For Currency trades the same as feeding?

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Re: For Currency trades the same as feeding?

Its still feeding by what you all go off of.
I eat your spies

RSE says (11:22 PM)
no no.. you need to see it bigger
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Jimbo 5.3
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Re: For Currency trades the same as feeding?

Is it? For currency trades involve one player receiving naq in game for cash out of the game (I shall call it "Case 1"), while what I would like to do is give players naq in game to attack others in game (Case 2). The person who spends the cash for naq in Case 1 gains a direct benefit in game by an increase in naq without any in game costs, whereas in Case 2 the individual has, in addition to the benefit of naq, a direct cost in game since massing costs turns, units, and naq.
Quina Quen
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Re: For Currency trades the same as feeding?

What I'd like admin to answer is why do players with the same account that are eras and eras old who actually do very little in the game have massive bank space? Enough so to farm like a trooper and benefit in terms of cash dollars?

I'm not that bothered that someone makes a buck or 500 an era, I'm really bothered as to why I can't even save for a damn covert level in my bank because of the stupid rules of the game. Play main, and bank size is relative to covert level. In Q, you farm like a **Filtered** and hope that Akhal doesn't come along and pillage you (and in my case incur himself 50m losses) for a piddly 400KT because he's thick.

What a No Masking.
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Re: For Currency trades the same as feeding?

General Riviera wrote:What I'd like admin to answer is why do players with the same account that are eras and eras old who actually do very little in the game have massive bank space? Enough so to farm like a trooper and benefit in terms of cash dollars?

I'm not bothered that someone makes a buck or 500 an era, I'm bothered as to why I can't even save for a damn covert level in my bank because of the stupid rules of the game. Play main, and bank size is relative to covert level. In Q, you farm like a **Filtered** and hope that Akhal doesn't come along and pillage you (and in my case incur himself 50m losses) for a piddly 400KT because he's thick.

What a No Masking

Just having an "old" account won't help your bank capacity.

[spoiler]Maximum Safe Capacity for Secret Temple 4,898 quadrillion[/spoiler]
the accounts with massive bank sizes have bought USS/SS's (or had them bought for them) or in recent era's (within the last 10) you have been able to use your weekly MT (market turn) to increase your bank Capacity.

As far as the purchasing NAQ off other accounts with real $$'s is concerned... I think everyone needs to get their arse's to the admin chat meetings and plead your cases.

I for one would prefer it to be outlawed. Because, it is taking away from the "skill" involved in the game, and turning it into more of a contest between those with expendable RL incomes ($$)..

I've said it in the past, i'd really like to know how'd i'd fair against others that weren't receiving benefits (NAQ) by other means other than their own hard work, persistence and patience with the game.
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Quina Quen
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Re: For Currency trades the same as feeding?

Ugh, well. Perhaps I got that wrong. What does Jack do then? Click the bank bonus each week then troll the No Masking out of the ranks for easy farms before selling it all era after era?

A simple reset would be nice.

Sick to death of money being involved for people so No Masking at this game to even play it properly. If you want to spend money, go gamble on horses and No Masking off.
Last edited by Guest on Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The ascended entity formerly known as Diamond Dust
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Re: For Currency trades the same as feeding?

General Riviera wrote:Ugh, well. Perhaps I got that wrong. What does Jack do then? Click the bank bonus each week then troll the No Masking out of the ranks for easy farms before selling it all era after era?

A simple reset would be nice.

Sick to death of money being involved for people so No Masking at this game to even play it properly. If you want to spend money, go gamble on horses and No Masking off.

I think that GR should really learn to speak his mind and be clear and tell us what he really thinks!
Reading between the lines and expecting us to all guess at how you feel is really starting to make me burn what little brain cells I have left.... HAHAHAHAHAHA

Seriously though, I can understand your dilemma and the irritation over the bank sizes. Lets try to look at it from doodie-head Affy's perspective to see one school of thought?

I have a really good RL job, and, for many Eras have too much RL money to spend on the game should I want too. I try to only donate when an Era has blessed us with really decent coding and a really interesting and functional Special Feature. I cannot say that I have not spent hundreds of dollars over the last 7ish years, cuz I would be lying. But, I try to temper my generosity to the Admin with rewarding them for decent coding and competitive and equal Era changes.

At times, like the last two weeks, my RL job gets exhaustive and I have little time to play daily to keep up, and then would feel no remorse by spending some $$ to keep competitive and stay active for the Era. My donations hopefully help the Game owners/Admins want to keep Quantum going Era after Era. I enjoy Quantum it is like mental crack for Affy. I use it to calm down after a long azz day driving 4-500 miles round trip and fixing broken/down customer sites and RF links that keep customers, cellular users, and data hungry people supplied and functional. I try my best to stay competitive but usually my own stupidity, or lack of playing time/ability, or frak-tardiness gets the best of me and I end up sucking for another Era!

But, I also have to know that others will use the Donations to boost their efforts whether for good or bad, and the selling/trading of goods/Naq within Quantum have been around forever and it is up to us all to keep an eye on it and insure it is healthy, productive, and within the long standing agreed upon rules and parameters. Most of this stays in the game because we have allowed it to do so, either by proactive Admin interaction and making ourselves and our opinions known in the Forums, or by policing the activity within the game in ways that either deter it or lessen the benefits in such a way that the trade/exchange/feeding is not productive enough to risk continuing the activity.

All that said, we have asked for some of these changes to be allowed, and asked for others to be removed, and like most systems of justice/balance you can't allow people/players like Affy to enjoy the benefits of the functions without also enduring the doodie-heads who would attempt to exploit them for whatever reasons.

No matter what in either situation, the good or the bad, someone will gain, others will not, and always, always someone will be pizzed off...

I am just appreciative that we have the Forums to allow GR and me to vent it so eloquently when the need arrises! I ALWAYS feel better after venting. It keeps Affy from kicking the old dogs, and slapping Mrs. Affy to take my woes out on others (misplaced anger.... :smt093 )

But really GR... Just be clearer and tell us what you are thinking. Mumbling around the issue will NOT help your need to rant?? (Affy says this in all sarcasticness...)

'Bad Affy' sez... Yeah, right, like YOU have EVER slapped Mrs. Affy and lived to have your ballz intact for another day?? :smt018
Last edited by Guest on Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Sheriff SS Says: Masking is a No No.
What Happened to my Siggy????

Damn it Bernie!!

Affy? or 'Bad Affy'...:
What in the H E double LL happened to the Siggy's???
“You only live twice - Once when you're born, and once when you look death in the face.” James Bond 'You Only Live Twice' 1964 Ian Fleming (1908-1964)
Quina Quen
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Re: For Currency trades the same as feeding?

Posting drunk is never a good idea. Bad GR. I don't regret what I said though, even if it wasn't all that clear.
The ascended entity formerly known as Diamond Dust
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Re: For Currency trades the same as feeding?

Lol. Why do I have such a massive bank?
Well let's see, I started this account in era 8 (I have played with different account from era 2 or 3 I believe, but I quit and deleted the account for no good reason) and the eras I have played seriously I have also been selling naq in-game in exchange for USSs (and I do not remember anyone ever bickering about it). USSs, as you know, get you an increase in bank capacity. Those eras were coded properly and I enjoyed playing it, hence I felt like I should, somehow, give back to the game since the game deserved it, and as I have never had any intention on spending my money on any game, this was the only way to do it. Those eras that I haven't played, either due to lack of time or due to eras being full of bugs and/or features I didn't like at all - well like someone said, there is a bonus on market one could use to help increase bank space.

You saying I've done little in- or for game is, well, full of hot air. I have fought many cheaters, got them banned or, when their cheating would have made them win the era, massed the crap out of them so they couldn't win. I've also done quite a lot to make the servers more active, either by making some alliance wars one rarely sees in Quantum or through other means. Other means involve things like creating advertisement banner, per admin's request, providing some bug testing for admin, even though I did not get reimbursed for the losses I have suffered while doing that, so the game would be as bug-free as possible, helping, for instance, admin make the best balance for sabbing, etc. etc. I could go on and on, but frankly I don't see a reason why I should.
This of course was when admin still cared enough for the game and coded things properly, and was actually around to listen to us when we had a suggestion or two.

As far as the money involvements go - I was all for eras where no money could be involved, heck I even suggested to admin, on several occasions, that every now and then it'd be nice if an era where only skill mattered would have been made, even if the era lasted only 1 month. That'd mean - no supporter bonuses and feeding would have been closely monitored and people would get banned for feeding (even if just for those eras). That way those of us who don't have the luxury of spending money on the game could fight to everyone else on the same grounds. Rare few eras the winner spent no money on the game, that's a fact. Myself, even if I was 5th for instance, thought of myself as the real winner of the era seeing how I never spent any money on the game and the players in front of me did.
So am I all for an era in which money would not be involved? Heck yes.

Will I continue selling naq for money (70 quint + available atm btw) when I don't really play and until era like one described above is made? Yes. Can you stop me? You can try but you won't really succeed.

PS: People are gonna spend money on the game, you can't help that. But I do believe it's for the best that people spend money on the game, in terms of donations to admin, when the era actually deserves it, but when it does not, those players that buy or have bought from me have gotten way more than they could with buying USSs (and for less money as well), so it's a bonus for them, and less money being donated to admin will make him look for the cause of this, and the real cause for this is bad coding on his part. That way he will see that if he wants to earn as much money as he has been earning each era he will have to make the game worth spending money on, and thus increase the quality and attractiveness of the game. Thus Quantum will get better (honestly, who would want to work 24/7 if one could work far less time for the same money? Now if working less, and thus the work would not be as good as otherwise, meant far less money, one would definitely work more and earn far more).

Haz wrote:It took a bit of time, but the investigation has now been completed.
S1eepy will be banned for scripting, for the remainder of this era.
Name: S1eepy [ TheCheekyChickens ]
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