Warned for posting some stats

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Warned for posting some stats

The following is a warning which has been issued to you by an administrator or moderator of this site.
This is a warning regarding the following post made by you: viewtopic.php?f=124&p=2201217#p2201217.

Section 5: Language
e. Stat posting
The posting of other users current in game stats are not permitted on the SGW forums. You are however permitted to post your own.

The offending user will be given one warning point.

Posted Stats Warning Given.

here the link: https://talk.gatewa.rs/viewtopic.php?f=124&p=2201217#p2201217

In rulez it writes "The posting of other users current in game stats are not permitted on the SGW forums. You are however permitted to post your own.".

Users are alowed to post some stats, just not specific stats of players.

In my post i posted some stats. I didnt bind it to player name. I didnt break forum rules.
Many would say they know whos sttas those are, so tell us. Maybe you will be warned for posting players name. Cuse i did fisrt half and you second.

caesar2 wrote:
Military Stats
Strike Action: Do Not Post Stats
Defensive Action Do Not Post Stats
Covert Action: Do Not Post Stats
AntiCovert Action Do Not Post Stats
Covert Skill: Do Not Post Stats
Covert Operatives: Do Not Post Stats
Anti-Covert Skill: Do Not Post Stats
Anti-Covert Operatives: Do Not Post Stats

Are this stats a reason to use attack button?

Where did I mention whos stats those are? Player told me something, i quoted him and asked if this stats are reason for using attack button. Thats my crime.

I think, if theres no more facts, my warning should be removed. I didnt break rule. If mod thinks I did, he should read rule and my post again.

Also I want you to show me the part where exactly i broke rule "Section 5: Language
e. Stat posting"

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Re: Warned for posting some stats

am quoting a lot of text, It doesnt mean its binded to someone, right? Am quoting PMs, stats, MSN's, copy/paste texts, etc. If i didntuse quote for those stats it will be something else?

Well, and yes, I posted stats. But tahts not breaking a rule. If i will post for example:

TM's stats:

It is breaking a rule.

If i will post :


TM are this stats reason to use attack button?

Does it mean those stats are yours?
If yes and you will report, its you who knows the stats belongs to you, if another player will read it, can only guess whos stats those are.
If those stats are not yours and you will report, who can judge me and decide? What exactly did i break? Or what exactly is beeing judged? My post or your report?
Am i right?
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Re: Warned for posting some stats

Tetrismonkey wrote:That right there leaves alot of grey area for mods, just for the fact that its stats, it gives them the impression they belong to said quoted.

Military Stats
Strike Action: 3,123,550,080,000
Defensive Action 12,198,849,920,000
Covert Action: 15,581,796,251,136
AntiCovert Action 850,157
Covert Skill: 36
Covert Operatives: 12000000
Anti-Covert Skill: 31
Anti-Covert Operatives: 2

Are this stats worth massing?


does this stats belong to TM?
did I break rules?

Tetrismonkey wrote:That right there leaves alot of grey area for mods, just for the fact that its stats, it gives them the impression they belong to said quoted.

How can mods edit and judge based on theyr impressions?
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Re: Warned for posting some stats

Do. Not. Post. Stats.

Ya'll acting like you know what monster is
Me have 25 years in the monster biz
All monsters think you can fuss with this
Well you can talk to me Snuffleupagus
Me sneak into your house, me leave before dawn
Your daughters will be pregnant and your cookies will be gone
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Re: Warned for posting some stats

Dr. House wrote:Do. Not. Post. Stats.


Is. This. Official. Post. Of. Ombudsman?

Nah, forget it, i dont respect you as Ombudsman, acused you in past of many rules violating and abusing powers. mordakc is the one i want to hear. Not you.
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Re: Warned for posting some stats

I don't even get what you did... you posted a spy log? With the name of who the stats belonged to? or what..

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Re: Warned for posting some stats

What other cases? The stats belong to someone else. I don't care if he stated who or not.

It wasn't an attack log, it was a spy log.
Ya'll acting like you know what monster is
Me have 25 years in the monster biz
All monsters think you can fuss with this
Well you can talk to me Snuffleupagus
Me sneak into your house, me leave before dawn
Your daughters will be pregnant and your cookies will be gone
Malx wrote:Make kids not cancer!
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Re: Warned for posting some stats

Do not presume to tell me what to do. :lol:

I wont be retracting anything, use your brain and consider the context of my post.

*stakes thread* Mordack can revive when he gets here and disagrees with my opinion. But as it stands, I wont be changing it. Of course, people are always welcome to PM me with an argument as to why I should reopen the thread or change my opinion on the matter and I'll gladly reopen the thread. But until such a time, it shall remain locked as the discussion has become circular.
Ya'll acting like you know what monster is
Me have 25 years in the monster biz
All monsters think you can fuss with this
Well you can talk to me Snuffleupagus
Me sneak into your house, me leave before dawn
Your daughters will be pregnant and your cookies will be gone
Malx wrote:Make kids not cancer!

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