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Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:55 am
by Maha Vishnu
Commander Vimes wrote:Long live the repli's!!!
for all those who don't understand, it would be an empire of sorts where each alliance acts as an individual until the threat of war, at which point we band together and fight back as one. or at least that is my understanding :D

Hey, maybe the Goauld should do something like this, oh, sorry we have. :D

Come on repli's get your cells together. The Tauri and asgards are still laughing at you. Do not expect us Goauld to do all the hard work for you all.

I forsee a great alliance, burning buildings, the Tauri in the last death throes of survival, I spin around and see the great and mighty asgard ship being taken over by replicators and consumed within. Death is all around, and I am filled with hope.

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:28 am
by Lister
I think if you were to keep it as a loose congregation of alliances and individual players that agree to not attack each other and trade amongst ourselves it would be an advantage. But wars should fe fought on individual terms. Keep the replination as more of a flag for replicators to gather around and less of a cohesive group and it could work. Only thing you really need is forums.

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:23 pm
by Morbius2271
Lister wrote:I think if you were to keep it as a loose congregation of alliances and individual players that agree to not attack each other and trade amongst ourselves it would be an advantage. But wars should fe fought on individual terms. Keep the replination as more of a flag for replicators to gather around and less of a cohesive group and it could work. Only thing you really need is forums.

That would provide very little as an advantage in my opinion. You need something like the greeks. An affiliation of city-states (Alliances), that adhere to a single council when involving matters that affects the race as a whole. In such a manner, we all become individual blocks of a whole.

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 12:14 am
by Lister
Yes but each individual entity involded must still be autonomous

au·ton·o·mous /ɔˈtɒnəməs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[aw-ton-uh-muhs] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. Government.
a. self-governing; independent; subject to its own laws only.
b. pertaining to an autonomy.
2. having autonomy; not subject to control from outside; independent: a subsidiary that functioned as an autonomous unit.

There are a few, russia and china have them.

With a collection of single entities and nation states working like that there is very little conflict.

The only main question left is what happens in certain circumstances during war.
What happens exactly to smaller members like AI. Do we have to get involved? Are we a passive member state that contributes in other ways?

A.I have enjoyed a period of quiet growth after a pretty severe massing that saw us lose a lot of resourses and members. We were massed by Nightmare and his buddys from the actions of one member.

I am not sure if A.I are ready for conflict at this time. Our largest members are only relatively small members of a small alliance, of newbies. Say we are attacked by a large alliance, wuold the nation come to our aid, even though if other membewrs were attacked we would be playing a minor (if any) role?

No lock in, there should be no concequences for quitting. May be a part of A.I and Replination while A.I is not a part?

One way would be to have the RepliNation and a RepliArmy. The RepliArmy is the Soldiers amongst us. Ready to fight for the less capable/pacifist replicators.

Don't get we wrong I like the idea. I just have concerns I need sorted before I would be comfortable in presenting this to my replicator brothers and sisters in A.I I do not want to lead them into open conflict again. Just think of this as writing code to make replicatiors programming work together. :lol:

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 12:38 am
by Twitchy
the whole nation the replination
no your idea of an repli army is quite a good one which in that case you can be a part of the repli nation yet still if conflic happens you still do not have to fight (enelase it is you in the conflict) that way they so called "repli army" would be the only ones to get involved, the repli nation be the country the repli army be its armed forces. :D

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 2:21 am
by XTKiller
This just keeps going around in circles. One person says the nation will fight together and attack an enemy for attacking a single member. Another person wants to have immunity from war. What if the enemy attacks more than one member? Then you will be forced to fight no matter how small you or you alliance is. The whole council or whoever is calling the shots still has not been discussed or decided on. The people who started this whole business have not been active on the board. So who is running the show?

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 3:56 am
by Commander Vimes
I have had very little time to get on here but i should be around more now. i can see the logic in a nation with an army in it, and it would probably be a good way of dealing with certain issues so long as our enemies would honour that arrangement. i imagine most members of the nation would be involved in the army for repli pride, and to protect our brothers and sisters :D

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:31 am
by Morbius2271
I see no reason why smaller alliances or weaker members of big alliances can't stay out of direct combat but they should at least provide support to those fighting in the form of turns, naq, and uu, planets, spying, and anything else they can do to help.

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:39 am
by Twitchy
XTKiller wrote:This just keeps going around in circles. One person says the nation will fight together and attack an enemy for attacking a single member. Another person wants to have immunity from war. What if the enemy attacks more than one member? Then you will be forced to fight no matter how small you or you alliance is. The whole council or whoever is calling the shots still has not been discussed or decided on. The people who started this whole business have not been active on the board. So who is running the show?

we are mearly bouncing ideas back and foruth till get get the one true and right solution

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 9:46 am
by Lister
XTKiller wrote:This just keeps going around in circles. One person says the nation will fight together and attack an enemy for attacking a single member. Another person wants to have immunity from war. What if the enemy attacks more than one member? Then you will be forced to fight no matter how small you or you alliance is.

Someone might have a solution for that too. By ourselves in small alliances isn't exactly safe either. Maybe let war ready alliances/individuals only ?

XTKiller wrote: The whole council or whoever is calling the shots still has not been discussed or decided on. The people who started this whole business have not been active on the board. So who is running the show?

It never hurts to discuss things.

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 8:13 am
by Morbius2271
We are taking almost as long to decide this as an Asgard trying to mate. It is quite simple, make a council from the leaders from all alliances involved, as well as a few lone wolves. That council then elects a chairman, which i suggest is changed often, who conducts council meetings and makes vital choices. We can always hammer out the finer detail and even create a set of regulations the council must follow, but we must at least start making progress if we want this to ever happen.

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:10 am
by Commander Vimes
i agree. well i guess each alliance should post it's leader and 2nd so we know who would be involved.

leader- commander vimes
2nd- death god

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:06 am
by Morbius2271
Since I do not know which direction my alliance sways, i shall sign up as a loner until DT leaders respond. If they decline i will stay as a loner

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:29 pm
by Morbius2271
I just quit DT so for now i'll stay a loner

Re: REPLI NATION !!! (updates)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:10 pm
by The White Rider
I too hope some of these issues will be hammered out in time.

I am the leader of Apocalyptica and our 2IC is Vertigo1.

As for the forums, I have been a bit busy with some personal issues but hope to at least provide some assistance with forums.

To start off, I will need the forums created here...

They have excellent free hosting and they run PHPBB2 which is easy to work with and maintain.