Thread Locked without any previous mod interaction.

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Re: Thread Locked without any previous mod interaction.

Lithium wrote:was it asked by an admin to be locked?
Come on Lith, you create this thread at least make the effort to read the responses you get.

Haz wrote:
Tekki wrote:So if it's just hilarious speculation, why did an Admin wish it locked?

Cleaned I can understand, but locked indicates that they wish to suppress discussion.

Just to clarify, no admin actually came to me and said "Lock this". It was a request in the form of a report.

EDIT: I looked at the report again... I misread "look" as "lock". >.< Forgive me, it was 2am after a work shift. >.<
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Re: Thread Locked without any previous mod interaction.

sry i didnt read that post, my wrong.

since it was look then all fine , human err isnt it. the thread served its purpose.
Previously on GateWars Forum
The orgin of Guild
Lithium wrote:he was talkin bout me and remembering the days i was massing him wit one finger ;)
Guild wrote:is that the same finger you stick up your bum ? :smt060
Lithium wrote:no its the one who gave u life ;)
Field Marshall wrote:Lith put his finger up his bum and Guild arrived? :smt017
I wish that was genuinely true :)
Lithium wrote:oooo why there isnt any emo for this one , id have dropped of chair dead :smt042
MajorLeeHurts wrote:
Lithium wrote:oooo why there isnt any emo for this one , id have dropped of chair dead :smt042
Agreed that was the funnies **Filtered** ive read here!
Im sure JT is enjoying this thread , if he isnt hes in a coma !
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Re: Thread Locked without any previous mod interaction.

Lithium wrote:sry i didnt read that post, my wrong.

since it was look then all fine , human err isnt it. the thread served its purpose.
Agreed. :-)
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Re: Thread Locked without any previous mod interaction.


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