Dev server log-in

For newcomers to ask questions to the other users... this section will usually answer most questions... requesting resources (naq/UUs/ATs) is not to be done here...
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Dev server log-in

Is the only way to gain your dev server long-in via emailling admin? And will they give me it, since i've bought this account and don't have the original email?
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Re: Dev server log-in

dev server is reset after each phase of testing...

So your login information is whatever was attached to the main server account
at the time that the dev server was reset... including email.

I'm not quite sure how long ago that was, but it's certainly possible that you bought this account in the meantime...

Any dev server account which had your email associated with it at the last dev server reset is also potentially open to you..... though I don't think you would want to use more than one. ;)
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