Increase sabotage limit beyond 1 super weapon

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I'am not Afraid of anyhting NO one can sab me into the stone age not unless they have billions of naq and unlimited covert turns and that the server somehow disreagards the 8 attacker per 24hrs rule .
But i'am affraid for the new players in postions like i was being sabbed to death by top level players who enjoy it i was and inch away from quiting at the time and some people example god thut quit cuz of it :P p.s i know he's back now but he doesn't seem active .

Ya'll should read more about espionage, normally you can lose a few spies and do a ton of damage, just look at Russia vs U.S.A..... but in this game, you have like thousands of spies, and they do nothing??? very very strange, also normally spies aren't executed on the spot like on here, they are bartered back and forth and used as leverage in negotiating peace/neutrality/war.

I have allways been a spook in SGW, why can't spies do at least more damage, leaving a "dent" would have helped my Asgard Protected members Treaty, protect its members... jamalurgay as well as other jamal's... were tearing us up, we eventually hit em back to the stone age, but it cost alot more than we were wanting to. That was BEFORE the change... now we can't really do anything, I once tried to sab a guy like 2 days ago, and lost 30 spies, destroying only 2 weapons... thats 30 guys!!!!
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The difference between the covert action of the sabber and the covert action of the sabbee combined with the difference in rank fo the 2 players should determine how much damage is done.
Agapooka wrote:The argument that because a premise cannot be proven false, it must be true, is known as a Negative Proof Fallacy in logic.
Mister Sandman wrote:Nothing at all near the negative proof fallacy in logic. If it cannot be proven false, it has to be true.
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