• 1890 Ly/Hour
• 45360 Ly/Day
• 16,564,400 Ly/Year

• 3 Highly-Modified Al’kesh Trish’na Ion Drives
• 1 Asgard derived Intergalactic Hyperdrive
• 1 Goa’uld Reserve Intragalactic Hyperdrive

• Ultra-advanced Goa’uld Prototype Interspatial Powerdrive
• 3 Backup Naquadah Reactors

Weapons Systems:
• 2 Mk. VII Anti-Capital Ship Staff Cannons
• 2 Mk. IX Rapid-Fire Anti-Fighter Staff Cannons
• 1 Retrofitted Tau’ri-Built Asgard Beam Weapon (Due to it being retrofitted, the ABW can only be fired 6 times an hour before it overheats.)

Support System:
• Wraith Culling Beam
• Ring Transporter
• Mk. XXXVIII Life Support System

• 3 Room Quarters
• Small Cargo Bay

DEsTrOy!!<-Keizer Ghidorah
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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

wow i dnt think icould ever have the imagination to do that well done it seems you haev done a lot of hard work and research i like your ship :d
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Up the Repli Nation
HairyMehoff wrote: Twitchy is indeed a true replicator. He is a most powerful NanoTiMaster. Many can take an example from this wise repli.
:D :D
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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

Thx, now someone please post their creation before I make a sig saying I'm the only one on SGW that has an imagination!Not including .:VOID:. :sge

DEsTrOy!!<-Keizer Ghidorah
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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

Back in the day, the Archangel (my mothership) was in the top 50 :)

Elohim Class, Light Cruiser. Designed for hit and run attacks on larger heavier vessels...less shielding/armor, better weaponry (and cloaking to boot) and redundant power systems.

Thanks to Spore, I was finally able to build a workable Model, the new class is based on my old Elohim-2 Vessels.

(if you have spore you can download them and look at them in edit to see the effects, for some reason they don't show in piccies. my name there is Kirhean)

It seems the size difference does not translate well in pictures. In spore, and in RP, the Daemon is about three times larger than the Hellion. Which is approximately twice the size of the Prometheus.

Hellion Class:


After the development of the Hellion Class to function as a medium-heavy Cruiser. I felt my fleet lacked in the truly "Heavy" department.

R&D came out with a new model, based around usage of FTL Ship to Ship Missile systems and Plasmoid Anti-matter Pulse cannons for Orbital bombardment and supressive fire. Heavy shielding and Armor, some of the most powerful engines I've ever created, based on Gravslip Tech (I'll define later if you like) cloaking though.

It has been dubbed, Daemon Class Heavy Dreadnaught:

"Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife - chopping off what's incomplete and saying: "Now, it's complete because it's ended here."

-"Collected Sayings of Muad'dib"
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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

I know, this is the Forbidden Double Post...but I couldn't leave it lie...

Firstly...I would like to add to my previous post by're design is very wraith tech and I use their concepts frequently in my later rp designs... :-D

But, the four ships I've had are listed in the following, I've only ever had the Archangel ingame, but for RP I have used all four. (I've done some stats and basic info on each.)

Class: Elohim (alpha)
Designation: Archangel
Role: Light Cruiser/destroyer

Dimensions: 380m x 200m x 175m
Sub-light Max: 125,000 kps burst, 105,000 kps sustained
FTL: ~13 Cpm (lightyears per minute)

Sub-light:Triple Mass Drive Engines (operates by generating Anti-grav fields around the ship that "push" on the gravitational field of the universe)

FTL Drive: Modified Goa'uld Hyperdrive using enhancements of ascended origin. (passed down to Usul by Ascended System Lord Sokek)

Powerplant: Type-IV Wormhole Causal Loop Generator (redundant three times). (Using ascended methods the Wormhole connects to itself inside the actual event horizon at a point in time earlier than when it left, creating a paradox that generates more energy than is produced) Note: System is highly unstable and prone to malfunction, though typically not of the explosive variety.

Shielding: Modified Goa'uld Shields. (can be operated safely in concert with either weapons OR Cloak, not both)
Hull: Naquadah/trinium Alloy underlay, Overlay based on Kull warrior armor.
Cloak: Modified Goa'uld Cloak, Capital Ship grade.

Sensors: Standard Goa'uld Array, Laser targeting Array.
Navigation: Standard Goauld Navicomputer

Armament: Twin, Wing mounted Heavy Plasma Cannons. 32, Dorsal/ventral mounted standard plasma cannons. Bow mounted FTL rail-gun (depleted uranium rod ammunition). (longbow weapons system, precursor to the Deamon class missile system)

Complement: 6 Deathgliders

Crew Capacity: 200; Operational Crew, 20; Minimum Crew, 12

Other Systems: Point to Point Transporter Array, High Grade Artificial Intelligence Central Computational Unit.

Important Notes:

Due to redundant power cores, this vessel has the capacity to run two out of three defensive/offensive systems simultaneously. This means that yes, it can run Weapons/shields, Shields/cloak, and Weapons/cloak without any effort. Firing does disrupt the cloak, however having more than one core allows them to charge their shield shortly before dropping cloak, allowing them to exit cloak firing and almost immediately raise shields.

The Longbow weapons system, while somewhat "clunky" is not to be trifled with. As the projectile both can and WILL impact at near the speed of light the kinetic energy released will be enormous, frequently overwhelming shields instantly and impacting the hull for quite a bit of damage. The lack of a guidance system is it's main flaw.


Class: Elohim-2(refit)
Designation: Seraphim
Role: Light Cruiser

Dimensions: 380m x 200m x 175m
Sub-light Max: 125,000 kps burst, 110,000 kps sustained
FTL: ~13.5 Cpm (lightyears per minute)

Sub-light: Twin Mark-II Mass Drive Engines
FTL Drive: Modified Goa'uld Hyperdrive using enhancements of ascended origin. (passed down to Usul by Ascended System Lord Sokek)

Powerplant: Three Zero-point Modules.

Shielding: Modified Goa'uld Shields. (can be operated safely in concert with either weapons OR Cloak, not both)
Hull: Naquadah/trinium Alloy underlay, Overlay based on Kull warrior armor.
Cloak: Modified Goa'uld Cloak, Capital Ship grade.

Sensors: Enhanced Goa'uld Array.
Navigation: Standard Goauld Navicomputer

Armament: Twin, Wing mounted Heavy Plasma Cannons. 32, Dorsal/ventral mounted standard plasma cannons. Longbow-2 Missile System (ammuntion, Gatebuster based naquadriah missiles equipped with short burst hyperdrives)
Complement: 8 Deathgliders

Crew Capacity: 150; Operational Crew, 20; Minimum Crew, 12

Other Systems: Point to Point Transporter Array, High Grade Artificial Intelligence Central Computational Unit.

Important Notes:

Several modifications on the original design improved both speed and maneuverability in the Elohim-2 series. Extensive use/testing of the longbow system lead to a series of redesigns resulting in a new missile system. One which can strike a target with a missile before they even see the flash of it being fired.

Crew capacity is reduced to accomodate extra gliders.


Class: Hellion
Designation: Hellion
Role: Medium/Heavy Cruiser

Dimensions: 750m x 350m x 280m
Sub-light Max: 105,000 kps burst, 95,000 kps sustained
FTL: ~14 Cpm (lightyears per minute)

Sub-light: Multiple Mark-II Mass Drive Engines

FTL Drive: Enhanced Gravitational Warp Drives, Warps the gravitational field of the universe to create Pseudo-Wormholes. These access "space" outside the universe shortening the trip significantly while relying on sub-lights to travel inside the "wormhole". These are not true wormholes such as those created by the Stargate system, but similar nonetheless.

Powerplant:Three Mark-II ZPMs (increased efficiency in conversion of entropy to energy)

Shielding: Primary- Modified Goa'uld Shields, Secondary-Nullgrav Shields (creates areas of antigrav around the vessel to deflect incoming damage)

Hull: Trinium/Carbon Alloy underlay, Overlay based on Kull warrior armor.

Sensors: Modified Alteran Sensor Array.
Navigation: Artificially intelligent Navicomp.

Armament: Twin, Wing-mounted Plasmoid Anti-matter ship to ship Cannons. Bow-mounted, Phased Anti-matter Beam Projector.

Complement: 16 Deathgliders

Crew Capacity: 200; Operational Crew, 10; Minimum Crew, 1

Other Systems: Point to Point Transporter Array, High Grade Artificial Intelligence Central Computational Unit, EM Jamming Array (anti-transporter/communications)

Important Notes:

Thanks to centuries of Research and Development the outdated Elohim-2 has been replaced by the Hellion Class. This vessel, hits much harder than it's ancestors, carries a much larger complement of fighters and has had it's cloak removed in favor of providing extra energy to weapons, shields, and other ship systems. Though larger, it is still quite manueverable.

Of particular note is the extensive use of AI in the ship computers. This allows the vessel to be operated with a minimum of a single occupant, and in some cases allows the vessel to operate itself.(as long as it's part of a fleet with at least one controller)


Class: Daemon
Designation: Daemon
Role: Heavy Dreadnaught

Dimensions: 2250m x 850m x 775m
Sub-light Max: 100,000 kps burst, 90,000 kps sustained
FTL: ~15 Cpm (lightyears per minute)

Drives (sub-light/ftl): Gravslip drive, generates an area of nullspace around the vessel allowing it to "exit" the universe and travel on the inner edge of it's "membrane" to achieve FTL capacity. In a sub-light capacity the ship functions as though "phased out" though it is trackable by anomalies it causes.

Powerplant: Singularity Causal Paradox Generator. (a revisit of an old system, except stabilized and enhanced by the addition of gravpumps and a micro-singularity)

Shielding: Nullgrav Shielding, triple layer.
Hull: Carbon/trinium Alloy underlay, Overlay based on Kull warrior armor. Heavy Trinium Plating.

Sensors: Modified Alteran Sensor Array.
Navigation: Artificially intelligent Navicomp.

Armament: Four Plasmoid Anti-matter Cannons, Longbow-3 FTL Missle system, (antimatter/naquadriah warheads equipped with miniature Goa'uld hyperdrives and AI targeting systems), 100 mounted plasma cannon batteries(defense/offense), ventral and dorsal.

Complement: 40 Modified Deathgliders (Plasmoid anti-matter weaponry)

Crew Capacity: 500; Operational Crew, 100; Minimum Crew, 20 (0 with fleet control through AI)

Other Systems: Point to Point Transporter Array, High Grade Artificial Intelligence Central Computational Unit. AI Holographic systems, science labs. Energy to Matter Conversion systems (think replicators from star trek, but bigger...and making weapons/vehicles/etc, all from energy produced by the core)

Important Notes:

The dreadnaught lives up to it's name, to see one in orbit above your world will either cause panic, or rejoicing...depending on if Usul is your enemy or friend. It is designed to plow through enemy defenses like they are nothing, and it functions very well in this role.

The Plasmoid Anti-matter cannons are a major threat as they are a combination of the standard weapons goa'uld use, and the weapons brought to bear by the Asgard/Alterans/Ori.

The longbow system is perfected here, if they fire will not register it on sensors until it has already hit you. Preventitive shields are recommended.

Of particular note, are the energy/matter conversion systems, which allow onsite production of any needed items/materials from nothing but the energy produced by the power core. The flexibility this offers the crew is beyond description as any problem can potentially be solved on the spot without outside influence. As this is the primary source of ammunition/fuel/etc, these vessels are actually capable of "permanent tours", wherein they do not ever return home. Though they still do for routine maintenence, as tradition dictates.
"Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife - chopping off what's incomplete and saying: "Now, it's complete because it's ended here."

-"Collected Sayings of Muad'dib"
Demon Lord Razgriz
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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

Nice! I think it's cool that you used spore to make those. And those are which race? The Goa'uld?

Also, it looks like I won't be needing that sig now! :-D

Also, I'm now working on my flagship SMS. It'll put Anubis's SMS to shame in firepower & size.

DEsTrOy!!<-Keizer Ghidorah
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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

working on a teeny-weeny ship now, razgriz...

currently its designed to be a one person crew capital ship...

its a bit hard to post image, since its full-3D...

approximate dimensions:
1700m long
692m high
692m wide

currently only weaponry is a core focused laser cannon, capable of exhausting most shields in little time...
will add protective systems later on, since the core focused laser requires the ship to be pointed directly at target...

sub-light drives capable of any velocity below light-speed
hyperdrive capable of quick intergalactic travel
wormhole drive for instant travel

ultra-strong, self-repairing hull
shields absorb energy, thus only get stronger if attacked repeatedly

ability to hold smaller ships is undecided, aside from command core, equipped with own engines and shielding, capable of leaving ship.

command core is only about 80m long and 20m wide... currently unarmed, but that can quickly change
command core is equipped with control chair similar to alteran chairs, except for being fully mentally controlled... there's some advantage to being naturally telepathic...

power generation:
core ship unpowered atm
command core: quad contained micro-singularity gravity power generators

the rest is still works in progress...
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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

Zeratul wrote:working on a teeny-weeny ship now, razgriz...

currently its designed to be a one person crew capital ship...

its a bit hard to post image, since its full-3D...

approximate dimensions:
1700m long
692m high
692m wide

currently only weaponry is a core focused laser cannon, capable of exhausting most shields in little time...
will add protective systems later on, since the core focused laser requires the ship to be pointed directly at target...

sub-light drives capable of any velocity below light-speed
hyperdrive capable of quick intergalactic travel
wormhole drive for instant travel

ultra-strong, self-repairing hull
shields absorb energy, thus only get stronger if attacked repeatedly

ability to hold smaller ships is undecided, aside from command core, equipped with own engines and shielding, capable of leaving ship.

command core is only about 80m long and 20m wide... currently unarmed, but that can quickly change
command core is equipped with control chair similar to alteran chairs, except for being fully mentally controlled... there's some advantage to being naturally telepathic...

power generation:
core ship unpowered atm
command core: quad contained micro-singularity gravity power generators

the rest is still works in progress...

Nice, but I have a problem with 3 things.

sub-light drives capable of any velocity below light-speed

That's not a good thing, cause the faster you go, the slower time goes. And you'll expand as well.

shields absorb energy, thus only get stronger if attacked repeatedly

Just seems to be Godmod there. Not really good when RPing.

wormhole drive for instant travel

Again Godmod to me, and we don't really know much about it other than it was an experiment of the Ancients which McKay was trying to complete.

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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

shields of that type have appeared in stargate...

oh, and that wormhole drive is a hell to program... so many more details to take into account... and it tends to wreak havoc with some ship systems...

and about that sublight thingy... its rarely useful indeed, but its advantageous at times...
"Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the gods, Browsers shall be changed to carry the internet out amongst the peoples and we will spread Firefox to all the unbelievers. The power of the Firefox will be felt far and wide and the wicked users of IE shall be converted to use the true browsers."

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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

Zeratul wrote:shields of that type have appeared in stargate...

oh, and that wormhole drive is a hell to program... so many more details to take into account... and it tends to wreak havoc with some ship systems...

and about that sublight thingy... its rarely useful indeed, but its advantageous at times...

Well, if you're going to have undestroyable shields, why do you need hull regeneration? :?

Ok, I can understand the Wormhole Drive if it wreaks the ships systems & takes a lot of power. 8)

I just can't see how near speed of light travel would be useful unless you want to time travel the hard & one way way. :lol:

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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

those power generators have a tendency to occasionally pull inwards on the hull, even with the shielding that keeps them contained... thats why hull is self-repairing...

we usually use near-light speed to get away from unlikable situations... like suddenly jumping near event-horizon of black holes...
"Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the gods, Browsers shall be changed to carry the internet out amongst the peoples and we will spread Firefox to all the unbelievers. The power of the Firefox will be felt far and wide and the wicked users of IE shall be converted to use the true browsers."

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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

Zeratul wrote:those power generators have a tendency to occasionally pull inwards on the hull, even with the shielding that keeps them contained... thats why hull is self-repairing...

we usually use near-light speed to get away from unlikable situations... like suddenly jumping near event-horizon of black holes...

Ok, so the hull regen. isn't really armor, it's a hull integrity feature.

Hmm... if you jump near an event-horizon of black hole, near light speed sublight engine won't help you escape, just delay your death as anything slower than or as fast as light will be pulled in & you can't open a hyperspace window near a blackhole as we've seen on the SG-1/Atlantis crossover episode 'The Pegasus Project'.

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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

we use the sublight to manipulate time when near event horizon of black hole... it worked for the replicators from Halla, so why not for us too?

gateworld wrote:a mass of Replicator blocks form together into a ship and use the Asgard time dilation device to escape the gravity well.

oh, and started on main ship power generator...
it uses 16 larger versions of those the command core uses...

command core power cores are 4m in diameter, core ship power cores are 32m in diameter...
"Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the gods, Browsers shall be changed to carry the internet out amongst the peoples and we will spread Firefox to all the unbelievers. The power of the Firefox will be felt far and wide and the wicked users of IE shall be converted to use the true browsers."

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Demon Lord Razgriz
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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

Zeratul wrote:we use the sublight to manipulate time when near event horizon of black hole... it worked for the replicators from Halla, so why not for us too?

gateworld wrote:a mass of Replicator blocks form together into a ship and use the Asgard time dilation device to escape the gravity well.

oh, and started on main ship power generator...
it uses 16 larger versions of those the command core uses...

command core power cores are 4m in diameter, core ship power cores are 32m in diameter...

Yes, but your sublight engines are not Asgard Time Dilation devices. The reason for the localized slowing of time by the speed your ship is going is Einsten's Theory of Relativity. A black hole does the same thing, slows time down, this is more noticable the closer you are to the event horizon.

DEsTrOy!!<-Keizer Ghidorah
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Re: To all Artist, show us your creations for your race!

that is true, we cant use it to modify time to nearly the same degree as is possible with time dialation devices, but we manage to manipulate it just the way we want to...
"Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the gods, Browsers shall be changed to carry the internet out amongst the peoples and we will spread Firefox to all the unbelievers. The power of the Firefox will be felt far and wide and the wicked users of IE shall be converted to use the true browsers."

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