Gordash says goodbye

for all the 'I quit' threads....
worry not - if you come back, you are not punished :)
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Gordash says goodbye

the time has come for me to leave stargate wars. firstly, im not coming back so dont bother.

i began playing this game 1 1/2 years ago, at the bidding of one of my friends, who has been with me throughout the time in the game - to krys, Doom Lord, dark wizard, cyrix (all the same person) thankyou. i began at the time of the foundation of Crystal Force. i was with CF throughout its time in many roles including high council member, but my most useful contribution was probably my flaming on the forums. i followed many CFers from the end of the supposed "Great War" to TF, and stayed there until now. the last three or four weeks of the game have for me been the best times i have had throughout it. this is what the game is really about - survival of the fittest and adapting your strategies to a changing game. NOT survival tactis of banding together for mutual back scratching. im not a CoP or Omega hater - i think if they have power and they want to abuse it go for it - but they better watch out when their own power bites them in the ass. i believe in playing a game for the sake of playing the game, and i think ALOT of people lose site of this. not just on any one side of any war, but on both sides. personal insults, holding down alliances until all their members quite - these things are what destroys a game.

my leaving message to people in every singe alliance (because they are everywhere) is this - do not lose sight of what makes people want to play SGW. play for fun and when it ceases to be fun for you, when it becomes all about destroying the other team and humiliating them - stop playing.
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Fair well Gordash.

Thanks for your long term support and commitment to both Crystal Force and the Foundation.

Good luck in RL mate.

I know you have a busy year ahead of you.

Buck wrote:The Great and Complex GateWars Novel!
The Forces of Light... Robe, The Novels Main Protagonist, The Polar opposite of EtL... Or is she?
Are they that different? There battles have encompassed entire careers and lives within the game, the most bitter and epic of enemies, neither will leave while the other stands... the ultimate climax, will it ever come?
Who knows. One things for sure, the Freedom Fighter is in it for the long haul, its in her head now,
and she must save the world or die trying.
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see ya mate
~krys~ the last 2ic of The Order
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So how come you hit me 3 weeks after you quit? ;)
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it has a new owner who unfortunately hasn't changed his ingame name
just harrass him to if you want
~krys~ the last 2ic of The Order
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