game now locks up using firefox

Fledgling Forumer
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Location: Look behind you <=== go here and download opera, i was amazed how fast and good it was!!

sciguy wrote:I use Forefox 1.0.4 and sometimes the pages just won't load. This happens to me quite frequently (every second day) but happens only after I've been on SGW for more than 15 mins.

I usually solve the problem by closing Firefox and starting it up again... login again to SGW and everything works fine... until one or more pages refuse to load again. :?

I had thought this must've been a known problem... never bother searching the forum for it though :oops:

I've tried out opera but I'm kinda hooked to firefox... besides, one site isn't worth switching browsers... even if it is stargatewars :-D
Forum Grunt
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ok so that Guest above is me... didn't realize i wasn't logged in
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Anonymous wrote:I've tried out opera but I'm kinda hooked to firefox... besides, one site isn't worth switching browsers... even if it is stargatewars :-D

I did. But then again, I was using IE. :-D

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