Custom Made Duals

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Fountain of Wisdom
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Custom Made Duals

What are they worth and is there a market for them?

We all know a Dual in the ingame BM is 50$. Naq has been selling at around 2$ per tril (give or take). So that means a dual is worth atleast 25 trill naq just to cover the cost. But then you have the 7 day waiting period and the risk of a mistake resulting in a lost planet.

schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Lord Blackhole
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Re: Custom Made Duals

I reckon they worth less because the currency market is always cheaper than the in game black market. There are barely any profit in buying it with 25T naq besides the already built stats on the dual.
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Re: Custom Made Duals

Blackhole wrote:I reckon they worth less because the currency market is always cheaper than the in game black market. There are barely any profit in buying it with 25T naq besides the already built stats on the dual.

how can you say its worth less then 25 trill? If you have to sell naq to get the 50$ to begin with, and its averaging 2$ a trill, then you have to sell 25 trill naq to get the 50$

who is going to take a loss to get someone else a dual?
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Lord Blackhole
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Re: Custom Made Duals

So people sell duals because they want the naq?
I don't think people would buy a dual from black market for the purpose of gaining naq. Not publicly anyway. And some duals worth more than others, I personally only think Attack/Defence and Income/UP (which you claim non exist) are the only ones worth getting.
Why not just buy naq at $2? It is more efficient, less time consuming (finding buyers) and less risky (planet gets stolen during transfer, although unlikely).

I always thought people sell duals because they got lazy keeping it.
Stole a dual, managed to keep it for a while. Claim it as their own, sell it.

PPTs and merlin requires effort. 1 mistake 25T wasted. Not to mention they require on going costs for USS. True you can say 2 ppt + 3 merlin covers 1 dual, but that stops the increase of banksize and all other options. Also you are bound to waste some time like overlapping PPTs/merlin. So eventually merlins run out.

Btw, what stats on the duals do you get when you buy from Black Market? minimal stats, random, or built up to 50K UP (or equivalent) or something?
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Re: Custom Made Duals

You seem to have missed the point of this thread, it was asking a public opinion on the matter. I have read 3 threads in market discussing this very thing so I brought it here.

As you have pointed out, 2 PPT's and 3 merlins can cover 1 dual indefinitely. Duals are still hard to come by, and many dont have PP or use $$. So to get the exact dual you want, what would you be willing to pay?

Generally YES, people sale duals because they cant keep them, or are more intrested in naq, but not all. What I was asking/considering was getting more dual out there to the smaller people and people who cant use $$. But there is no way anyone is going to lose out to help someone else. As for your bank capasity arguement, that only goes so far. With a bank capasity of over 220 trill naq now, I dont think I'll ever need to work on that.

Income/UP (which you claim non exist)

Don't just believe me, use your own eyes
log in > Market > To the Black Market (cash market) > scroll down a bit

1 Attack and Defence Dual Planet
and 7 days Merlins Planetary Dimensional Shifting Device (MPDSD) -already activated. for $50usd 2
1 Attack and Income Dual Planet
and 7 days Merlins Planetary Dimensional Shifting Device (MPDSD) -already activated. for $50usd 2
1 Defence and Income Dual Planet
and 7 days Merlins Planetary Dimensional Shifting Device (MPDSD) -already activated. for $50usd 2
1 Attack and Unit Production Dual Planet
and 7 days Merlins Planetary Dimensional Shifting Device (MPDSD) -already activated. for $50usd 2
1 Defence and Unit Production Dual Planet
and 7 days Merlins Planetary Dimensional Shifting Device (MPDSD) -already activated. for $50usd 2
1 Covert and Income Dual Planet
and 7 days Merlins Planetary Dimensional Shifting Device (MPDSD) -already activated. for $50usd 2
1 Covert and Unit Production Dual Planet
and 7 days Merlins Planetary Dimensional Shifting Device (MPDSD) -already activated. for $50usd 2

I never said they dont exist, I said you can't buy them from market. weather they occur naturally in creation I do not know. I just know what admin said in the admin meet when he put this in play, and that was income/up planets would cause to many issues.

Seems I did say that, my mistake.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Lord Blackhole
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Re: Custom Made Duals

There are two types of buyers and sellers for duals.

Buyer type 1
Desperate to get a dual, would pay cash for it, but does not have PP.

Buyer type 2
Looking for cheap duals that people do not wish to keep.

Seller type 1
Just want to get rid of the dual because they do not want to keep it. Hence the auction in the planet market. Buyer type 2 goes for these planets hoping to make a profit.

Seller type 2
People that wish to offer a service to help Buyer type 1. ie. you

Buyer type 1 will pay more than 25T for a dual of their choice, because they are willing to pay cash for it and 25T is cheaper or equivalent to the cash.
Buyer type 2 will not pay more than 25T for a dual with no stats because all they want is a bargain.
Seller type 1 will most likely sell the dual at a decent price, most likely under 25T. Their planets are most likely taken from someone else at some point and they no longer wants to keep it.
Seller type 2 will not sell the dual under 25T. As you have mentioned, it is silly to lose money while offering someone a service.

In conclusion, how much the duals worth depend on the buyers and sellers.
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Re: Custom Made Duals

Lord Blackhole wrote:In conclusion, how much the duals worth depend on the buyers and sellers.

Thats standard mate 8)

and the point of the thread was to find out if there were any of either (buyers or sellers)
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Re: Custom Made Duals

I have been keeping an eye on the price of dual planets for a bit, imo its too much of a risky investment, as i'm not a cash player i can't simply buy merlins to protect them like say Tekki can. We are talking 30 tril just to get a planet, with 0 stats. Add defense on top of that your looking at least another 20-30 trillion. So thats 60 trillion before you even start boosting the stats. Or 100 million UU. Tough choice? Not for me.

Also you can build a 200k UP planet for the cost of the statless dual. Considering that you couldn't buy income/UP duals this way, essentially your paying 30 trillion for an extra planet that is either atk/def or covert. With my current playing style though those extra stats bonuses arn't something i'm worried about, but its probably great for some people.

The only way to find out if there is a market, is for someone to offer the service and find out if there is any takers. Of course that involves putting $s into the game, so its one venture i'm not going to be involved in. Also the fact that you can only offer the service twice a month makes one wonder if the benefit you would gain from providing the service would outweigh the benefits you get from keeping a 10th planet yourself.

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Re: Custom Made Duals

Some good points brought up in here 8)

Before I would even CONSIDER having a dual I would definately just go get an 11th planet with the mothership exploration and market planet creator trick :)
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Lord Blackhole
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Re: Custom Made Duals

Colton wrote:Some good points brought up in here 8)

Before I would even CONSIDER having a dual I would definately just go get an 11th planet with the mothership exploration and market planet creator trick :)

And hope the planet created is a dual :-D
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Re: Custom Made Duals

Norbe wrote:I have been keeping an eye on the price of dual planets for a bit, imo its too much of a risky investment, as i'm not a cash player i can't simply buy merlins to protect them like say Tekki can. We are talking 30 tril just to get a planet, with 0 stats. Add defense on top of that your looking at least another 20-30 trillion. So thats 60 trillion before you even start boosting the stats. Or 100 million UU. Tough choice? Not for me.
Actually a bought planets comes partially built and with defenses on it, tho yes its low. Also look at it a bit differently. You have 4 days of PPT and can use the 1 extra MT to buy 3 merlins. That equals 1 planet protected indefinitely. For a new account that could be a drastic asset.

Also you can build a 200k UP planet for the cost of the statless dual. Considering that you couldn't buy income/UP duals this way, essentially your paying 30 trillion for an extra planet that is either atk/def or covert. With my current playing style though those extra stats bonuses arn't something i'm worried about, but its probably great for some people.
good for some, not for others, this is very true.

The only way to find out if there is a market, is for someone to offer the service and find out if there is any takers. Of course that involves putting $s into the game, so its one venture i'm not going to be involved in. Also the fact that you can only offer the service twice a month makes one wonder if the benefit you would gain from providing the service would outweigh the benefits you get from keeping a 10th planet yourself.
Well, technikly an alliance of group of people could offer far more, but yes 1 man can only buy 2 per month. As for 10 planets, if your in the server war, you dont have 10 "keepers" anyway. Therefore thats not really an issue. As it stands, as far as I am concerned, you need/want 1 maybe 2 "keepers". 1 merlined 24/7 and one defended with 3 platforms. The rest are cannon fodder.


To address the points you make concerning $$. I could make $$ off the game, but choose not to. I buy and sell resources, but I dont profit from it. I have bought accounts but always make my $$ back and then stop. When I do sell now the $$ either goes back into the game in the form of USS for myself, for friends, or for newcomers. Planets is another concept that would support the game, and give newer/smaller accounts the chance to have something they never had access to before.

Remeber with the screwy way admin chose to make planets, 1 dual built well and some support planets could make a massive difference in small to midranged players. all the big boys either dont need them, or already have them.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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