Unsettling american economic bail out bill

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Re: Unsettling american economic bail out bill

That's why so many commited suicide during financial crisis. Let it be USA 30s one, or Japan crisis from mid 90s.
I think that would be the best way to avoid [crap] future, incase it happens, if you don't want to fight. Sure there's the "fighting" way...but only numbers work with that one. Rather die for democracy that commiting suicide anyway. And not everyone is willing to defend their country/democracy. Too many chickens! :-D (refering to collaborators there). That applies, of course, if some dark dictatorship takes control of each European country.

As for living a life of bliss just by accepting the system, I think it's a bit easy opinion, but it's just me there.
What the system will be is very important to determine there. If it's another totalitarianism (hopefully not), then life of bliss is an utopia to say the least. And anyway, living a life of bliss isn't accessible to everyone, by far...but that, is no news. Or at least, I hope so...
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Re: Unsettling american economic bail out bill

Lois Lane wrote:Brother, the only way out of the system is suicide.
Either adapt or die. That's how simple it is.

You think you can muster/awake enough people from their blissful existence to have an actual effect on the course of the world's politics? Makes me wonder who is the naive one.. ;)

A. The system is unchangeable, except when a sufficiently influential group decides to change it.
B. There is no group, save the entire population, influential enough to do anything to the system.
C. Accept existence in the system, and you can live a life of bliss.

X. The system is unchangeable. Accept it, and live a life of bliss.

Should you fail to behave within logical parameters, you will keep running into brick walls all around you. You will become claustrophobic, paranoid and schizophrenic within a reasonable time frame. The 'logical' next step from there ("zomg, the hole werld is aghanst meh") is suicide ("zomg, ah dun wan dis nemore").
Don't live the illusion that you in the position of an average human can change anything as substantial as world politics, and just keep yourself concerned with the micromanagement of your own sphere of influence. Which, in most cases, is just you. Unless you are Richard Branson or Oprah (or similar Humans), you're out of your league. ;)

Didn't you watch ratatouille.

"Not everyone can become a great chef but a great chef can come from anywhere"

That is the most simplistic explanation for why your wrong. Just because you might have given up on your dreams doesn't mean others should.

edit: oh and you would be surprised at what it would take for the system to crumble and civility to go out the window. And i like it that way.
Universe wrote:You don't have a case, as Lord Thriller clearly explained.
MajorLeeHurts wrote:^ stole the car and my Booze and my heart * sobs*
Jack wrote: Just wanna be more like you, Master Thriller. :-D
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Re: Unsettling american economic bail out bill

lol, nice post Thriller...

Folks, here's a video that will change your mind forever about whats actually going on in the world today:

Corporate Revenue Collection

This users videos are very powerful and based in solid research, I recommend all of them if you have the time. :)

I suggest everyone researches their rights in common law, and how to step out of the occult system of commerce.

This field is vast and complex, but I can't stress enough how empowering it is to the individual.

Why mention it at this point? Well the bailout is your money, your sweat and labor is paying for the elites greedy and corrupt life styles. So I say STOP FEEDING THE MACHINE. See how by looking into the Freeman movement, which will hopefully become a full blown peaceful rEVOLution.

Final thought on this is a question for every reader...

Q. Do you believe there is a LAW (not an ACT) that says you have to pay the income tax?

May you find the roots of your freedom in these small seeds of hope.

Namaste. V


Thriller wrote:edit: oh and you would be surprised at what it would take for the system to crumble and civility to go out the window. And i like it that way.

Care to enlighten us as to what you think would bring it down? It would make an interesting new thread. :)
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Re: Unsettling american economic bail out bill

i know for a fact that in america the 16th amendment (the income tax amendment) was never ratified by the senate, and that the supreme court even ruled that the 16th amendment did NOT grant the government any new powers of taxation, even if the 16th was legal!
even the IRS tax code states that it is a voluntary tax (watch america, freedom to fascism to find out more about this).
so in the states, you don't have to pay unapportioned taxes as is specified in the constitution, right off the bat that makes the federal reserve and IRS illegal and unconstitutional institutions...

i don't know about the UK tho, the government in the UK is more tight lipped than the proverbial ducks-back passage!
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Re: Unsettling american economic bail out bill

S0lid Snake wrote:l

Care to enlighten us as to what you think would bring it down? It would make an interesting new thread. :)

The main reasons for social collapse have been debated by historians, sociologists and philosophers for a very long time.

from reading up on it i find the points that hold the most clout are.
1) disease
2) famine
3) ineffective government* (lack of faith in government)
4) population remotion or Villagization
5) WAR

Their not in any real order but usually they all play a part if social collapse occurs.

*includes government institutions(police, fire dept, economic......)
Universe wrote:You don't have a case, as Lord Thriller clearly explained.
MajorLeeHurts wrote:^ stole the car and my Booze and my heart * sobs*
Jack wrote: Just wanna be more like you, Master Thriller. :-D
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Re: Unsettling american economic bail out bill

You have to look at this globaly... all this NWO discussion they`re having is with history in mind.

And I personally welcome it. You have to realise just how todays world is set up heh, 10% of people hold 90%+ wealth and a fragment of the nations hold all the levers of global control in their hands (UN, IMF, WTO etc) It is a fundamentally "unfair" situation. It`s not that much different a distribution of power and wealth than it was in france when they had their revolution.
Every system runs its course and is replaced with something new, it has allways been thus, one day it WILL happen again. Not a matter of IF but of WHEN. The only question is weather it comes on a back of an evolution or a revolution. So I`m inclined to support talks of a NWO. Revolutions are not my cup of tea.
Sure, you can panic about it and see conspiracies of a secret oligarhy, but the truth is that every sytem, including democracy, needs an oligaric like group to run it so that it does not degrade into caos. As long as they talk and come up with a fairer world order in a way that does not include a WW or something like that its fine with me. Cos even if we do a revolution and do away with all these "puppetmasters" we have today, we`ll only be getting new ones tomorrow. Tis the human nature and the nature of the social contract.

And whats wrog with living in a Socialist Republic of the Earth anyway? Honestly, putting asside all the political&ideological nonsense.... :P
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Inserted part could be you!
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Re: Unsettling american economic bail out bill

Just to clarify, I am S0lid Snake...

I would like to see the UK become a Liberterian Republic, The system set out by the founding fathers does work, it stopped working in 1913 when the Federal Reserve came to life on jekyll island.

Getting rid of the central banks would be a bloody good start.

I hope Ron Paul runs in 2012, with Dennis John Kucinich or James George Janos as a running mate.

America has one last chance to do the right thing in 2012... [soul edit out]

Oh, and BUMP.

Is the "Credit Crunch" over now?

Can we get back to using real words like global depression...

I heard about 100 trillion being needed for the worlds credit, which would then be leveraged to 1 quadrillion $ by means of the fractional reserve system...

Amazing that they are getting away with this crap still...
Last edited by Solus on Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: when i edit something, i expect it to be left alone.
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The Normalcy Bias

The normalcy bias refers to an extreme mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of the government to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred that it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.

Are you suffering from normalcy bias?
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Re: Unsettling american economic bail out bill

Alpha13snake wrote:Just to clarify, I am S0lid Snake...

I would like to see the UK become a Liberterian Republic, The system set out by the founding fathers does work, it stopped working in 1913 when the Federal Reserve came to life on jekyll island.

Getting rid of the central banks would be a bloody good start.

I hope Ron Paul runs in 2012, with Dennis John Kucinich or James George Janos as a running mate.

America has one last chance to do the right thing in 2012... [soul edit out]

Oh, and BUMP.

Is the "Credit Crunch" over now?

Can we get back to using real words like global depression...

I heard about 100 trillion being needed for the worlds credit, which would then be leveraged to 1 quadrillion $ by means of the fractional reserve system...

Amazing that they are getting away with this crap still...


Henry Ford wrote:It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
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Re: Unsettling american economic bail out bill

;) Glad to see some people are awake...
"Revolution 2011!!!"

The Normalcy Bias

The normalcy bias refers to an extreme mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of the government to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred that it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.

Are you suffering from normalcy bias?
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